See: Description
Interface | Description |
InvoiceCostRemote |
Remote Interface to the InvoiceCost object.
InvoiceCostSetRemote |
Remote Interface to the set of InvoiceCost.
InvoiceLineRemote |
Remote Interface to the InvoiceLine object.
InvoiceLineSetRemote |
Remote Interface to the set of InvoiceLine.
InvoiceMatchRemote |
Remote Interface to the InvoiceMatch object.
InvoiceMatchSetRemote |
Remote Interface to the set of InvoiceMatch.
InvoiceRemote |
Remote Interface to the Invoice object.
InvoiceServiceRemote |
Remote Interface to the POService object.
InvoiceSetRemote |
Remote Interface to the set of Invoice.
InvoiceStatusRemote |
Remote Interface to the InvoiceStatus object.
InvoiceStatusSetRemote |
Remote Interface to the set of InvoiceStatus.
InvoiceTermRemote |
Remote Interface to the InvoiceTerm object.
InvoiceTermSetRemote |
Remote Interface to the set of Invoice Term.
InvoiceTransRemote |
Remote Interface to the Invoice object.
InvoiceTransSetRemote |
Remote Interface to the set of InvoiceTrans.
Class | Description |
FldInvoiceBaseTotalCostForUI |
Invoice.BaseTotalCostForUI is a non-persistent field that corresponding with BaseTotalCost.
FldInvoiceContractRefNum |
This is the field validation class for ContractRefNum field of Invoice.
FldInvoiceCostAssetNum |
InvoiceCost.assetnum validation class: The base class FldCommonAssetnum checks if
the asset entered here is a valid asset.
FldInvoiceCostAssetNumNonPer |
InvoiceCost.assetnumnonper (non-persistent) validation class: This class is needed to handle the
non-persistent field assetnumnonper which is displayed on the invoice line tab.
FldInvoiceCostChargeStore |
InvoiceCost.chargestore validation class: Specifies if the invoice cost
line has to be charged to a store.
FldInvoiceCostGLCreditAcct |
InvoiceCost.glcreditacct validation class: The base class FldPartialGLAccount
checks if the GL account entered here is a valid.
FldInvoiceCostGLCreditAcctNonPer |
InvoiceCost.glcreditacctnonper (non-persistent) validation class: This class is needed to
handle the non-persistent field glcreditacctnonper which is displayed on the invoice line tab.
FldInvoiceCostGLDebitAcct |
InvoiceCost.gldebitacct validation class: The base class FldPartialGLAccount
checks if the GL account entered here is a valid.
FldInvoiceCostGLDebitAcctNonPer |
InvoiceCost.gldebitacctnonper (non-persistent) validation class: This class is needed to
handle the non-persistent field gldebitacctnonper which is displayed on the invoice line tab.
FldInvoiceCostLineCost |
InvoiceCost.linecost validation class: Checks if the invoice cost line cost
is not greater than the invoice line cost.
FldInvoiceCostLineCostForUI |
InvoiceCost.LineCostForUI is a non-persistent field that corresponding with LineCost.
FldInvoiceCostLocation |
InvoiceCost.location validation class: The base class FldCommonLocation
checks if the location entered here is a valid location and belongs to
a valid asset.
FldInvoiceCostLocationNonPer |
InvoiceCost.assetnumnonper (non-persistent) validation class: This class is needed to handle the
non-persistent field locationnonper which is displayed on the invoice line tab.
FldInvoiceCostPercentage |
InvoiceCost.percentage validation class: Updates the invoice cost quantity and linecost
based on the percentage.
FldInvoiceCostQty |
InvoiceCost.quantity validation class: Checks if the quantity entered is not greater than the
invoice line quantity.
FldInvoiceCostQtyForUI |
InvoiceCost.QtyForUI is a non-persistent field that corresponding with Quantity.
FldInvoiceCostRefWO |
InvoiceCost.refwo validation class: The base class FldCommonWonum checks
if the work order entered here is a valid work order.
FldInvoiceCostTaskID |
InvoiceCost.taskid validation class: The base class FldTaskID updates the refwo
FldInvoiceCostTaskIDNonPer |
InvoiceCost.taskidnonper (non-persistent) validation class: This class is needed to handle
the non-persistent field taskidnonper which is displayed on the invoice line tab.
