See: Description
Interface | Description |
AppCfgPropValidator | |
ApplicationAuthSetRemote |
Remote Interface to the set of ApplicationAuth.
BookmarkRemote |
Remote Interface to the Bookmark object.
BookmarkSetRemote |
Remote Interface to the set of Bookmark.
CollectionAuthSetRemote |
Remote Interface to the set of CollectionAuth.
DefaultQueryRemote |
Remote Interface to the DefaultQuery object.
DefaultQuerySetRemote |
Remote Interface to the set of DefaultQuery.
GLAuthSetRemote |
Remote Interface to the set of GLAuth.
GroupReassignAuthSetRemote |
Remote Interface to the set of GroupReassignAuth.
GroupRestrictionRemote |
Remote Interface to the GroupRestriction object.
GroupRestrictionSetRemote |
Remote Interface to the set of GroupRestriction.
GroupUserSetRemote |
Remote Interface to the set of GroupUser.
LaborAuthRemote |
Remote Interface to the LaborAuth object.
LaborAuthSetRemote |
Remote Interface to the set of LaborAuths.
LimitToleranceSetRemote |
Remote Interface to the set of LimitTolerance.
LocAuthRemote |
Remote Interface to the LocAuth object.
LocAuthSetRemote |
Remote Interface to the set of LocAuth.
LoginTrackingRemote |
Remote Interface to the LoginTracking object.
LoginTrackingSetRemote |
Remote Interface to the set of LoginTracking.
MaxGroupRemote |
Remote Interface to the MaxGroup object.
MaxGroupSetRemote |
Remote Interface to the set of MaxGroup.
MAXSessionSetRemote |
Remote Interface to the set of MAXSession.
MaxUserMTSetRemote | |
MaxUserRemote |
Remote Interface to the MaxUser object.
MaxUserSetRemote |
Remote Interface to the set of MaxUser.
MaxUserStatusRemote |
Remote Interface to the MaxUserStatus object.
MaxUserStatusSetRemote |
Remote Interface to the set of MaxUserStatus.
PasswordHistorySetRemote |
Remote Interface to the set of PasswordHistory.
QueryRemote |
Remote Interface to the Query object.
QuerySetRemote |
Remote Interface to the set of Query.
RepFacAuthRemote |
Remote interface for RepFacAuth
RepFacAuthSetRemote |
Remote interface for RepFacAuthSet
SecurityRestrictSetRemote |
Remote Interface to the set of SecurityRestrict.
SignatureServiceRemote | |
SigOptionRemote |
Remote Interface to the SigOption object.
SigOptionSetRemote |
Remote Interface to the set of SigOption.
SiteAuthSetRemote |
Remote Interface to the set of SiteAuth.
TenantUserSessionSetRemote | |
UserPrefRemote |
Remote Interface to the UserPref object.
UserPrefSetRemote |
Remote Interface to the set of UserPref.
UserPurGLSetRemote |
Remote Interface to the set of UserPurGL.
Class | Description |
ApplicationAuth |
Mbo object to represent ApplicationAuth; presence of a row indicates that
access has been granted to this group for the specified app and optionname.
ApplicationAuthSet |
Represents the set of ApplicationAuth.
AppPropCache | |
AppPropCacheImpl |
MaximoCache for loading/caching OSLC reasources
AppPropCfg | |
AppPropCfgSet | |
AppPropInfo | |
AppUserPropCfg | |
AppUserPropCfgSet | |
Bookmark |
Mbo object to represent Bookmark.
BookmarkCache | |
BookmarkCacheImpl | |
BookmarkSet |
Represents the set of Bookmark.
CollectionAuth |
Mbo object to represent CollectionAuth, which defines which collections each group has access to.
CollectionAuthSet |
Represents the set of CollectionAuth.
ConsultantInfo |
Holds information about the Consultant users
ConsultUserListener |
Event listner for populating consultant user changes to tenants.
DefaultQuery |
Mbo object to represent DefaultQuery.
