Attribute Name | Description
AlsoGrants | List of other sigoptions that will be automatically granted when
this sigoption is selected.
AlsoRevokes | List of other sigoptions that will be automatically revoked when
this sigoption is deselected
App | The application to which this security entity applies.
Foreign key to MaxApps .
Authorized | Non-persistent attribute. Used in the Security Groups application
to indicate whether a group has access to this sigoption.
Description | Freeform description. Also accommodates a long description.
EsigEnabled | Identifies whether this menu option participates in ESIG processing.
GroupName | Non-persistent attribute. Used in the Security Groups application.
OptionName | The name of this security entity.
PreRequisite | List of other sigoptions that must be selected before this sigoption can
be selected.
Visible | Indicates whether this sigoption is visible and can be explicitly set/cleared
by the user via the Security Groups application.