Maximo URLs

TPAE-based products like MAM, TAMIT, TSRM, CCMDB or SCCD provide a common way to open an application and perform some basic action like displaying a specific entry or performing a simple query. This can be very useful to integrate Maximo with other applications implementing navigation integration or launch in context.

The base URL has this syntax: http://[hostname]/maximo/ui/maximo.jsp?[arguments]

  • hostname – Server’s host name
  • arguments – A set of name-value pairs, similar to the HTTP GET request

In the arguments, you can define the following information:

  • Run an applicationevent=loadapp&value=[appname]
  • Loginlogin=true&username=[user]&password=[pwd]
  • Open a recorduniqueid=[uniqueidnumber]
    The unique ID is created using an identity column and is typically hidden. It contains an integer sequence with increasing value.
  • Open an application tabtabid=[tabid] or changetab=[tabid]
    To determine the ID of a specific application tab, open the application in the Application Designer, and then open the Properties window for the tab. This parameter is used only when the search for a record yields exactly one response.
  • Force refreshforcereload=true
    ensure that the page is refreshed on subsequent launch of the target page.
  • Perform an actionadditionalevent=[action]
    Look at application sigotions for available values.
  • Perform a query using QBEadditionalevent=useqbe&additionaleventvalue=[qbe]
    The additional event value contains a list of attribute value pairs in the format of key1=value1|key2=value2…
  • Perform a query using a where clauseadditionalevent=useqbe&additionaleventvalue=[qbe]
    The additional event value has the where clause of a valid SQL statement.
  • Use the new skin – skin=tivoli09
  • Use the old skin – skin=classic

Note: URLs must be properly escaped. For example the “=” character must be converted to “%3D” and spaces must be converted to “%20”.


Here are some useful links (URL) that can be used to open Maximo UI and perform some action.

Move to home page


Move to home page (with automatic login)


Open ROLE application


Create a new PERSON record


Create a new PERSON recor and populates some fields


Display an ASSET record using the UID of the record


Display a WORKORDER record using the WONUM of the record


Display a WORKORDER record using the WONUM of the record (using additionalevent)


Display a WORKORDER record using the WONUM of the record (using QBE)


Display all work orders with status WAPPR


Display a WO record AND call a Maximo Action

Maximo URLs

82 thoughts on “Maximo URLs

  1. Hi,

    Thanks for the above info.

    Do you know how to reference an incident id? I have tried using the following URLs but I get the error: BMXAA4176E – Attribute XXXX does not exist. (where XXXX are the attributes listed below)

    Maximo does navigate to the incident tab, but it is unable to load the requested incident.



    Thank you for any help,



  2. Thank you Scott.
    If you find some useful information on my blog you can reward me by clicking on the +1 button at end of the article.
    Thanks again, I'm always happy to help the Maximo technical community.

  3. Good stuff… is there a way to stuff a value into a single attribute? I know we can do this with SCCD much easier (e.g. with JavaScript)

  4. Hi Erdem,

    That's great! It works!

    But how did you come up with %3D1289310562843???

    I am trying to point users to other tabs but what is the code for them. I also have a custom build tab in WO tracking application…


  5. Sorry for late response.

    there was a typo on my previous post, sorry for that too.
    here is the working one, additionalevent=gototab&additionaleventvalue=relatedrec

    relatedrec for the eventvalue is the tab type. there are only 2 types by default, list and insert.
    you might add your owns by adding type for the related tab in app xmls.


  6. ok here is the magical TAB action.

    so you need changetab=

  7. Bruno, thanks for this great page. Got a question about data ranges. For instance, i want to filter out WOs in a given range, this is how it would appear in my query:
    targstartdate between (sysdate-7) and (sysdate+2)
    but placing it in the URL, even with %20 and quotes inside the brackets doesnt help. Tried many different formatting options… any guesses?

  8. Hello Bruno,

    As always a great article. I have a question not sure if its related. From the list tab of Asset may be, when I click on any Asset, how can I force it to open each asset in a new tab ?

  9. Hi ,
    I need a URL- link to add a New Row to Measurements and populate the Observation filed under Condition Monitoring Tab. Can anyone help?

  10. this is great stuff for comms templates.
    I need to send a link to a the affected person of a service request ticket that has been created from the Self Service Center via the catalogue where it will
    1. open the Self Service Center – http://host/maximo/ui/?event=loadapp&value=srmssctr
    and then
    2. open the specifc SR – not full SR ticket, nor VIEWSR ticket but the one the requester gets from the selfservice center

    how do i do part 2? running a PoC Demo for client Monday 19th May and would be cool to show them this
    these dont work

  11. Hello,
    I'm wondering if it is possible to create a hyperlink to a pre-existing PM so that I can click a link on a PDF and have it open up the PM in Maximo. I see that it's possible to create a URL with the work order record number but don't see anything about how to create something for PMs.

