Attribute Name | Description
Changed | Used in the configuration process. Usually equals No.
The values of Changed can be as follows (they are set via
the business object, not directly via the UI).
- N = no changes
- D = drop index
- Y = new (or changed) index
ClusterRule | Identifies whether this is a clustered index:
True for clustered and False for non-clustered.
Not relevant for Oracle (will always be False).
Name | Index Name. Unique identifier for this object.
Required | When equal to Yes, this index cannot be changed or deleted by the user.
This would be the case, for example, for the primary unique index on a table.
This flag is set by IBM Corp. and cannot be changed via the Config application.
StoragePartition | Where the index is stored, if not in the main tablespace.
TbName | Table Name for this index. Foreign key to MaxTable .
TextSearch | Indicates whether this index is needed for text search functionality.
This is set internally by Maximo and cannot be directly changed by the user.
Unique | Non-persistent attribute; boolean (YORN) form for "UniqueRule".
True indicates a unique index, False a duplicate index.
Also see persistent attribute "UniqueRule".
UniqueIDIndex | Non-persistent attribute; identifies whether this index is for the
Unique ID attribute.
UniqueRule | "U" (unique) if this is a unique index, else "D" (duplicate).
Also see non-persistent attribute "Unique".
ViewChanged | Non-persistent attribute. Will equal "Add", "Change", "Delete",
or null, depending on the value of Changed. For display in the UI.