Maximo command line reference

I think that one of the things that are missing in the Maximo documentation is a command line reference. That’s why I decided to go through the Maximo directories and search for commands that can be run the system prompt.

The following list should be intended as a work in progress. Many commands are not documented at all and I was not able to find any useful resource over the internet. If you have any additional information please leave a comment to this post and I will update this page.


  • adduser: Add a user (details)
  • cleanldapsyncparams: force a full LDAP sync (details)
  • cleanstartcenters: Force refresh of start centers (details)
  • commonenv: Internal use. Used by other scripts to setup the command line environment.
  • configdb: Run database configuration.
  • conflictchecker: Used for upgrades to determine if there are any name conflicts between the 6.2.x and 7.x database content using meta doc files from the upgrade installation media.
  • createnonenglishdb: Call maxinst with the maxdemo db. Then it import a set of localized files as base language. Eg : createnonenglishdb fr will create a French base language.
  • createshellscript: ????
  • DBBuildTest: ????
  • deletelang: Removes language from language tables
  • domainlinkchecker: Check values of attributes with a domain defined. Run it with no arguments to see how to use it.
  • dropbackup: Remove backup created from configdb. Should be run twice. (details)
  • encryptproperties: Encripts passwords in file (details)
  • importlanghelper: Should not be used. It is called from importlang utility.
  • integrityui: Launch the integrity checker UI. Must be run before upgrading to new versions.
  • logtranslator: Utility to translate Maximo log files into English
  • maxinst: Creates an empty or demo Maximo database (details)
  • PIIVersionUpdater: ???
  • pkginstall: This is used for the installation of .pkg files that IBM provides for certain updates.
  • restorefrombackup: Restores tables backed up during the configdb process.
  • showITICSysInfo: If you have ITIC tables filled in it should dump some info on ITIC
  • TDToolkit: Adds or updates translations (details)
  • textsearchscript: ???
  • updatedb: Updates Maximo database after a fixpack or addon installations. Typically is executed automatically by the installer.
  • updateRichText: Enables Rich Text for long descriptions (details)
  • updateXML: ???
  • upgrade: Upgrade utility to convert from the currently installed database release to the next release.
  • upgradescreens: ???
  • upgradeui: Tool to upgrade Maximo database (6->7.1, 7.1->7.5, etc.).
  • validate_integ: Runs integrity checker and validation utilities.
  • validate_validate: Similar to validate_integ with few more steps.
  • varcharmultiplier: Used to extend varchar fields on the database to accommodate the translation process, particularly for double-byte languages (details).
  • writereportprop: Export all language properties files for BIRT reports (details).
  • xliff2tms: ???


  • checkmxserver: Checks the connectivity to a Maximo server using RMI. It generates a report showing all of the Maximo and Java property values. Can be used to check if the server is running (details).
  • exportapp: Should export an application definition. Don’t know how it works.
  • TestEmail: Utility to test the connectivity between the application server and mail server (details)
  • SetAdminMode: Turns ON/OFF the admin mode (details). Same functionality as the one from UI, but quite useful if you cannot log in to UI because of max session limit with Admin Mode ON.
  • Unlcvt: Gets information from Maximo database and generates an output file that can be used for creating another database. Can be used to transfer the current database to another type (eg. From Oracle to SQLServer or DB2).
  • [SMPDIR]\scripts

    • cleanupAdminWS: ???
    • cleanupDB: ???
    • cleanupPAE: ???
    • cleanupWAS: ???
    • cpappend: ???
    • installValidation: Checks if all steps of installer are OK.
    • LogZipper: Useful command to collect logs to be sent to IBM support (details).
    • taskRunner: This is used when you defer the configuration step in the Maximo install (the screen of three options: Defer Configuration, Defer Database Update, and Deploy Application Files (or Ears can’t remember wording) manually. You’d simply run taskRunner CONTINUE STOPONERROR and it would complete the installation.
    • TestRXA: Tests RXA connection to specified host. RXA is used by the installation process to connect to remote systems and perform system commands (details).
Maximo command line reference

15 thoughts on “Maximo command line reference

  1. Very nice stuff Bruno. I know of two of the ?? commands

    pkginstall-> This is used for the installation of .pkg files that IBM provides for certain updates. Only time I've ever used it or seen it needed was for the reportlistportlet not showing up in security groups application. You simply place the .pkg file in the same directory and run the command and it will install. (Then rebuild and redeploy)
    taskRunner-> This is used when you defer the configuration step in the Maximo install (the screen of three options: Defer Configuration, Defer Database Update, and Deploy Application Files (or Ears can't remember wording) manually. You'd simply run taskRunner CONTINUE STOPONERROR and it would complete the installation. It's only used for installation.