FldInvoiceCostToSiteID |
InvoiceCost.tositeid validation class: This class validates the tositeid field
of the invoice cost.
FldInvoiceCostToSiteIDNonPer |
InvoiceCost.tositeidnonper (non-persistent) validation class: This class is needed to handle the
non-persistent field tositeidnonper which is displayed on the invoice line tab.
FldInvoiceCostUnitCost |
InvoiceCost.unitcost validation class: Sets the invoice cost linecost equals to unitcost
by quantity if both are not null.
FldInvoiceCostWONum |
InvoiceCost.wonum validation class: The base class FldInterfaceWonum sets value
of the refwo attribute of the invoice cost.
FldInvoiceCostWONumNonPer |
InvoiceCost.wonumnonper (non-persistent) validation class: This class is needed to handle the
non-persistent field wonumnonper which is displayed on the invoice line tab.
FldInvoiceCurrencyCode |
Invoice currencycode validation class validates if the currency code entered is valid and if valid
sets the new exchangerate and exchangedate and sets the unitcost and Extends the common class FldCommonCurrencyCode
which further extends FldCurrencyCode.
FldInvoiceDocType |
Invoice.documenttype validation class: This field identifies the type
of the invoice which means it has to be of INVOICE, CREDIT or DEBIT type.
FldInvoiceExchangeRate |
Invoice.exchangerate validation class: Exchange Rate field stores the
exchange rate between the invoice currency and the base currency.
FldInvoiceInclusive |
Invoice.inclusive1-5 validation class: Calculates the invoice pre-tax total,
total cost and base total cost when the field is toggled.
FldInvoiceInvoiceDate |
Invoice.invoicedate validation class: Invoice date field stores the
invoice vendor's document date.
FldInvoiceLineContractRefNum |
This is the field validation class for ContractRefNum field of InvoiceLine.
FldInvoiceLineIsDistributed |
InvoiceLine.isdistributed(non-persistant attribute) validation class: isdistributed is
a non-persistant field that is set to true for any invoiceline that has more than one
invoicecost line associated with it.
FldInvoiceLineItemNum |
This class is the validation class for the itemnum on the InvoiceLine.
FldInvoiceLineLeaseAsset |
InvoiceLine.leaseasset validation class: This class validates that the asset entered
here is valid and is used on the contract for this invoice.
FldInvoiceLineLineCost |
InvoiceLine.linecost validation class: The base class FldMatServLineCost sets the
invoice line tax that sets the invoice totaltax which in turn sets invoice pretaxtotal
and/or totalcost depending on the syscode.
FldInvoiceLineLineCostForUI |
InvoiceLine.LineCostForUI is a non-persistent field that corresponding with LineCost.
FldInvoiceLineLineType |
'LINETYPE' field validation for InvoiceLine only.
FldInvoiceLineLoadedCost |
InvoiceLine.LoadedCost validation class: Sets the invoice line loaded cost.
FldInvoiceLineLoadedCostForUI |
InvoiceLine.LoadedCostForUI is a non-persistent field that corresponding with LoadedCost.
FldInvoiceLinePOLineNum |
InvoiceLine.polinenum validation class: The base class FldPOLineNum checks that the
ponum/polinenum combination entered is valid.
FldInvoiceLinePONum |
InvoiceLine.ponum validation class: Validates that the entered PO is a valid PO
and the invoice line PO is the same as the Invoice PO.
FldInvoiceLineProrateCost |
InvoiceCost.chargestore validation class: Specifies if the invoice cost
line has to be charged to a store.
FldInvoiceLineQty |
InvoiceLine.invoiceqty validation class: Sets the invoice line unitcost and linecost
depending the quantity value entered.
FldInvoiceLineQtyForUI |
InvoiceLine.QtyForUI is a non-persistent field that corresponding with InvoiceQty.
FldInvoiceLineTax |
InvoiceLine.tax1-5 validation class: The base class FldCommonTax recalculates
the totaltax1-5 on the invoice.
FldInvoiceLineTaxExempt |
This is the field validation class for the tax exempt field in invoiceline.
FldInvoiceLineTaxForUI |
InvoiceLine.TaxForUI is a non-persistent field that corresponding with Tax1-Tax5.
FldInvoiceLineTotal |
Invoice.LineTotal is a non-persistent field that shows the sum of Line Cost of Invoice Line.
