Maximo location types

Locations are places where assets are stored. Locations are typically the places where assets operate, but include any building, place, or other areas that contain assets, where maintenance work might be performed.
A Maximo Location stores aggregated data of all events and costs performed within that Location. This includes the movement of assets into and out of the location, as well as the use of labor and materials charged to that location.

Location types

  • Operating – Locations where assets operate. Assets are moved between Operating Locations. Assets are issued or returned between Storerooms and Operating Locations.
  • Storeroom – Locations where inventory is maintained. Items are issued or returned to and from a Storeroom Location. Items are transferred between Storerooms.
  • Vendor – Used to record that an asset is off-site with external vendor usually for repairing.
  • Salvage – Used to record the end-of-life for an asset. They are usually created with the labels like “Scrapped”, “Sold”, “Destroyed”, and “End-of-lease”
  • Repair – Used to record that an asset is being repaired internally or at an on-site workshop by trade staff.
  • Courier – Used to record that the asset is in transit to another location by using a courier company, where it will be received at its destination. The destination might be another storeroom or another vendor.
  • Labor – Used to record that the asset is in transit to another location by using a labor (normally a staff member), where it will be received at its destination. The destination might be another storeroom or another vendor. Alternatively it might a location used to record all company issued items or tools under the care of that labor, and when the labor has finished with the asset, it can then be returned to the storeroom.
  • Holding – Used as part of the rotating item receiving process as a temporary storeroom while the item gets either inspected and/or turned in an asset by using serialization. There can only be one per Maximo site, and while in this location it does not count towards a storeroom’s balance nor does it incur any cost until the inspection/serialization process is complete.

Maximo location types

18 thoughts on “Maximo location types

  1. Hello, I would like to ask for assistance because I'm tryign to receive some parts in MAXIMO 7.5 and it wont let me because the below message pops out in my screen:

    BMXAA1774E – There is no holding location created for this site.

    please assist….

  2. I did create a new location as a "HOLDING" along with GL account but still same issue… if you would break down the steeps in more detailed steeps I'll appriciate.

  3. Hi Bruno,

    I'm asking for your help with an inquiry. How can I create a new Logic type location. I can see this type of location in the DB but not in Maximo. Also, when I display the Type list on Locations, I can´t see the Logic type.

    Best regards.

    Gustavo Guerrero

  4. Hi Bruno ,

    i am looking for your help , i have a case in my business , in our industry we have a scraps comes out from operation , the finance want to track that scrap balances as we sell it every period to external suppliers

    what you suggest for this case and what could be the procedure for increasing the scrap balances and withdraw it from the stock

    thanks in advance
    Samir Khodair

  5. Samir,

    Have you thought about using meters for this? You could attach a "scrap" meter to each location where scrap is stored. You can use multiple meters if you have multiple kinds of scrap.

  6. I'm trying to issue an asset from a vendor repair storeroom to a salvage location and when I try to issue it from the storeroom to the location, the salvage location that I've created isn't appearing in the list.
    How can I complete this transaction?

  7. I added a new row to LOCTYPE and then appended to lookups.xml for a duplicated module to show only a limited set of locations where location type was another value.

  8. I understand Storerooms and Bins – can I have a location where I store inventory that is associated with a Storeroom but physically outside the building – and possibly with its own GPS co-ordinates.

    And are these simply added free-form or are they define – say in a Domain list?

  9. BMXAA4191E – The value TESTLOC is not valid for Repair Facility. Specify a valid value for Repair Facility.
    I am getting an error while using an teslocation for repair facility.
    I have given the type “Repair” as well and enabled from organisation as well.

    What can be the cause. Even when trying to select from repair facility tab, its comes out empty table.

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