User-defined tables may have this set to True or False, depending on
on what the user chooses when initially defining the table.
(These tables have UserDefined = True and Persistent = True.)
Once the table has been configured, AddRowstamp cannot be changed.
When AddRowstamp is False, the table can be accessed via the
Java framework but cannot be updated.
AltIxName | Alternate index name for record identification by external systems,
when primarykeycolseq or unique key are not appropriate.
This index may or may not be unique and it used only to support external data retrieval.
ContentAttribute | Used internally to support localization and content delivery.
This value is not specified by customers and can be null.
This is the name of a persistent attribute whose value is unique across
the table, and is used as a one-column unique index. There should be metadata in
maxsysindexes / maxsyskeys for this unique index. There may be a different column or series
of columns specified as a different unique index in primarykeycolseq;
or this attribute may have primarykeycolseq = 1.
On the referenced table, the value of this attribute will be human-maintainable;
in other words, this will NOT equal the uniquecolumnname. It may or may not be autokeyed.
When content is delivered, the first 4 characters of the value will be a prefix, same as the
prefix used for error messages (e.g. BMXAA).
EauditTbName | If EauditEnabled is True, this is the name of the audit table.
Also see MaxObject (EAuditEnabled and EAuditFilter attributes) and
MaxAttribute (EAuditEnabled attribute).
IsAuditTable | Indicates whether this is a table used for EAudit. If this is
an audit table, then it is referenced as eaudittbname by another table.
IsLangTable | Indicates whether this is a language table used for multilanguage. If this is
a language table, then it is referenced as langtablename by another table.
LangColumnName | If multilanguage or text search is enabled for this table, the name of the
column that contains the language code is indicated here.
LangTableName | If multilanguage is enabled for this table, this is the name of this table's
language table.
Also see MaxAttribute MLSupported, MLInUse.
RestoreData | Used in the configuration process. Usually equals No on MaxTable.
StoragePartition | Where the table is stored, if not in the main tablespace.
TableName | Table name. Unique identifier for this object.
TextSearchEnabled | Indicates whether text search is enabled for this table. When enabled for the table,
then individual attributes may be flagged for text search via
MaxAttribute SearchType = TEXT .
Oracle calls this facility "Oracle Text," SqlServer calls it
"full-text indexing," and DB2 calls it "Text Extender."
TrigRoot | The root portion of trigger names for this persistent table. This is used when
creating the rowstamp triggers for Oracle and DB2, where the trigger name is composed of this root plus
a suffix. Rowstamp triggers are not used for SqlServer.
UniqueColumnName | Contains the name of the column that composes a one-column unique index on this table.
There will also be related data in MaxSysIndexes and
MaxSysKeys for this index.
There will also be an associated entry in MaxSequence
that indicates the sequence name used for generating values for this column.
(A table may contain more than one unique index, but only one of them will be associated with the
UniqueColumnName.) This column is used in Long Description and Multi-Language processing.