DefaultQuerySet |
Represents the set of DefaultQuery.
ExcludePassword |
Mbo object to represent ExcludePassword, which identifies password values
that are not allowed for Maximo.
ExcludePasswordSet |
Represents the set of ExcludePassword.
FldCollectionAuthCollectionNum |
Behavior of collectionnum in the CollectionAuth object.
FldEsigEnabled |
Validation of "authorize all" attributes on MaxGroup.
FldGroupName |
Common class for validating usecurity groupname.
FldGroupRestrictionCondition |
Field validation class for GroupRestriction Condition (Restrictions).
FldGroupRestrictionEntityName |
Validate grouprestriction entityname.
FldGroupUserGroupName |
Class for validating groupuser groupname.
FldGroupUserUserName |
Validate groupuser.userid.
FldGrpReassignAuthGroupName |
Common class for validating usecurity groupname.
FldGrpReassignAuthUserID |
Validation class for grpreassignauth.userid (used in Security Groups app).
FldLaborAuthLaborcode |
Behavior of laborcode in the LaborAuth object.
FldLimitToleranceOrgID |
Validation for limittolerance.orgid
FldLocAuthLocation |
Behavior of location in the LocAuth object.
FldMaxGroupAuthAll |
Validation of "authorize all" attributes on MaxGroup.
FldMaxGroupAuthAllRepFacs |
Validate AuthAllRepFacs field
FldMaxServSecurityApp |
Generic field validation against
FldMaxServSecurityMethodName |
Field validation for maxservsecurity.methodname.
FldMaxServSecurityServiceName |
Validation of ServiceName in MaxServSecurity object.
FldMaxSessionLogout |
Field validation class for maxsession logout / logoutandblock.
FldMaxUserConsultUser |
Validation of "authorize all" attributes on MaxGroup.
FldMaxUserDatabaseUserID |
Validation of databaseuserid.
FldMaxUserDefStoreroom |
Behavior of defstoreroom in the MaxUser object.
FldMaxUserLoginID |
Field validation class for maxuser.loginid.
FldMaxUserNewPersonID |
Validate MaxUser NewPersonID.
FldMaxUserPersonID |
Field validation class for maxuser.personid.
FldMaxUserRepairFacility | |
FldMaxUserUserID |
Field validation class for maxuser.userid.
FldOptionName |
Generic field validation against sigoption.optionname.
FldPassword |
Generic field validation class for user password.
FldQueryApp |
Behavior of app in the Query object.
FldQueryClause |
To change the template for this generated type comment go to
Window>Preferences>Java>Code Generation>Code and Comments
FldQueryDefault | |
FldQueryName | |
FldQueryPublic |
To change the template for this generated type comment go to
Window>Preferences>Java>Code Generation>Code and Comments
FldRepFacAuthRepairFacility |
Validate RepairFacility on RepFacAuth table.
FldRepFacAuthSite |
Validate Site on RepFacAuth table.
FldSecurityAppName | |
FldSecurityRestrictAttributeName |
Validate AttributeName on SecurityRestrict table.
FldSecurityRestrictConditionNum |
Validate ConditionNum on SecurityRestrict table.
FldSecurityRestrictLevel |
Validate Restriction on SecurityRestrict table, using RESTRICTLEVEL domain.
FldSecurityRestrictObjectName |
Validate ObjectName on SecurityRestrict table.
FldSigOptionAuthorized |
Validation of non-persistent attribute AUTHORIZED
on SigOption.
FldSigOptionOptionName |
Validation of attribute Optionname on SigOption.
FldSigSiteID |
Field validation class for SiteID, which will not only validate SiteID, but
also sets orgid on the mbo.
FldUserLicenseType |
Field validation for condition evaluation type
FldUserName |
Common class for validating username / userid.
FldUserQueryOSName |
Field validation for object structure name
GLAuth |
Mbo object to represent GLAuth, which indicates that a group has authority to
change the specified segment of a GL Account in purchasing-related applications.
