
Service object methods in automation scripts

The service object has been added in Maximo 7.6 script and is very useful in several scenarios. Here is a list of available methods. For more details refer to this page. Logging getLogger(loggerName) log_debug(logMsg) log_debug(logMsg, java.lang.Throwable t) log_error(logMsg) log_error(logMsg, java.lang.Throwable t) log_fatal(logMsg) log_fatal(logMsg, java.lang.Throwable t) log_info(logMsg) log_info(logMsg, java.lang.Throwable t) log_warn(logMsg) log_warn(logMsg, java.lang.Throwable t) log(logMsg) logError(logMsg) […]

Maximo 7.6 Scripting

Maximo 76 Scripting Features guide is a great source of information but it has been released only in PDF format so it’s poorly indexed by Google. I have split it in small articles and shared here in order to be easily searched over the internet. Library Scripts Warnings and Errors Yes/No/Cancel dialog Before Save, After […]

Maximo Scripting – CanDelete/CanAdd Object Launch Point

This post is an excerpt from the Maximo 76 Scripting Features guide. We can control whether we can add or delete a Mbo using scripting Object Launchpoint “Allow Object Deletion” and “Allow Object Creation”. Can Add This is an Object Launch Point – “Allow Object Creation” where you can control whether you can add a […]

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