Interface | Description |
AssetInputRemote |
Remote interface of the ReceiptInput object.
AssetInputSetRemote |
Remote Interface to the set of AssetInputs.
IssueItemToAssetRemote | |
IssueItemToAssetSetRemote |
Nothing beyond super.
KitRemote |
Remote Interface to the non-persistent Kit object.
KitSetRemote |
Remote Interface to the set of non-persistent Kit objects
LifoFifoCostRemote | |
LifoFifoCostSetRemote | |
LineSplitRemote | |
LineSplitSetRemote | |
ReorderItemsSetRemote |
Represents the set of ReorderItemss.
RotInspectionLineSetRemote |
Remote Interface to the set of RotInspection.
RotInspectionRemote | |
RotInspectionSetRemote |
Remote Interface to the set of RotInspection.
SplitUseLineRemote | |
SplitUseLineSetRemote | |
WhereUsedSetRemote |
Constants for relationships defined in the 'MAXRELATIONSHIP' table are declared here.
Class | Description |
AssetInput | |
AssetInputSet |
AssetInputSet is a non-persistent MboSet that is created from MatRecTrans that have not yet been approved.
FldAssetInputAssetNum |
This is a non-persistent field validation for AssetNum.
FldCommonStoreloc |
IssueCurrentItem.Storeloc validation:
1) determines if storeloc exists in locations,
2) determines if storeloc/itemnum exists in inventory(user may pick a different storeroom)
FldInvAdjustmentBinNum |
Field rountines associated with the binnum
FldInvAdjustmentConditionCode |
Field rountines associated with the ConditionCode
FldInvAdjustmentLotNum |
Field rountines associated with the lotnum
FldInvAdjustmentPercentageIncrease |
Field rountines associated with the lotnum
FldInvChangeStatus |
Attribute Handler class for the Status attribute of Change Status
Parameter Mbo for items.
FldInvUseChangeStatusBinFlag |
Validation class for bin flag attribute in InvUseChangetatus.
FldIssueCurrentItemAssetnum |
IssueCurrentItem.Assetnum Validation
- if user has entered itemnum and storeroom, but hasn't entered a wonum or location THEN...
FldIssueCurrentItemBinNum |
Field rountines associated with the binnum
FldIssueCurrentItemConditionCode |
Field rountines associated with the binnum
FldIssueCurrentItemIssueType |
Behavior of the issuetype field in the MatUseTrans object
FldIssueCurrentItemLocation |
Behavior of the location field in the IssueCurrentItem object
(not to be confused with storeloc!)
FldIssueCurrentItemLotNum |
Field rountines associated with the lotnum
FldIssueCurrentItemMRLineNum |
IssueCurrentItem.MRLineNum Validation provides the following:
- verifies that entered value exists in the MRLINE table for the mrnum
FldIssueCurrentItemMRNum |
Verifies that the mr's existence in the mr table.
FldIssueCurrentItemQuantity |
Behavior of the quantity field in the IssueCurrentItem object
FldIssueCurrentItemRefWO |
Behavior of wonum in the IssueCurrentItem object
FldIssueCurrentItemRotAssetnum |
IssueCurrentItem.RotAssetnum Validation does the following:
- since field is read-only unless itemnum.rotating = 'y', checks to ensure itemnum is rotating
and then checks if storeroom has been entered.
FldIssueCurrentItemStoreloc |
IssueCurrentItem.Storeloc validation:
1) determines if storeloc/itemnum exists in inventory(user may pick a different storeroom)
FldIssueCurrentItemTaskID |
Behavior of taskid in the IssueCurrentItem object
FldIssueCurrentItemToSiteId |
Behavior of the ToSiteId field in the 'issuecurrentitem'
FldIssueCurrentItemUnitCost |
IssueCurrentItem.UnitCost Validation does the following:
- sets the linecost equal to quantity*unitcost
FldIssueCurrentItemWONum |
Behavior of wonum in the IssueCurrentItem object
FldIssuedItemForReturnKeepCurQty |
This is the field validation class for KeepCurQty field of IssuedItemForReturn.
FldIssuedItemForReturnShowAgainPref |
This is the field validation class for ResvPref field of InvUse.
FldIssueItemToAssetBinNum |
Field rountines associated with the binnum
FldIssueItemToAssetConditionCode |
Field rountines associated with the condition code.
FldIssueItemToAssetIssueType |
Behavior of the issuetype field in the IssueItemToAsset object
FldIssueItemToAssetLotNum |
Field rountines associated with the lotnum.
FldIssueItemToAssetStoreloc | |
FldKitQuantity |
Behavior of the Quantity field in the Kit object
FldLineSplitFromBin |
InvUseLineSplit.FromBin validation class.
