Reset the value of a field when another field is modified

This entry is part of the Maximo Java Development series.

Today I want to share with you some Java sample code to reset the value of a field when another field is modified.
In the example below I have implemented a little piece of logic to reset the WORKORDER.SUPEVISOR field when the WORKORDER.OWNERGROUP is modified.

Here is the Java code.


import psdi.mbo.*;
import psdi.util.*;
import java.rmi.*;

* Custom field class to reset the supervisor when the Owner Group is changed
public class FldWOOwnerGroup extends
public FldWOOwnerGroup(MboValue mbv) throws MXException

public void action() throws MXException, RemoteException
if (!getMboValue().isNull() &&


Deploy the FldWOOwnerGroup.class file in your Maximo source tree and attach it on WORKORDER.OWNERGROUP field using the Database Configuration application.

Reset the value of a field when another field is modified

8 thoughts on “Reset the value of a field when another field is modified

  1. I would rather suggest to use a prefix before class name ex: "CustomFldWOOwnerGroup", this is the same strategy ISs use.

  2. Bruno, thanks for your posts on MAXIMO customisation and Development. They are very useful for me as a beginner. Same as DuleyFacts, I would like to know how we can do that using automation script?

  3. Automation script.
    1) Create attribute launchpoint on attribute WORKORDER.OWNERGROUP.
    2) Add an OUT variable:
    3) assign to it the value:
    4) Jython script will be look like this:
    if ownergroup != None & ownergroup != '':

    Automation script will not start, while you not CHANGE the value of the OWNERGROUP field,
    so we don't need to check the previous value

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