- All Implemented Interfaces:
- ResourceHandler
public class LDAPSearchHandler
extends BaseResourceHandler
Perform LDAP Search
Search can be perform 2 ways:
1. using LDAP Cron task to get all parameters (cron task have to be setup first. It does not have to be active)
The where clause will look as following (values are example)
oslc.where=spi:taskInstance="LDAPSYNC01" and spi:taskName="LDAPSYNC" and spi:search="user"
(spi:search can be "user" or "group")
2. Using passed parameters
The where clause will look as following (values are example)
oslc.where=spi:host="qalab07.swg.usma.ibm.com" and spi:port="389" and spi:sslEnabled="0" and
spi:principal="wasadmin" and spi:credential="wasadmin" and
spi:baseDN="OU=SWG,DC=qalab07ldap,DC=swg,DC=usma,DC=ibm,DC=com" and
spi:searchFilter="(&(objectCategory=*)(objectClass=user))" and spi:searchScope="subtree" and
spi:attrs="sAMAccountName, givenName, sn, displayName,
streetAddress, homePhone, memberOf, telephoneNumber, mail, st, postalCode, c, l"
It can work both for user and group search