Package psdi.workflow

The Workflow package includes Mbos related to workflow.

See: Description

Package psdi.workflow Description

The Workflow package includes Mbos related to workflow. Workflow allows the design and implementation of processes which control certain types of Mbos. Workflow processes can modify and change the statuses of Mbos as well as create assignments for users to do some action.

Package Specification

There are several categories of MboSets in this package.

Process Definition and Instanciation

These Mbos define a workflow process and store details of a instance of a process started on a WFMbo.

Process Nodes and Actions

These Mbos define the nodes and actions of a process.

Custom Class Interfaces

There are places where custom code can be used as part of the workflow processing.


Many workflow operations can be performed by automated code that operates at a certain time interval.

Workflow Service

Support for workflow process editing.

Basic Adapters for custom classes

Related Documentation

WFMbo - Only subclasses of this class maybe controlled by workflow.

Last updated: 3/26/03