Attribute Name | Description
AdminUserID | If this record is for an administrative logout, this is the
UserID of the administrator who initiated the logout.
App | For ESIG, the application name.
Foreign key to MaxApps .
AttemptDate | Timestamp of the login or verification attempt.
This is the MXServer time, not the user's local time.
AttemptResult | From domain ATTEMPTRESULT .
FAILED -- Failed login or esig authentication attempt.
LOGIN -- Successful user login.
LOGOUT -- User logout.
RESTART -- Forced "logout" due to server shutdown.
SUCCESS -- Successful esig authentication.
TIMEOUT -- Session timed out by browser.
ClientAddr | Address of the user's client, from getRemoteAddr.
ClientHost | Name of the user's client, from getRemoteHost.
CurrentCount | The number of sessions on this database as of the attemptdate of this Mbo.
This includes all users of the system, not just the current user.
See SecurityService getSessionCounter .
KeyValue(1-7) | For ESIG, indicates the record being modified.
The table name in MaxApps MainTbName. Generally only one or two
key values identify the record being modified.
MaxSessionUID | This is the maxsessionuid for anything other than a failed login attempt.
On the LoginTracking table, maxsessionuid can be used for associating login and logout/timeout
Name | Typically this would equal the user's full first and last name.
Reason | For ESIG, the reason for change.
ServerHost | Host name or IP Address of the MXServer for this session.
ServerName | MXServer name.
TransID | For ESIG, the transaction ID.
UserID | The user ID entered when attempting to log in or
perform a user verification.
Foreign key to MaxUser .