Interface | Description |
BudgetAnalysisAxisNumberRemote | |
BudgetAnalysisAxisNumberSetRemote | |
BudgetAnalysisAxisRemote | |
BudgetAnalysisAxisSetRemote | |
BudgetFlagRemote | |
BudgetFlagSetRemote | |
BudgetLineRemote | |
BudgetLineSetRemote | |
BudgetMonitoredRemote | |
BudgetMonitoredSetRemote | |
BudgetRemote | |
BudgetRuleAssociationRemote | |
BudgetRuleAssociationSetRemote | |
BudgetRuleProcRemote | |
BudgetRuleProcSetRemote | |
BudgetRuleProcTransRemote | |
BudgetRuleProcTransSetRemote | |
BudgetRuleRemote | |
BudgetRuleSetRemote | |
BudgetRuleTransactionDateRemote | |
BudgetRuleTransactionDateSetRemote | |
BudgetSetRemote | |
BudgetStatusRemote | |
BudgetStatusSetRemote | |
DataAccessor | |
PDSpecRemote |
Remote Interface to the PDSpec object.
PDSpecSetRemote |
Remote Interface to the set of PDSpecSet objects.
POCostRemote | |
POCostSetRemote |
Remote Interface to the set of POCost lines.
POEcomStatusRemote |
Remote Interface to the POEcomStatus object.
POEcomStatusSetRemote |
Remote Interface to the set of POEcomStatus
POLineRemote |
Remote Interface to the POLine object.
POLineSetRemote |
Remote Interface to the set of POLine.
PORemote |
Remote Interface to the PO object.
POServiceRemote |
Remote Interface to the POService object.
POSetRemote |
Remote Interface to the set of POs.
POStatusRemote |
Remote Interface to the POStatus object.
POStatusSetRemote |
Remote Interface to the set of POStatus's
POTermRemote |
Remote Interface to the POTerm object.
POTermSetRemote |
Remote Interface to the set of PO Term.
ShipmentLineRemote |
Remote Interface to the ShipmentLine object.
ShipmentLineSetRemote |
Remote Interface to the set of ShipmentLine.
ShipmentRemote |
Remote Interface to the Shipment object.
ShipmentSetRemote |
Remote Interface to the set of Shipments.
TermRemote |
Remote Interface to the Term object.
TermSetRemote |
Remote Interface to the set of TermSetRemote.
VendorStatusRemote |
Remote Interface to the VendorStatus object.
VendorStatusSetRemote |
Remote Interface to the set of VendorStatus.
Class | Description |
Budget | |
BudgetAnalysisAxis | |
BudgetAnalysisAxisNumber | |
BudgetAnalysisAxisNumberSet | |
BudgetAnalysisAxisSet | |
BudgetFlag | |
BudgetFlagSet | |
BudgetLine | |
BudgetLineSet | |
BudgetMonitored | |
BudgetMonitoredSet | |
BudgetRule | |
BudgetRuleAssociation | |
BudgetRuleAssociationSet | |
BudgetRuleProc | |
BudgetRuleProcSet | |
BudgetRuleProcTrans | |
BudgetRuleProcTransSet | |
BudgetRuleSet | |
BudgetRuleTransactionDate | |
BudgetRuleTransactionDateSet | |
BudgetService | |
BudgetSet | |
BudgetStatus | |
BudgetStatusHandler | |
BudgetStatusSet | |
BudgetUpdateCronTask | |
FldBudgetAnalysisAxisDataAccessor | |
FldBudgetAnalysisAxisNumberCondition | |
FldBudgetAnalysisAxisNumberExpObject | |
FldBudgetAnalysisAxisNumberSequence | |
FldBudgetBudgetAnalysisAxisNum | |
FldBudgetBudgetCode | |
FldBudgetBudgetvarnum | |
FldBudgetCalcEndDate |
Validation for enddate attribute in PO object
FldBudgetCalcStartDate |
Validation for enddate attribute in PO object
FldBudgetCost | |
FldBudgetFinancialPeriod | |
FldBudgetResponsibility | |
FldBudgetRuleAssociationAttributeName | |
FldBudgetRuleAssociationBudgetAnalysisAxisNum | |
FldBudgetRuleProcRuleNum | |
FldBudgetRuleTransactionDateAttributeName | |
FldBudgetSiteID | |
FldBudgetVarsDataAccessor | |
FldBudgetYear | |
FldPOBuyerCompany |
Validation for buyercompany attribute in PO object
FldPOCostLineCost |
This is the field validation class for linecost field of the POCost object.
FldPOCostPercentage |
This is the field validation class for percentage field of the POCost object.