GLAuthSet |
Represents the set of GLAuth.
GroupReassignAuth |
Mbo object to represent GroupReassignAuth.
GroupReassignAuthSet |
Represents the set of GroupReassignAuth.
GroupRestriction |
Mbo object to represent GroupRestriction, which specifies any
data access restrictions for a group on particular tables and views.
GroupRestrictionSet |
Represents the set of GroupRestriction.
GroupUser |
Mbo object to represent GroupUser, which defines which security groups each user has access to.
GroupUserSet |
Represents the set of GroupUser.
HiddenValue |
Extends MboValue for caching hidden values.
HiddenValueSet |
Password fields should not be cached as clear text in the framework's usual manner.
LaborAuth |
Object to represent a group's access to Labor records.
LaborAuthSet |
Represents the set of LaborAuths.
LimitTolerance |
Mbo object to represent LimitTolerance, which defines which financial limits and tolerances
for a group and organization.
LimitToleranceSet |
Represents the set of LimitTolerance.
LocAuth |
MBO to represent a group's access to a storeroom location.
LocAuthSet |
Represents the set of LocAuth.
LoginBlock |
Mbo object to represent LoginBlock, which identifies clienthost and clientaddr
that are blocked from Maximo.
LoginBlockSet |
Represents the set of LoginBlock.
LoginTracking |
Mbo object to represent LoginTracking.
LoginTrackingSet |
Represents the set of LoginTracking.
MaxAppsInfo |
Holds information about Maximo Applications
MaxAppsInfoBase |
Holds information about Maximo Applications
MaxGroup |
Mbo object to represent MaxGroup.
MaxGroupSet |
Represents the set of MaxGroup.
MaxMenuInfo |
Holds information about Maximo menus
MaxMenuInfoBase |
Holds information about Maximo menus
MaxModuleInfo |
Holds information about Maximo modules
MaxModuleInfoBase |
Holds information about Maximo modules
MaxServSecurity |
Mbo object to represent MaxServSecurity.
MaxServSecuritySet |
Represents the set of MaxServSecurity.
MAXSession |
Mbo object to represent MAXSession.
MAXSessionSet |
Represents the set of MAXSession.
MaxUser |
Mbo object to represent MaxUser, a person who is allowed to establish client connections
to MXServer (depending on status).
MaxUserMT | |
MaxUserMTSet | |
MaxUserNPS |
Mbo object to represent MaxUserNPS, holds NPS details for Mitchell.
MaxUserNPSSet |
Represents the set of MaxUser.
MaxUserSet |
Represents the set of MaxUser.
MaxUserStatus |
Mbo object to represent MaxUserStatus, a historical log of user status changes.
MaxUserStatusHandler |
Handles all the status changes for a MaxUserStatus object.
MaxUserStatusSet |
Represents the set of MaxUserStatus.
OSUserQueryCondition | |
PasswordHistory |
Mbo object to represent PasswordHistory, which logs all password change activity.
PasswordHistorySet |
Represents the set of PasswordHistory.
Query |
Mbo object to represent Query.
QueryRecordState | |
QueryRecordStateSet | |
QuerySet |
Represents the set of Query.
RelatedApplicationAuth | |
RelatedApplicationAuthSet | |
RepFacAuth |
Mbo object to represent RepFacAuth.
RepFacAuthSet |
Represents the set of RepFacAuth.
SecurityRestrict |
Mbo object to represent SecurityRestrict.
SecurityRestrictSet |
Represents the set of SecurityRestrict.
SelfRegUserApproveAction |
Custom workflow action of rejecting a self-registeration
SelfRegUserRejectAction |
Custom workflow action of rejecting a self-registeration
ServerSession |
Mbo object to represent TenantSession.
ServerSessionSet |
Represents the set of MAXSession.
SignatureCache |
Signature cache.
SignatureCacheFactory |
actory or Signature Cahe.
SignatureService |
SignatureService accommodates the Mbos that pertain to users and security groups.
