Use Long Description in a Communication Template

To add the long description to the message of an email sent through a communication template you have to perform a few configuration steps.

The example below is related to WORKORDER object but can be applied to any main object.

First of all you have to create a relationship in Database Configuration between the WORKORDER object and the LONGDESCRIPTION object.
Launch Database Configuration and select the WORKORDER object. Open the Relationship tab and create a relationship with the following properties.

  • Relationship: LONGDESCINFO
  • Child object: LONGDESCRIPTION
  • Where clause: ldkey=:WORKORDERID and ldownertable=’WORKORDER’ and ldownercol=’DESCRIPTION’

Save the relationship. You shouldn’t need to activate Admin Mode.

To include the long description in a communication template use the tag :LONGDESCINFO.LDTEXT

If you want to apply this technique to other objects you have to verify which is the LDKEY field to be matched against the source table.
For the TICKET object the LDKEY matches the TICKETUID field so the correct where clause is different.

ldkey=:TICKETUID and ldownertable=’TICKET’ and ldownercol=’DESCRIPTION’

Use Long Description in a Communication Template

5 thoughts on “Use Long Description in a Communication Template

  1. Hi,

    Thank you for the information. I want to include in the comm. template a resultset related to the main object. For example:

    Dear :PERSONID,

    your open tickets are
    1001 First Ticket QUEUED
    1002 Secon Tick. INPROG
    1003 Third Ticket INPROG

    How can I insert a table instead of a single value?

  2. Displaying long description text using the relationship idea suggested in this post doesn't work for me (Maximo

    If I type :LONGDESCINFO.LDTEXT in the Communication Templates message (COMMTEMPLATE.MESSAGE) section, I get ":LONGDESCINFO.LDTEXT" the the email that goes out for the message instead of the actual long description text. This syntax works correctly in the email Subject (COMMTEMPLATE.SUBJECT).

    Any thoughts?

  3. Displaying long description text using the relationship idea suggested in this post doesn't work for me (Maximo

    If I type :LONGDESCINFO.LDTEXT in the Communication Templates message (COMMTEMPLATE.MESSAGE) section, I get ":LONGDESCINFO.LDTEXT" the the email that goes out for the message instead of the actual long description text. This syntax works correctly in the email Subject (COMMTEMPLATE.SUBJECT).

    Any thoughts?

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