Interface | Description |
CustomActionInterface | Deprecated
Replaced by interface psdi.common.action.ActionCustomClass
CustomConditionInterface | Deprecated
use psdi.common.condition.CustomCondition
WFActionRemote |
Remote Interface to the WFAction object.
WFActionSetRemote |
Remote Interface to the set of WFActions.
WFAppToolBarRemote |
Remote interface to the WFAppToolBar Mbo.
WFAppToolBarSetRemote |
Remote interface to the WFAppToolBar Set.
WFAsgnGroupRemote | |
WFAsgnGroupSetRemote | |
WFAssignmentRemote |
Remote Interface to the WFAssignment object.
WFAssignmentSetRemote |
Remote Interface to the set of WFAssignments.
WFCallStackRemote | |
WFCallStackSetRemote |
The remote interface to the WFCallStackSet.
WFConditionRemote |
Remote Interface to the WFCondition object.
WFConditionSetRemote |
Remote Interface to the set of WFConditions.
WFInputRemote |
Remote Interface to the WFDecision object.
WFInputSetRemote |
Remote Interface to the set of WFDecisions.
WFInstanceRemote |
Remote interface to a WFInstance Mbo.
WFInstanceSetRemote |
Remote interface to the WFInstance MboSet.
WFInteractionRemote |
Remote interface to WFInterface.
WFInteractionSetRemote |
Remote interface to the WFInteractionSet
WFNodeDetailRemote |
Remote Interface to the WFNodeDetail object.
WFNodeRemote |
Remote Interface to the WFNode object.
WFNodeSetRemote |
Constants for relationships defined in the 'MAXRELATIONSHIP' table are declared here.
WFNotificationRemote |
Remote Interface to the WFNotification object.
WFNotificationSetRemote |
Remote Interface to the set of WFNotifications.
WFProcessRemote |
Remote interface to the WFProcess Mbo
WFProcessSetRemote |
Remote interface to the workflow process set.
WFRevisionRemote | |
WFRevisionSetRemote | |
WFStartRemote |
Remote Interface to the WFStart object.
WFStartSetRemote |
Remote Interface to the set of WFStarts.
WFStopRemote |
Remote Interface to the WFStop object.
WFStopSetRemote |
Remote Interface to the set of WFStops.
WFSubProcessRemote |
Remote interface to the WFSubProcess Mbo.
WFSubProcessSetRemote |
Remote Interface to the set of WFSubProcesss.
WFTaskRemote |
Remote Interface to the WFTask object.
WFTaskSetRemote |
Remote Interface to the set of WFTasks.
WFTransactionRemote |
Remote Interface to the WFTransaction object.
WFTransactionSetRemote |
Remote Interface to the set of WFTransactions.
WFWaitListRemote | |
WFWaitListSetRemote | |
WorkFlowServiceRemote |
Remote Interface to the workflowService object.
Class | Description |
AutoInitCache |
This cache stores the names of the processes marked as AutoInit per Mbo name.
AutoInitCacheFactory |
Wrapper class of tenant specific caches of MAXIMOMLDD
CommaSeparatedTokenizer |
Returns string tokens from a comma separated string.
CustomCondition | Deprecated
Use psdi.common.condition.CoustomCondition instead.
DirectorInput |
Specifies the inputs the Workflow director takes.
FldActionAvailable |
Attribute handler for WFAction attribute Available.
FldActionCondition |
Value Listener class for Condition and Condition Class attributes of the WFAction Mbo.
FldActionIsPositive |
Field class for the IsPositive attribute of the WFAction Mbo.
FldActionMemberID |
The base field class for the MemberNodeID attribute of the WFAction Mbo.
FldActionOwnerID |
The base field class for the OwnerNodeID attribute of the WFAction Mbo.
FldActionSeq |
Value listener for WFAction's Sequence attribute.
FldActionValue |
Field class for the ActionValue attribute of the WFAction Mbo.
FldApplicationId |
Create and return a list of applications to the user
FldAsgnGroupNum | |
FldAssignmentRelationship | |
FldAssignmentRoleID |
Class for validating RoleIDs on WFASSIGNMENT.
FldConditionAttribute |
This field class supports the field handling for the attributes concerning condition definition -
in WFCondition as well as WFAssignment.
FldEscRoleID |
Class for validating WFAssignemt Escalation RoleIDs.
FldInstanceActive | Deprecated
This class no longer needed - replaced by fix for 07-14085
FldInstanceOwnerDesc |
This field class is used to describe the controlled Mbo in the Inbox and Workflow
Administration application.
FldNodeTakeNegative |
Field class for the TakeNegative attribute of the WFNode Mbo.
FldNodeTakePositive |
Field class for the TakePositive attribute of the WFNode Mbo.
FldNodeTitle |
The Title attribute on WFNode.
FldNodeType |
Field class for the NodeType attribute of the WFNode Mbo.
FldNotifySendTo |
This attribute class handles the WFNotification virtual field SendTo.
FldNotifyText |
This attribute class handles the WFNotification virtual fields Subject and Message.
FldPOProcessName |
This field class limits the attribute to active processes for Work Orders.