  12. Bruno is see this post still in going strong……..

    I can't seem to find the right combination to call a stored query from the applications saved query section. any ideas if this can even be done……..?

  13. Since upgrading to Maximo 7.5 this hyperlink url now prompts for log in? even though you have an active session.
    If you log in it then takes you to the record and provided you do not log out, other links will work without login again.
    It is like it can not see existing session in same browser?

  14. How can I accept or reject a workflow assignment using url?
    i.e., Suppose user has an assignment on SR. when the user enter the maximo url with action, it should automatically accept the assignment.
    How can I configure an action for it?

  15. This is great, however I'm having problems trying to implement it from Excels HYPERLINK function. As the URL contains an ampersand, Excel(?) is escaping it to & amp; and Maximo is not accepting it. If I change the URL in Excel to use a double ampersand && then it works but only once. After that it gets escaped back to & amp;& amp;

    Has anyone managed to get this working?

  16. Hi Brian,

    I don't know if you found the solution, but I found one solution:
    In order to be able to open the "View Service Request" dialog in Self Service Center in Application Designer for srmssctr add a sigoption named srmssviewsr.
    srmssviewsr is the dialog id for "View Service Request".
    Then you will be able to open a SR with the following link:

    ex: http://localhost/maximo/ui/maximo.jsp?event=loadapp&value=srmssctr&additionalevent=srmssviewsr&additionaleventvalue=200123
    where 200123 is the SR.TICKETUID
    Obs: it won't work if you will put …event=loadapp&value=srmssctr&additionalevent=srmssviewsr&additionaleventvalue=TICKETUID=200123 like in other applications.

  17. Hi Viorica, when I try this I only see invalid bindings in the dialog. When I open the dialog directly in the Self Service Centre, the dialog is displayed correctly. Have you experienced this problem too?

  18. Thanks for this post
    Actually my question is different but if any one would help that will be appreciated

    actually there is a scenario that if a service request is occurring again and we want to automatically change any service request which is recurring to an incident without manually done by the sda how we can do please help??!!!1

  19. How do you sort by a field? I tried by using sqlwhere having "order by" in the where clause portion but it never displays any results. Is there an event argument I need to invoke to sort by a field, say wonum?

  20. Is it possible to specify the browser (IE, CHROME, FIREFOX, etc.) in the URL? It seems to use the current default browser.

  21. Hi Bruno,

    We have a users who uses OKTA which is SSO based to access Maximo. When we are trying to form a Hyperlink for change records the link it taking to self service center only. Any idea how to add both OKTA and MAXIMO url as one hyperlink in WFASSIGN comm template.

    Thanks in Advance

  22. YES! But you have to pay attention to some hidden rules:
    1. You can't refer to an external CSS file. All you styling code must be declared in the Communication Template message, at the beginning of the message.
    2. All you styling code must be in a single line. You can use some minifier to help you ( for example). The length doesn't matter but it must be in a single line. I've put the full content of "bootstrap.min.css" (from and it works fine.
    3. Don't use Javascript in your message
    4. Test very carefully as some email clients behave differently. MS Outlook can't process media queries, so you can forget all responsive layout with such a mail client

    On my side, I created templates dedicated to specific devices/email client.

  23. Just some tips for the random travelers.

    You can use ':HOSTNAME/maximo/ui/maximo.jsp?' to auto fill out your maximo address (you dont need to use the actual host name at all yourself). This is handy if you suddenly get emails sent from your non production environment and need to track down which server is sending emails with hyperlinks.

    Hyperlinks can't perform miracles. You can effectively do 2 tasks at a time that I have found such as 1 open a work order, 2 duplicate the work order. It obeys the read only rules.

    You can find anything that you want maximo to click on the more actions or common actions bars in your application designer. Go to the application designer and find SR, Open it and select action on top of page, and select add/modify select action menu. If you hit any magnifying glass in the list of results it will show you the Option on the left (this is the action you use in maximo to use that button) and a description.

