Attribute Name | Description
Class | Classification of Ticket that can be either a Service Request, Problem or Incident.
Classstructureid | Defines the class structure of the Ticket.
Commodity | Commodity.
Commoditygroup | Commodity Group.
Description | Description of the Ticket.
Description_LongDescription | Long Description of the Ticket.
Impact | Specifies the business Impact/severity of the Ticket
InternalPriority | Attribute that indicates the Priority of an Issue as determined by the Servoce Desk Agent
Owner | Attribute that identifies the Owner for the ticket.
OwnerGroup | Attribute that identifies the Owner group for the ticket.
Status | The status of the Ticket Template.
StatusDate | Ticket Template's Status Date.
TemplateId | Attribute that identifies Template Identifier.
TKTemplateId | Unique identifier of the template Template.
Urgency | Attribute that identifies reflection of the speed in which a Ticket should be resolved.
Vendor | The Company associated with the ticket.