Default domain for the attribute. The domain limits what
is a valid value for the attribute. This constraint can be a particular alphanumeric or
numeric value, or it can be a value list. The domain's type must match the
attribute's datatype. If the data type is ALN, the domain type has to be ALN.
If the datatype is NUMERIC, the domain has to be NUMERIC. Asset attributes
are not neccessarily constrained by a domain. Consequently, the domain
identifier can be null.
public void add()
throws MXException,
Creates an AssetAttribute object for a ClassSpec object. When ClassSpec object allows
a creation of AssetAttribute object for its assetAttrId column, an AssetAttribute has
the ClassSpec as owner.
public void delete(long access)
throws MXException,
Deletes the related objects when the AssetAttribute object is deleted. If the AssetAttribute
is deleted, the related ClassSpec, ItemSpec, LocationSpec and AssetSpec objects
are also deleted.
Called by the framework when the Mbo has been constructed and the
MboValues have been initialized.
This can be overridden by the programmer to provide any custom
initialization they would like to do.
public java.lang.String getNewOrgSiteSql(MboSetRemote specSet)
throws MXException,
IJ18416:the specSet passed is ASSETSPEC, or LOCATIONSPEC for now.
The relationship of assetattribute to ASSETSPEC and LOCATIONSPEC is
assetattrid=:assetattrid out of box. There may be multiple assetattribute
records with same assetattrid but different org/site.
This method checks org or site on the assetattribute record and re-get
ASSETSPEC or LOCATIONSPEC. The code was coded since rel 52 so it did not
do other specifications introduced such as workorderspec,