    BTW I was researching If I could use this to duplicate an SR and change a custom field to notate if the previous work order or SR was closed with no fix. IT DIDNT WORK! But I was able to learn quite a lot about escalations, communications, and hyperlinks along the way. GOOD LUCK EVERYONE

  24. Thanks for your insight! I seem to be having trouble with hitting the login page using any link combination, even if the browser has an active session. Even passing the username and password as params doesn't work. Do you know if there is a way to use the existing session, or at least to redirect after a successful login?

  25. Hi Bruno,
    is there a possibility to create a link which is referring directly to an offering within the Service Catalog within the Self-Service Center.
    I mean, it's possible to call the "My Incident" and "My SR" views.
    Thanks for your help!

  26. I am looking for a way to automatically save a purchase order record after creating it using a URL. How i can do this ??

  27. I need to create a URL that opens a different tab in a table within a tab in an application.

    Any feedback will help

  28. Hi,
    I’ve built this URL to connect to the Maximo online demo system ( and open work order number 1000.

    However, it opens Maximo in the Work Order Tracking app list mode with one row displayed for wo 1000. Do you know if it’s possible to link directly into the work order so that the work order screen is opened. It seems to work when using uniquid field in the example in the post above that opens the WO and displays the cost info, I don’t have the uniquid and wish to build a hyperlink using the wo number from inside a Power BI dashboard.
    Any pointers would be appreciated.

    1. Thanks for that. I’ll need to make sure the uniqueid is pulled through into the data warehouse, then i can hook into that to build the URL. Thanks again. Jason

  29. Thanks for the post! In case it is useful so someone…
    The url

    in launch in context application allowed us to go from workorder to a specific tab within the corresponding asset. Not sure if it is a use case launch in context is designed for, but it seems to work fine.
    Maximo version

  30. Hi,
    Does anyone know if it is possible to open an attachment via doclinks using this URL functionality. I want to include the URL in a report so that a user has to login into Maximo if they open the report outside the company network.

    1. Did you ever figure this out? I tried adding &additionalevent=viewattachments and it does open the dialog window for attachments but does not show them.

  31. Thanks for the great post. I need to pass the encoded sqlwhere clause and trim the leading zeros of the Vendor Code in the Console URL Name. Can this be achieved in Launch in Context? If yes, can somebody guide me on the steps.
    Example: Instead of /index.aspx?q=additionalevent=sqlwhere&additionalvalue=, I am looking at /index.aspx?q=
    Note: the PONUM and the Vendor Code are dynamically passed in the SQLWhere clause.
    Also, note there is an existing bean class which does all the encoding and trimming. However, it works only on Internet Explorer. Since IE will be taken off soon, we are looking for another approach.

  32. Somehow I can’t get particular record, only application is opening.
    Is there some system attribute, that needs to be enabled?

  33. Same here, only the application is opening , any help please ?

    Thanks, Oumayma Azzuz

  34. Is it possible to start Maximo using the exact change number at URL?

    Would be great to have a hyperlink with that URL string in Calendar, for example, to start Maximo with the change number written inside the URL immediately. I saw that after change is being loaded, there is no that exact change number at the URL, so cannot be sure how to do that, what is the exact word; string which would have to be in the URL to describe what is needed to be loaded in Maximo.

  35. Looks that solution is found 🙂

    I made a lot of combinations based on your templates, suggestions, seems that one is working great.

    Thanks a lot!

  36. Hi Everyone,
    I have a requirement like in one application dialog box, there is a table which has workoder column and each row in that table will have a wonum(not all records will have same wonum). So the task is, when a user clicks on any of the wonum, it should take him to that workorder screen.

    Inputs are highly appreciated. Thanks in advance.

  37. how to i find a work request’s “uniqueid” i click on different work requests but the url never changes

  38. Does anybody know how to get all the rows on Maximo inventory table to show up? Only 20 show up at a time and I’m trying to link all the inventory to excel sheet. I have the url but just need the portion that shows all rows besides 20 at a time.

  39. Hi,
    Regarding changetab option, is there a way to go to a tab inside other tab? for example, inside plans tab in work order, i would like to also open the plans material tab.


  40. Hi,
    I´m trying to define an url to create an sr, but I´m having a hard time to fulfill the field sr.externalsystem, that is a combobox. Anyone knows how can I pass the value in the url?


  41. I am trying to create a url to pull up a specific Work Order #. I have tried using all three of the methods in the article above. Unfortunately each time it appears to just brings up the last Work Order I looked at rather than the one I am attempting to call up. Any guidance on where I am going astray?

    1. Hi,

      I had the same. You need to add
      to the URL.

      Unfortunately I’m only getting the list view with one record result. It directly open the change for me. Still trying to figure that out.

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