FldPOCostQuantity |
Validation class for PO Cost Quantity.
FldPOEndDate |
Validation for enddate attribute in PO object
FldPOIgnoreCntRev |
This is the field validation class for Ignore Contract Validation on PO Approval
FldPOLineAmountToReceive |
AmountToReceive is a non-persistent field in a desktop receiving table
AmountToReceive represents the actual dollar amount that is yet to be received
AmountToReceive validation does the following:
initializes the value before any get methods attempt to retrieve value
FldPOLineContRefLineNum |
This is the field validation class for non-persistent ContRefLineNum field of POLine.
FldPOLineGLDebitAcct |
Validation for enddate attribute in PO object
FldPOLineLocation |
This is field class validation for the location field of POLine.
FldPOLineNum |
base field validation class for polinenum.
FldPOLinePOLineNum |
base field validation class for polinenum.
FldPOLinePONum | |
FldPOLinePRLineNum |
This is the field validation class for non-persistent PRLineNum field of POLine.
FldPOLinePRNum |
This is the field validation class for non-persistent PRNum field of POLine.
FldPOLineQtyToReceive |
FldPOLineQtyToReceive is a non-persistent field in a desktop receiving table
FldPOLineQtyToReceive represents the actual amount being received
FldPOLineQtyToReceive validation does the following:
- initializes the value before any get methods attempt to retrieve value
- calculates value by subtracting quantity already received from quantity ordered
FldPOLineReceiptTolerance |
POLine.ReceiptTolerance validation class: need recalculate the ReceiptTolAmt or ReceiptTolQty
FldPOLineReceivedLineCost |
FldPOLineReceivedLineCost is a non-persistent field in a desktop receiving table
FldPOLineReceivedLineCost represents the actual dollar amount being received
FldPOLineReceivedLineCost validation does the following:
initializes the value before any get methods attempt to retrieve value
Sets its value as the sum of the linecosts of the related Servrectrans Mbos
FldPOLineRFQNum |
This is the field validation class for non-persistent RFQNum field of POLine.
FldPOLineShipTo |
This is the field validation class for ShipTo attribute in POLine.
FldPOLineShipToAttn |
This is the field validation class for ShipToAttn attribute in POLine.
FldPOLineToOrgID |
This is the field validation class for ToOrgID non-persistent field of POLine.
FldPOLineToSiteID |
This is the field validation class for ToSiteID field of POLine.
FldPOLineUnInvoicedCost |
POLine.uninvoicedcost (non-persistant attribute) validation class: UnInvoicedCost is
a non-persistant field which displays the cost which has not been invoiced against
the this poline receipt.
FldPOLineUnInvoicedQuantity |
POLine.uninvoicedquantity (non-persistant attribute) validation class: UnInvoicedQuantity
is a non-persistant field which displays the quantity which has not been invoiced against
the this po line.
FldPONum |
This class evaluates a PONUM.
FldPOOriginalPONum |
This is the field validation class for originalponum field of PO.
FldPOPayOnReceipt |
Field routines associated with the payonreceipt field in the PO object.
FldPOPOType |
Field rountines associated with the POType field in the PO object
FldPOPurchaseAgent |
Field validation class for PO's Purchase Agent.
FldPOReceivedTotalCost |
FldPOReceivedTotalCost is a non-persistent field in a desktop receiving table
FldPOReceivedTotalCost represents the actual dollar amount being received
This validation does the following:
initializes the value before any get methods attempt to retrieve value
Sets its value as the sum of the linecosts of the related Servrectrans Mbos
FldPOStartDate |
Validation for startdate attribute in PO object
FldPOStoreLoc |
This is the field validation class for storeloc field of PO and PR.
FldPOTermDescription |
Base field validation class for the attribute "Description" on all apps that use Term Desc.
FldPOTermId |
base field validation class for termid.
FldShipmentShipTo |
common field validation class of ship to.
PDSpec |
Mbo object to represent PDSpec Specification.
PDSpecSet |
Represents the set of JobTaskSpec objects.
Period | |
PO |
MBO to represent a Purchase Order in a Maximo System
A Purchase Order is an authorized order from a purchasing agent or department to an external vendor. |
POCost |
MBO object to represent a Purchase Order Cost.
POCostSet |
Represents the Mbo set of POCost.
POEcomStatus |
MBO to represent a Purchase Order E-commerce Status.
POEcomStatusSet |
Represents the set of POEcomStatus
POLine |
MBO to represent a Purchase Order Line in the MAXIMO System.
POLineSet |
Represents the set of POLines.
POService |
A Service class that contains general purpose methods related to PO.
POSet |
Represents the set of POs.
POStatus |
MBO to represent a Purchase Order Status.