FldProcessName |
Common validation call for workflow process names.
FldPRProcessName |
This field class limits the attribute to active processes for Work Orders.
FldTempDesc |
This attribute class handles the WFNotification virtual fields Subject and Message.
FldTemplateID |
This attribute class handles the WFNotification TemplateID field.
FldWFAppToolbarIcon |
Value listener to ToolbarIcon attribute of WFAppToolBar.
FldWFAppToolbarName |
Value listener to AppName attribute of WFAppToolBar.
FldWFAppToolbarSeq |
Value listener to ToolbarSequence attribute of WFAppToolBar.
FldWFAsgnApp |
This value listener limits the selection to applications which are for the process's target MBO.
FldWFAsgnEmail |
This class listens to the EmailNotification attribute of the WFAssignment MBO.
FldWFAsgnLastMemo |
Simply takes the value of LASTMEMO.memo and makes it available as an attribute of
FldWFAsgnTemplateID |
Listen for the WFAssignment attribute TemplateID
FldWFInteractionAction |
Listener class for WFInteraction attribute Action.
FldWFInteractionApp |
Validation class for WFInteraction App attribute.
FldWFInteractionObject |
Listener class for ObjectName attribute of WFInteraction and ShowWFInteract.
FldWFInteractionProcess |
Listener for the LaunchProcess attribute of WFInteraction and ShowWFInteract
FldWFInteractionRelation |
Listener class for Relation attribute of WFInteraction and ShowWFInteract
FldWFInteractionTab |
Field listener for the TabName attributes of WFInteraction and ShowWFInteract
FldWFObjectName |
This field class is used by sub-workflow objects to find the ObjectName of the workflow
process they are a part of.
FldWFProcessDesc |
This listener supplies the value for the WFProcess.ProcessDesc attribute, which simply
concatenates the process' Name and Description.
FldWFProcessName |
Field class for the ProcessName attribute of the WFProcess Mbo.
FldWFSubProcessName |
This field class is used for the SubProcessName attribute of WFSubProcess and the virtual Mbo
FldWFTemplateID |
Listen for the WFAssignment attribute TemplateID
FldWOProcessName |
This field class limits the attribute to active processes for Work Orders.
FldXactActionTaken |
WFTransaction non-persistent ActionTaken attribute handler.
FldXactDescription |
WFTransaction non-persistent Description attribute handler.
FldXactReAssigned |
WFTransaction non-persistent ReAssigned attribute handler.
MakeFieldsReadOnly |
Makes the AssetNum and Location attributes of the target Mbo read/only.
MaximoAdminRole |
This class returns the PersonID of the maximo administrator user as
specified in property mxe.adminuserid
NodeDetail | |
OwnerSet |
This FauxMboSet contains the Mbo which is controlled by the workflow instance.
QuickTest | Deprecated
The methods this class tested are now obsolete.
RegisterEventResponse |
This action registers other actions in a EventResponse.
StopWorkflowAction |
This action stops an active workflow instance.
WaitNodeDetail |
Node Detail class for the Workflow Wait node.
WFAction |
Mbo to represent WFAction.
WFActionSet |
Represents the set of WFActions.
WFActivation | |
WFActivationSet |
This Mbo records workflow activations, before the WFInstance record is written.
WFAppToolBar |
This MBO stores information about which Workflow "GO" buttons should appear in the
WFAppToolBarSet |
Set of GO button definitions.
WFAsgnGroup | |
WFAsgnGroupSet | |
WFAssignment |
Mbo to represent WFAssignment object.
WFAssignmentSet |
Represents the set of WFAssignments.
WFCallStack |
The Mbo to represent WFCallStack object.
WFCallStackSet |
The Call Stack keeps track of all things the WF process needs to do as the
work flowed Mbo travels among the nodes.
WFCondition |
Mbo to represent WFCondition object.
WFConditionSet |
Represents the set of WFConditions.
WFInput |
Mbo to represent WFDecision object.
WFInputSet |
Represents the set of WFDecisions.
WFInstance |
Mbo to represent WFInstance object.
WFInstanceListener |
for issue 74974 - need to clear EventResponses created by the instance when it is deactivated.
WFInstanceSet |
A WFInstanceSet with one member Mbo is create whenever a work flow is
initiated on a WFMbo.
WFInteraction |
WFInteraction nodes allow the process to bring up a certain application page and tell the user
what to do.
WFInteractionSet |
Set class for WFInteraction
WFNode |
Mbo to represent WFNode object.
WFNodeDetail |
This is a Mbo subclass that defines common actions for node type specific detail
WFNodeSet |
Represents the set of WFNodes.
WFNotification |
WFNotifications relate a Communication Template to a Task Node or any Action of a process.
WFNotificationSet |
Notifications link a workflow node, action, or assignment to a communication template.
WFProcess |
Mbo to represent WFProcess object.
WFProcessSet |
Represents the set of WFProcesss.
WFRevision |
Mbo to represent WFRevision object.
WFRevisionSet | |
WFStart |
Mbo to represent WFStart object.
WFStartSet |
Represents the set of WFStarts.
WFStop |
Mbo to represent WFStop object.
