
Custom REST service with Automation Script

The REST APIs have a tight integration with the automation scripts. Automation scripts can be used to develop custom APIs. The following example call describes how automation scripts interact with REST APIs. You can also use automation scripts for implementing custom queries and custom actions. JavaScript language is always the preferred choice for integration scripts […]

Why I hate automation script variables binding

There are two approaches when dealing with Maximo automation scripts input and output variables. Using launch point variables – This method is described in the product’s knowledge center and allows to get/set values from/to the database specifying how to bind the script variables to specific database fields. Using getter/setter methods – This approach uses Maximo […]

Automatically calculate Job Plan duration from Tasks

A small customization I have been recently asked for is to automatically calculate Job Plan duration from Tasks. This can be easily achieved with an automation script on the JOBTASK object. Open the Automation Scripts application and create the following Script with Object Launch Point Launch Point: MXDJPDURATION – Automatically calculates Job Plan Duration from […]

Ensure Asset’s serial number uniqueness

Sometimes you need to ensure the uniqueness of a certain database column in the Maximo database. A common example of this scenario is to ensure that asset’s serial numbers are not duplicated. This can prevent the creation of duplicate assets. In this post I describe two techniques to achieve this using a unique database index […]

Service object methods in automation scripts

The service object has been added in Maximo 7.6 script and is very useful in several scenarios. Here is a list of available methods. For more details refer to this page. Logging getLogger(loggerName) log_debug(logMsg) log_debug(logMsg, java.lang.Throwable t) log_error(logMsg) log_error(logMsg, java.lang.Throwable t) log_fatal(logMsg) log_fatal(logMsg, java.lang.Throwable t) log_info(logMsg) log_info(logMsg, java.lang.Throwable t) log_warn(logMsg) log_warn(logMsg, java.lang.Throwable t) log(logMsg) logError(logMsg) […]

Maximo 7.6 Scripting

Maximo 76 Scripting Features guide is a great source of information but it has been released only in PDF format so it’s poorly indexed by Google. I have split it in small articles and shared here in order to be easily searched over the internet. Library Scripts Warnings and Errors Yes/No/Cancel dialog Before Save, After […]

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