POStatusChangeListener |
This object is created to respond to PO approval event where a work order
could be created.
POStatusHandler |
Handles all the status changes for a po object.This is a helper class.
POStatusSet |
Represents the set of POStatus's.
POTerm |
MBO to represent PO Terms and Conditions.
POTermSet |
Represents the set of PO Term
QualifiedSegmentDataAccessor | |
QualifiedSegmentDataAccessor.Segment1DataAccessor | |
QualifiedSegmentDataAccessor.Segment2DataAccessor | |
QualifiedSegmentDataAccessor.Segment3DataAccessor | |
QualifiedSegmentDataAccessor.Segment4DataAccessor | |
QualifiedSegmentDataAccessor.Segment5DataAccessor | |
QualifiedSegmentDataAccessor.Segment6DataAccessor | |
QualifiedSegmentDataAccessor.Segment7DataAccessor | |
Shipment |
MBO to represent Shipment (Advanced Ship Notice).
ShipmentLine |
MBO to represent ShipmentLine.
ShipmentLineSet |
Represents the set of ShipmentLines.
ShipmentSet |
Represents the set of Shipments.
SimpleDataAccessor | |
Term |
MBO to represent Term.
TermSet |
Represents the set of TermSetRemote.
VendorStatus |
MBO to represent VendorStatus which is the second transaction the vendor communicates
after they have confirmed receipt of the PO via the Acknowledgement Transaction.
VendorStatusSet |
Represents the set of VendorStatus.
Enum | Description |
BudgetRuleRemote.Operator |
The PO package includes MBOs related to Purchase Orders (POs).
Items that need to be ordered
from a vendor or a storeroom are entered on a purchase order. Services can also be
entered on a purchase order. Purchase orders may be associated with work orders, locations,
equipment or GL Accounts.
Approval of purchase orders can lead to the creation of InvReserves if the items were ordered for a
storeroom. After a puchase order is approved, it is sent to the vendor.
MBO to represent a purchase order in a Maximo System. Items and
services that need to be purchased from either a vendor (External PO) or
from the storeroom (Internal PO) are requested on a purchase order. The
items and services to be purchased are specified on the purchase order
lines (which is another object). The PO header (which this object represents)
contains details like total cost, total tax that this purchase order has
incurred. The purchase order is verified by a superior authority who
decides whether it can be approved or not. POLine
MBO to represent one line of a purchase order in the Maximo System. Either
items or services that are to be purchased are entered
here. Each Item or service is unique and is identified by its
description. The number of lines per purchase order is determined by the
number of items or the number of services or both. Each line has its own line cost, tax codes and taxes. The sum of the
line cost of the lines is reflected on a field called "pretax
total" on the PO header. One purchase order can have any number of
lines. POStatus
MBO to represent the status of a purchase order. A
new POStatus object is created every time a new purchase order is created
and also every time an existing purchase order changes from one
status to another permissible status. The object contains information like
the po number, its current status, the date the status was changed and also the description (memo) that the user provided at the time of
status change. This object is used to keep a log of the status changes. POCost
-- Contains the cost information associated with each POLine. The cost
on a POLine can be distributed across any number of general ledger accounts. Each POCost MBO contains
information about which GLAccount carries the cost and how much percentage of the total cost it carries.
Each POLine will have at least one POCost MBO. If there is only one, 100 percent of the cost will be assigned to one GLAccount.
- MBO to represent the header of an advanced shipping notice. An advanced shipping notice is sent by the vendor before actually shipping items. Services
cannot be part of a shipment because services are not usually shipped.
This object contains information like the vendor, drop point, expected receipt date, ship date , bill to etc.
- This MBO contains the exact details of an
item that will be sent in the shipment. It contains the purchase order number and the line number for which
this shipment is being sent. It also contains the quantity, price , order unit etc.
- MBO to represent the purchasing limits for PO, PR
and Invoice. These limits are checked while approving these purchasing
documents. If the
total cost of the PO, PR or Invoice being approved is more than the
approval limit, it cannot be approved and the user is warned that the approval limit is being exceeded. Other classes included in the PO package are:
- Helper class for
maintaining POStatus MBOs. All status changes go through this class. This class
contains methods that enforce rules for status changes. If these
rules are not followed, the status changes are not allowed. Informative
messages are given to the user as to why the status changes failed. POService
- This is also a helper class. It contains some utility methods that
any object can access. These utility methods perform actions that are related to purchase orders.
This class is useful because anybody who uses this class need not have an instance of a PO or POLine object ready at hand.
Purchase Requisition Mbo
Workflow Mbo
Last updated: 03/13/2002
Updated By : Ganesh Murthy