WFStopSet |
Represents the set of WFStops.
WFSubProcess |
Mbo to represent WFSubProcess object.
WFSubProcessSet |
Represents the set of WFSubProcesss.
WFTask |
Mbo to represent Workflow Tasks.
WFTaskSet |
Represents the set of WFTasks.
WFTransaction |
Mbo to represent WFTransaction object.
WFTransactionSet |
Represents the set of WFTransactions.
WFViewInfo |
This class holds information needed to display the workflow map.
WFWaitList | |
WFWaitListSet | |
Workflow |
This class holds all the data required to display and edit a workflow through
the design tool
WorkflowActionDeletionMonitor |
Listens for the deletion of Action records and prevents the deletion of actions
referenced by active workflow actions.
WorkflowCache |
This cache stores the names of the Mbos that have workflow defined against them.
WorkflowCacheFactory |
Wrapper class of tenant specific caches of MAXIMOMLDD
WorkflowDirector |
This class handles the Workflow - User Interface relations
WorkflowEntity |
This class holds a entity in the workflow
WorkflowNode |
This class holds a node in the workflow
WorkflowNoStatus |
This action is used to set the maximo.
WorkflowOkStatus |
This action is used to clear the maximo.
WorkflowOriginatorRole |
This class returns the PersonID of who started the workflow process.
WorkflowPersonDeletionMonitor |
Listens for the deletion of Person records and prevents the deletion of persons on active work
flow instances and assignments.
WorkflowPVStatus |
When this action is applied it will throw an MXApplicationException telling the user
that the Mbo is under workflow control and the status cannot be changed.
WorkflowRelationship |
This class holds a relationship in the workflow
WorkflowRoleDeletionMonitor |
Listens for the deletion of MaxRole records and prevents the deletion of roles
referenced by workflow assignment templates.
WorkFlowService |
Workflow service object.
WorkflowTargetDeletionMonitor |
This object is responsible for preventing the deletion of any Main Mbo Object which is
controlled by an active workflow process.
WorkflowTemplateDeletionMonitor |
Listens for the deletion of CommTemplate records and prevents the deletion of templates
referenced by active work assignments and notifications.
WorkflowUtility |
Workflow Utility methods
WorkflowWakeup |
This action is used to wake up a workflow instance that stopped at a wait node.
WrapWFNodeDetail |
- Defines a process. The process can be assigned as the default process or called as a sub-process.
- Define a revision of a process. Processes may have multiple revisions. When a process is modified, any active instances continue using the revision of the process they were started with.
- Links a Mbo controlled by workflow to the instance of the workflow process which controls it. A WFInstance is created when a workflow process is started on a Mbo.
- Keeps track of all things the WF process needs to do as the work flow controlled Mbo travels among the nodes. Created for each instance of a workflow process.
- Defines when some entity (Labor, LaborGroup, Role, etc) needs to perform some action.
- Defines those that need to be notified that an action has occurred.
- Permanent record about what a workflow instance has done.
- Defines roles which specify who should be assigned to workflow assignments.
- Nodes are the "boxes" in a workflow process diagram. There are multiple types of nodes, each have an additional record that contains information unique to that node type.
- This is a Mbo subclass that defines common actions for node type specific detail Mbos. These Mbos have a single WFNode to which they are attached to via the three attributes ProcessID, ProcessRev, and NodeID.
- Details for a condition node of a workflow process.
- Details for a manual input node of a workflow process.
- WFActions are the arrows that connect nodes in the workflow diagram.
- Defines the actions useable in a workflow process.
- Details for a start node of a workflow process. Each process has a single start node that defines the node where workflow processing starts.
- Details for a stop node of a workflow process. A process may have multiple stop nodes.
- Detail for a sub-process node of a workflow process. This node specifies the sub-process to perform.
- Detail for a task node of a workflow process.
- Defines the interface for classes which can be specified as custom actions.
- Defines the interface for custom classes used to do special condition evaluations at WFCondition nodes.
- Defines the interface for custom classes used to implement custom roles.
-implements psdi.server.CronTask - Abstract base class for creating workflow related crontasks.
- extends WFCronTaskAdapter - This crontask sends e-mail to all active notifications.
- extends WFCronTaskAdapter - This cronTask escalates all assignments whose time has expired.
- extends WFCronTaskAdapter - Base class for crontasks involving assignments to an 'automatic' assignee.
- extends WFAutoAssignment - AutoAccept class automatically performs the accept action of the assignment for assignments given to the role of 'AUTOASSIGN'.
- extends WFAutoAssignment - WaitForMaterial class is the auto assignment doing work order waiting for material.
- Defines relationships for the workflow MboSets.
- For displaying workflow diagram data.
- This class holds all the data required to display and edit a workflow through the design tool
- Holds information for a WF datum.
- Holds information for a WF node.
- Holds information for a WF action.
-implements CustomActionInterface - Simple implementation of the interface
-implements CustomConditionInterface - Simple implementation of the interface
-implements CustomRoleInterface - Simple implementation of the interface.
- Only subclasses of this class maybe controlled by workflow.
Last updated: 3/26/03