  2. Few comments:


    cleanldapsyncparams: force a full LDAP sync (details) | removes watermark (LDAPs last commit ID) from Maximo DB, so both LDAPSYNC or VMMSYNC will do full sync instead of delta. AD sometimes messes up it's own watermarks (esp. with some clustering), you should run this if you cannot see a record/change that exist in AD.

    createnonenglishdb: I _think_ it creates Maximo DB with UTF-8 or local code page
    deletelang: removes language from language tables
    importlanghelper: internal script?
    showITICSysInfo: if you have ITIC tables filled in – it should dump some info on ITIC
    validate_integ: Runs integrity checker and validation utilities.
    validate_validate: Similar to validate_integ +few more steps


    exportapp: AFAIR it will dump XML app from Maximo DB.
    SetAdminMode: Turns ON/OFF the admin mode (details) | same functionality as the one from UI, but quite useful if you cannot log in to UI because of max session limit with Admin Mode On


    cleanupAdminWS: ???
    cleanupDB: ???
    cleanupPAE: ???
    cleanupWAS: ???
    I never used those, but I would guess they get rid of tmp files.

    installValidation: Checks if all steps of installer finished.

    taskRunner: This is used when you defer the configuration step in the Maximo install (the screen of three options: Defer Configuration, Defer Database Update, and Deploy Application Files (or Ears can't remember wording) manually. You'd simply run taskRunner CONTINUE STOPONERROR and it would complete the installation.
    | I would say it would _attempt_ to complete the installation 😛 Important note is that it rotates some of the install logs (I don't remember each exactly, but keep in mind if you are tailing on them).

  3. [SMPDIR]\maximo\tools\maximo\internal

    Gets information from Maximo database and generates an output file that can be used for creating another database.

  4. conflictchecker: (Used for Upgrades)
    to determine if there are any name conflicts between the 6.2.x and 7.x database content using meta doc files from the upgrade installation media

  5. PKGinstall is used to enable the utilization of some maximo applications : typically when installing an option, or an industry solution you have that kind of file.

    Unlcvt should be used to transfert the current database to another type of db : Eg : From Oracle to SQLServer or DB2 (you just have to play with input paramaters).

    Upgradeui is the common user friendly tool to upgrade the database (V7.1->V7.5, V6->V7.1, etc.)

    Importlanghelper must not be used : it is a tool called from importlang utility…

    Createnonenglishdb : it call a maxinst with the maxdemo db. Then it import a set of localized files as base language. Eg : createnonenglishdb fr : you will have a FRENCH base language.

  6. Hi Bruno,

    I am modifying a script to automate backup of the database, but I want to put maximo in admin mode before creating the backup. And before putting maximo in admin mode I want to check first if users are logged in or not. Is there a cli command I could use or should I consider querying the database instead … Any help would be apreciated…

  7. Hi Bruno,

    I'm trying to execute configDB but it gives me the following error:
    Cannot activate full-text search for table or indexed view 'matrectrans' because no columns have been enabled for full-text search.

    when I checked the log I found that the tool drop the columns from the Index before activate it:
    sp_fulltext_column 'matrectrans','description','drop'
    sp_fulltext_column 'matrectrans','remark','drop'
    sp_fulltext_table 'matrectrans', 'activate'

    did i miss something here ??? please advise … many thanks 🙂

  8. Hi everyone, can i run this commands from remote enviroment?
    For example, it's possible create new user in cmd mode from different path
    from maximo installation?
    Thanks at all.

  9. The command you will use to run message loader is this:


    messageloader.bat -i..\..\..\resources\messages\wamsmessages.msg

  10. Good information, thanks.
    Is there a way to duplicate a change in Maximo?
    Or perhaps save a current change as a template/JOB?
    Or export via CLI, change details and import as new change?
    Sorry if questions do not make sense, but I am very new to MAximo.

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