Sometimes a full-fledged mobile solution for Maximo is needed to really mobilize your workforce. Some others a simpler solution can help without the need of additional infrastructure or costs.
In this article I will show how to send calendar invitations to workers with work order details and reminders for the activities. The calendar event can have a link to Maximo in order to report progress or close the work order using the standard Everyplace or Work Centers interface.
I have developed a script for sending iCal invitations to the owner of the work order. I have tested it with GMail and Outlook clients and works perfectly. However, it should be intended as a base for development and not production-ready.
It can be triggered by a script on the WORKORDER save event or by an escalation to send reminders for approved and scheduled work orders.
# Send email with iCalendar attachment
from psdi.server import MXServer
from psdi.util.logging import MXLoggerFactory
from java.util import TimeZone
from java.text import SimpleDateFormat
# get the custom logger
logger = MXLoggerFactory.getLogger("maximo.meac")
# global properties
emailTo = mbo.getString("OWNERPERSON.PRIMARYEMAIL")
emailToPersonGroup = ""
emailFrom = MXServer.getMXServer().getProperty("mxe.adminEmail")
emailSubject = mbo.getString("WONUM") + " - " + mbo.getString("DESCRIPTION")
emailMsg = "Please add this event to your personal calendar"
mxHostname = MXServer.getMXServer().getProperty("mxe.hostname")
mxLink = "http://" + mxHostname + "/maximo/ui/maximo.jsp?event=loadapp&value=WOTRACK&uniqueid=" + mbo.getString("WORKORDERID")
# verifies that start/end dates are set
eventStart = mbo.getDate("SCHEDSTART")
eventEnd = mbo.getDate("SCHEDFINISH")
if eventStart == None or eventEnd == None:
service.error("mxd", "Scheduled start/end dates must be set")
# build recipient list
emailToList = []
if emailTo != "":
if emailToPersonGroup != "":
emailMboSet = mbo.getMboSet("$PG_EMAILS", "EMAIL", "personid in (select respparty from persongroupteam where persongroup='" + emailToPersonGroup + "')")
emailMbo = emailMboSet.moveFirst()
while (emailMbo):
emailMbo = emailMboSet.moveNext()
# build iCal
sdf = SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMdd'T'HHmmss'Z'")
dtStamp = sdf.format(MXServer.getMXServer().getDate())
dtStart = sdf.format(eventStart)
dtEnd = sdf.format(eventEnd)
# See PUBLISH event specs:
icalbody = (
+"\n"+ "PRODID:-//MxDev//NONSGML Event Calendar//EN"
+"\n"+ "VERSION:2.0"
+"\n"+ "UID:" + mbo.getString("WONUM")
+"\n"+ "DTSTAMP:" + dtStamp
+"\n"+ "SEQUENCE:0"
+"\n"+ ""
+"\n"+ "DTSTAMP:" + dtStamp
+"\n"+ "DTSTART:" + dtStart
+"\n"+ "DTEND:" + dtEnd
+"\n"+ "SUMMARY: Work Order " + mbo.getString("WONUM") + " - " + mbo.getString("DESCRIPTION")
+"\n"+ "DESCRIPTION:Work Order: " + mbo.getString("WONUM")
+"\\n"+ "Description: " + mbo.getString("DESCRIPTION")
+"\\n"+ "Asset: " + mbo.getString("ASSETNUM") + " - " + mbo.getString("ASSET.DESCRIPTION")
+"\\n"+ "Location: " + mbo.getString("LOCATION") + " - " + mbo.getString("LOCATION.DESCRIPTION")
+"\\n"+ "Priority: " + mbo.getString("WOPRIORITY")
+"\\n"+ "Scheduled Start: " + mbo.getString("SCHEDSTART")
+"\\n"+ "Scheduled End: " + mbo.getString("SCHEDFINISH")
+"\\n"+ "<a href=" + mxLink + ">Link to Maximo</a>"
+"\n"+ "END:VALARM"
+"\n"+ "END:VEVENT"
logger.debug(">>>> iCal body: " + icalbody)
# send email with attached iCal using MXServer.sendEMail function
# Parameters: to, from, subject, message, attachment, filename
MXServer.getMXServer().sendEMail(emailToList, emailFrom, emailSubject, emailMsg, icalbody, "maximo.ics")
Thanks to my colleague Roberto Caravelli for developing the first prototype of the proposed script.
Thank you for the great knowledge, can you explain the following :
“…However, it should be intended as a base for development and not production-ready…”
Why is that ?
I have tested and it works but I do not guarantee it works in all cases.
It also do not sends updates when the WO is rescheduled for example.