SigOption |
Mbo object to represent SigOption.
SigOptionCache | |
SigOptionCacheImpl | |
SigOptionInfo |
Holds information about Signature Options
SigOptionInfoBase |
Holds information about Signature Options
SigOptionMboEventListener |
The mbo event listener for the script.
SigOptionSet |
Represents the set of SigOption.
SiteAuth |
Mbo object to represent SiteAuth, which defines which sites each group has access to.
SiteAuthSet |
Represents the set of SiteAuth.
TenantUserSessionSet | |
UserMTNP |
Non-persistent object to show consultant users
UserMTNPSet |
UserMTNP object definition.
UserPref |
Mbo object to represent UserPref.
UserPrefSet |
Represents the set of UserPref.
UserPurGL |
Mbo object to represent UserPurGL, which defines a user's default GL account(s)
in purchasing-related applications.
UserPurGLSet |
Represents the set of UserPurGL.
UserQuery | |
UserQuerySet | |
WorkCompleteCleanupCronTask |
-- Identifies the users who are
allowed to create sessions in MXServer. Each row identifies the UserID and a few other attributes.
The most important attributes are PersonID and Status.
PersonID is a foreign key to the Person table. The security groups to which a user is assigned are defined
in GroupUser
-- There is a row for each security group; the key field is
-- A user is allowed to create a Bookmark to identify
important Mbo(s) to be easily accessed in the future. This is somewhat like
the concept of a Stored Query, except that each Bookmark represents one Mbo by its keyvalue.
The Bookmark table identifies the username, the app, and the keyvalue. The implicit table name and
column name which are referenced by the keyvalue are maxapps.maintbname and maxapps.keycolumn.
-- A user is allowed to specify a Query that will
be used as that user's default query for an application.
-- If a particular user is allowed to change the
security group assignments of other users, there will be one or more entries in GroupReassignAuth.
Each entry identifies a group to which these other users may be assigned.
(The name of the base table is GrpReassignAuth
-- Identifies the security group(s) to which a user is
-- History of successful and unsuccessful
attempts at login and user verification. This is populated only if MaxVar LOGINTRACKING
is True. Too many unsuccessful attempts in succession will result in changing the user status to Blocked.
See SignatureService addLoginTracking
-- Active connections involving MXServer.
A row where IsSystem is False represents an active client (user) connection to MXServer.
A row where IsSystem is True represents MXServer's active connection to the database.
-- History of status changes by UserID.
Valid statuses are specified in valuelist MAXUSERSTATUS
-- History of password changes by UserID.
-- A user is allowed to create a Stored Query that contains SQL that
can be used for the main query in an app. It implicitly applies to the table identified by
maxapps.maintbname. The Query table identifies the username, the app, the query name and query SQL.
-- For a UserID and varname, stores a varvalue.
Similar in concept to MaxVars, but rather than being global, these are specific to users, and as such
represent preferences rather than global constraints.
-- Defines a user's default GL account(s)
in purchasing-related applications.
-- This object
identify which security options a group has access to.
Presence of a row indicates that access has been granted to this group for the specified
app and optionname. See also SigOption
-- This object, and the attributes in MaxGroup,
identify which GL segments a group has override authority to.
-- Specifies any
data access restrictions for a group on particular objects and attributes.
When the value of groupname on this table is null, the restriction applies to all groups.
-- This object,
and the attributes in MaxGroup, identify which laborcodes a group has access to.
-- This object,
and the attributes in MaxGroup, identify which storerooms a group has access to.
-- This object, and the attributes in MaxGroup,
identify which sites a group has access to.
-- This object identifies the
tolerances and purchasing limits for a group within a given organization.
-- This represents an entity to which security may be applied.
It is unique by app and optionname.
-- The UserInfo class in the Security package.
At runtime, identifies the user of this session.
-- The Profile class in the Security package.
At runtime, identifies the security profile for the user of this session. Last updated: 03/12/03