Attribute Name | Description
App | The application to which this bookmark applies.
Foreign key to MaxApps .
Description | Non-persistent attribute. The description from the Mbo
identified by KeyValue. For example, if this is a bookmark for Equipment,
this is the Equipment's description.
If the key Mbo does not have a "description" attribute, then this will be
the value of the "name" attribute.
If the key Mbo does not have a "description" or "name" attribute, then this
will be null.
EnterDate | The date the bookmark was created.
KeyValue | Together with the table name (maxapps.maintbname) and
column name (maxapps.keycolumn), this identifies the particular row in that
table that is accessed via this bookmark.
It is important to note that the value stored in KeyValue must not include
locale-specific formatting.
This value would be retrieved from the key Mbo by something like the following:
OwnerKey | Non-persistent attribute. Value of the external key field in the owner Mbo.
For example, KeyValue might equal 29 but OwnerKey might equal WILSON.
UserID | The user who created and can use this bookmark.
Foreign key to MaxUser .