FldLineSplitFromLot |
InvUseLineSplit.FromLot Validation provides the following:
- verifies that entered value exists in the FromLot object
FldLineSplitItemNum |
Behavior of the itemnum field in the LineSplit object
FldLineSplitQuantity |
LineSplit.Quantity validation class.
FldLineSplitRotAssetnum |
LineSplit.RotAssetnum Validation does the following:
- since field is read-only unless itemnum.rotating = 'y', checks to ensure itemnum is rotating
and then checks if fromstoreroom has been entered.
FldReorderItemsAllItems |
ReorderItems.AllItems validation:
FldReorderItemsDirectIssue |
Functionality for the Locations.ISDEFAULT field.
FldReorderItemsStoreloc |
ReorderItems.Storeloc validation:
FldReservationKeepCurQty |
This is the field validation class for KeepCurQty field of Reservation.
FldReservationShowAgainPref |
This is the field validation class for ResvPref field of Reservation.
FldTransferCurItemConditionCode |
Field rountines associated with the lotnum
FldTransferCurItemFromBin |
Field rountines associated with the binnum in the TransferCurItem object
FldTransferCurItemFromConditionCode |
Field rountines associated with the binnum in the TransferCurItem object
FldTransferCurItemFromLot |
Field rountines associated with the lotnum
FldTransferCurItemFromStoreloc |
TransferCurItem.FromStoreloc validation:
1) determines if storeloc/itemnum exists in inventory(user may pick a different storeroom)
FldTransferCurItemQuantity |
Behavior of the quantity field in the TransferCurItem object
FldTransferCurItemToBin |
Field rountines associated with the binnum
FldTransferCurItemToLot |
Field rountines associated with the lotnum
FldTransferCurItemToSiteId | |
FldTransferCurItemToStoreloc | |
FldTransferCurItemUnitCost |
TransferCurItem.UnitCost Validation does the following:
- sets the linecost equal to quantity*unitcost
FldWhereUsedAssetnum |
Behavior of the quantity field in the WhereUsed object
FldWhereUsedQuantity |
Behavior of the quantity field in the WhereUsed object
InvAdjustment |
Mbo object to represent Reconcile Balances for inventory items.
InvAdjustmentSet |
Represents the set of InventoryAdjustments.
InvChangeStatus |
ItemChangeStatus object definition.
InvChangeStatusSet |
This action set is used to set parameters for item change status.
InvUseChangeStatus |
InvUseChangeStatus object definition.
InvUseChangeStatusSet |
This action set is used to set parameters for invuse change status.
IssueCurrentItem |
Mbo object to represent IssueCurrentItem.
IssueCurrentItemSet |
Represents the set of IssueCurrentItems.
IssuedItemForReturn |
Mbo object to represent IssuedItemForReturn.
IssuedItemForReturnSet |
Represents the set of ReservationSet.
IssueItemToAsset |
Mbo object to represent IssueItemToAsset.
IssueItemToAssetSet |
Represents the set of IssueItemToAssetSet.
Kit |
Mbo object to represent Kit.
KitSet |
Represents the set of Kits.
LifoFifoCost |
Mbo object to represent LifoFifoCost.
LifoFifoCostSet |
Represents the set of LifoFifoInvBalSet.
LineSplit |
Mbo object to represent LineSplit.
LineSplitSet |
This is the non persistent object for Splitting balances across bins and selecting rotating
assets for rotating items.
ReorderCronParamSet | |
ReorderItems |
Mbo object to represent ReorderItems.
ReorderItemsSet |
Represents the set of ReorderItemss.
Reservation |
Mbo object to represent Reservation.
ReservationSet |
Represents the set of ReservationSet.
RotInspection |
RotInspection is a non-persistent Mbo.
RotInspectionLine |
RotInspectionLine is a non-persistent Mbo.
RotInspectionLineSet |
RotInspectionLineSet is a non-persistent MboSet that is created from MatRecTrans that need to be approved.
RotInspectionSet |
RotInspectionSet is a non-persistent MboSet that is created from MatRecTrans that need to be approved.
SplitUseLine |
Mbo object to represent SplitUseLine.
SplitUseLineSet |
This is the non persistent object for Splitting balances across bins and selecting rotating
assets for rotating items.
TransferCurItem |
Mbo object to represent TransferCurItem.
TransferCurItemSet |
Represents the set of TransferCurItem.
WhereUsed |
Mbo object to represent non-persistent WhereUsed.
WhereUsedSet |
WhereUsedSet is a non-persistent MboSet that is used to see where an inventory item
is being used.