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The Asset Catalog package includes MBOs for the setup of class structures and class specifications.

See: Description

Package Description

The Asset Catalog package includes MBOs for the setup of class structures and class specifications. A class structure is a group of classifications that describe an asset. For example, all centrifugal pumps might be associated with the class structure that has PUMP as its first classification and CENTRIFUGAL as its first subclassification. Class structures may have up to four subclassifications.

Each class structure may have a set of attributes that apply to all assets associated with it. For example, SIZE, CAPACITY, and SPEED might be three attributes that define centrifugal pumps and differentiate them from each other. A class structure and its attributes make a class specification. Generic class specifications are defined here to be associated with assets (that is, equipment and items) or the locations where they reside.

Once associated, the generic class specification can be modified to better fit the particular asset to which it has been associated. Attributes can be added or removed, and their measure units and values can be modified. A domain may be specified to define valid values. For example, a value may be numeric or alphanumeric, or it may be bound by a value list.

The package also provides methods to search items/locations/equipment based on the classifications that fall under those specifications.

Package Specification

The Mbos included in the Asset Catalog package are:

Other classes NOT included in the Asset Catalog package, but are related to the Asset Catalog setup are:

Last updated: 03/15/02

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