
The work order package includes Mbos related to work order planning, reporting and tracking.

See: Description

Package Description

The work order package includes Mbos related to work order planning, reporting and tracking. A work order can be a summary work order, a child work order or a task. A work order hierarchy can include summary work orders, detailed child work orders and tasks associated with this work. The construction of the work order hierarchies allow for the rolling up of work order costs, redefining the detail work, rescheduling the tasks and providing a quicker way to report actuals up and down a hierarchy. Some Mbos in this package keep track of the progress and cost of the work, and some others used to plan the labor, material, tool and service needed for this work to be done, and some others to record the actual labor, material, tool and service has been used, some others used to report the failure information of the work, and some others describe the Safety procedure that needs to be followed to carry out this work. There are many Mbos in this package, although the record of labor, material, tools, and services charged to a work order reside in other packages.

Package Specification

The Mbos and other objects of this set are listed below grouped by function.

These Mbos are used generally:

Work Plan

These Mbos store information about the work order's work plan. Like a job plan, the work plan lists the labor, material, and tool usage related to the work to perform, only the work plan is specific to this work order. Work plans can be entered by the user or copied from an existing job plan.

See also the job plan package.
For actual charges against a work order use the following relationships to get the records.


There are a large number of safety-related Mbos. They are derived from Mbos in the Safety package (see Safety Package description).

A comment about indexes: You will note that for all of these Mbos (except WoSafetyPlan), the unique index to each Mbo contains wonum and wosafetydatasource. This allows multiple rows to exist for the work order, with different IDs and wosafetydatasource. For example, Hazard in the Safety package is unique by hazardid, but WoHazard is unique by wonum, hazardid, and wosafetydatasource.

Wosafetydatasource can equal one of the following:

Following are the safety-related Mbos:

The following diagram shows the relationship between the various safety-related classes. An attribute name followed by an asterisk (*) cannot be null.


There are two Mbos for reporting failure information for a work order.


These MboSets are not related to any single work order but define how the work order objects work:

The purpose of these Mbos is not well defined:

Other classes included in the WO package are:

Related Documentation

Last updated: Monday, March 18, 2002