FldInvoiceLineUnitCost |
InvoiceLine.unitcost validation class: Sets the invoice line quantity and linecost
depending the unitcost value entered.
FldInvoiceMatchPOLineNum |
InvoiceMatch.polinenum validation Class: The base class FldPOLineNum checks if
the entered ponum/polinenum coombination is valid.
FldInvoiceNum |
Common validation class for: Invoice identifier - invoicenum
The validation only checks that the entered value exists in the invoice table.
FldInvoiceOrigInvoice |
Invoice.originvoicenum validation class: The base class FldInvoiceNum checks
if the entered original invoice is a valid invoice.
FldInvoicePersonID |
Field validation for enterby attribute of INVOICE object.
FldInvoicePONum |
Invoice.ponum validation class: The base class FldPONnum checks if the entered ponum
is valid.
FldInvoicePreTaxTotal |
Invoice.pretaxtotal(non-persistent attribute) validation class: Pretaxtotal is a
non-persistent field which stores the invoice total cost before taxes.
FldInvoicePreTaxTotalForUI |
Invoice.PreTaxTotalForUI is a non-persistent field corresponding with another non-persisitent field
FldInvoiceScheduleNum |
Invoice.schedulenum validation class: Checks if the entered schedule number is valid.
FldInvoiceTotalCost |
Invoice.totalcost validation class: This class recalculates and set the invoice
pretaxtotal based on the syscode.
FldInvoiceTotalCostForUI |
Invoice.TotalCostForUI is a non-persistent field that corresponding with TotalCost.
FldInvoiceTotalTax |
Invoice.totaltax1-5 validation class: This class recalculates and sets the pretaxtotal,
totalcost and the basetotalcost depending upon the syscode.
FldInvoiceTotalTaxForUI |
Invoice.TotalTaxForUI is a non-persistent field that corresponding with TotalTax1-TotalTax5.
FldInvoiceTransCurrLineCost |
InvoiceTrans.currencylinecost validation class: This class calculates and sets the
InvoiceTrans linecost and linecost2 in invoice currency (currencylinecost * exchangerate).
FldInvoiceTransInvoiceNum |
InvoiceTrans.invoicenum validation class: Copy currencycode, exchangerate and
exchangerate2 from the related Invoice.
FldInvoiceTransTransDate |
InvoiceTrans.transdate validation class: This class sets a valid financial period
based on the transaction date.
FldInvoiceTransTransType |
InvoiceTrans.transtype validation class: The base class validates if the entered
InvoiceTrans type exists in the valuelist "INVCXTYP".
FldInvoiceUnInvoicedTotal |
Invoice.uninvoicedtotal(non-persistant attribute) validation class: UnInvoicedTital is
a non-persistant field which displays the cost which has not been invoiced against
the PO's total cost.
FldInvoiceVariance |
Invoice.Variance is a non-persistent field that shows the difference between pretax total and linetotal.
FldInvoiceVendor |
Invoice.vendor validation class: The base class FldCompany checks if the vendor
entered here is valid.
Invoice |
Mbo object to represent Invoice.
InvoiceCost |
Mbo object to represent InvoiceCost.
InvoiceCostSet |
Represents the set of InvoiceCost objects.
InvoiceLine |
Mbo object to represent InvoiceLine.
InvoiceLineSet |
Represents the set of InvoiceLine objects.
InvoiceMatch |
Mbo object to represent InvoiceMatch.
InvoiceMatchSet |
Represents the set of InvoiceMatch objects.
InvoiceService | |
InvoiceSet |
Represents the set of Invoice objects.
InvoiceStatus |
Mbo object to represent InvoiceStatus.
InvoiceStatusHandler |
Handles all the status changes for a invoice object.
InvoiceStatusSet |
Represents the set of InvoiceStatus objects.
InvoiceSysCode |
Object to provide convenient access to syscode attribute of invoice object.
InvoiceTerm |
MBO to represent Invoice Terms and Conditions.
InvoiceTermSet |
Represents the set of Invoice Term
InvoiceTrans |
Mbo object to represent InvoiceTrans.
InvoiceTransSet |
Represents the set of InvoiceTrans objects.
The MBOs included in the Invoice package are:
-- This MBO represents an invoice.
The invoice application is a set of related objects working closely together, with the invoice object at the
top level. It contains all the header information for that particular invoice like the PO against which it is
created, vendor, currency, total cost, total taxes, and other invoice specific information. An invoice can be
created against a single PO, multiple POs or without a PO. In case of a PO, it contains information such as the
invoice number, corresponding PO number, any receipts recorded for that PO, and other information specific to
the invoice. In case of an invoice related to multiple POs, the invoice object only contains invoice specific
information with POs listed on the invoice lines. If the invoice is without a PO, it represents a bill for
which there is no PR or PO. This could be appropriate if, for example, you receive an invoice for a rent or
utilities. In this case the invoice object only contains invoice specific information. Invoice can be of type
invoice, credit, and debit. You might use a credit type if you are returning items to a vendor, and a debit
type if the vendor had additional charges that were not on the invoice. An invoice cannot be approved without
invoice lines.
-- Invoice can have one or more InvoiceLine, which in turn has
one or more InvoiceCost. InvoiceLine can either be a material line in which case it has an item, or it can be
service line. A service line can be for a PO or it can be a standard service. Example of a standard service
InvoiceLine is installation costs appearing on the vendor's invoice, which were not originally specified on
the PO. An InvoiceLine contains the total value and quantity that is associated to that line. You cannot approve
an Invoice without any InvoiceLine.
-- InvoiceCost contains the accounting distribution/charge details
for the InvoiceLine. The cost of an individual InvoiceLine is spread to more than one general ledger account,
work order, location, or piece of equipment. Each InvoiceLine should have at least one InvoiceCost. Costs can
only be distributed if the POLine related to this InvoiceCost's owner InvoiceLine is a direct issue, or the
InvoiceLine is a service without a PO.
-- InvoiceStatus represents all the statuses an Invoice goes
through during its lifetime. A new InvoiceStatus object is created every time a new invoice is created and also
every time when an existing Invoice changes status. This object stores all the status change information for a
particular Invoice like the current status, change date, the user who changed it, and a memo. You can only change
an Invoice's status if you have the required privileges to do so.
-- InvoiceMatch MBO is associated to the InvoiceLine in
the sense that it contains one or more records that match to the receipt line for that invoice. The total
quantity of the matched receipt cannot exceed the total received receipts of PO-POLine associated with this
particular invoice. If receipt was not required on the POLine, creation of InvoiceMatch is not needed. If it is
a service InvoiceLine, the match should be done against service receipts, otherwise material receipts. An Invoice
cannot be approved if it is not fully matched.
-- InvoiceTrans MBO represents the transactions written
during invoice approval. These may be variance transactions, tax transactions, or total transactions. The variance
transactions are of two types CURVAR (currency variance) and INVCEVAR (price variance). Currency variance exists
when the PO and the Invoice both have the same currencies, and the exchange rate from the PO currency to the
base currency has changed from the time of receipt to Invoice. Price variance exists when the price of the cost
of the invoiced item is different from what it was when it was used on the PO, and also when the PO and the Invoice
currencies are different. Tax transactions of type TAX1 to TAX5 are written depending upon the Add Tax to Line
and Pay Tax to Vendor settings. If tax transactions are written, they need to be done for each tax type code so
potentially there could be five transactions for each InvoiceLine. InvoiceTrans of type TOTAL is written for the
Invoice as a whole, on approval.
-- SCharges stores the charges for services to be used on Invoice or PO/PR.
These are additional service costs that may be included on the vendor's Invoice, but were not originally specified
on the PO. SCharges or standard services as they are also called, can include charges incurred with a purchase
(freight, shipping, installation fees) or utility fees (telephone, gas, electric). Typically, you would enter a
standard service as a separate line item.
-- Tolerance MBO represents the level of price tolerance for an
Invoice. Invoice cannot be approved if the tolerance level does not fall within the set limit. You can specify
Tolerance levels for POlines, taxes and special charges.
Other classes included in the Invoice package are:
-- Service class for the package.
-- Helper class for maintaining InvoiceStatus MBOs.
All invoice status changes go through this class. This class checks the privileges of the user to decide if the
status change is allowed or not. Informative messages are given to the user as to why the status change failed.
-- InvoiceSysCode object provides convenient access to
the syscode field of invoice. This class is internally used by the Invoice package objects.
Workflow Mbo
Last updated: March 22, 2002
Updated by: Aman Thakur