
Maximo Scripting – Before Save, After Save, After Commit

This post is an excerpt from the Maximo 76 Scripting Features guide. Maximo 7.5 scripting supported only the “Before Save” events in the Object Launchpoint. Although that is the most common place where we do customizations, we often see the need to attach some customizations at the after save and after commit events – mostly […]

Handling a Custom Dialog using Automation Scripts

Automation scripts are undoubtedly a powerful feature but we all know there are some limitations. For example automation scripts cannot be used to handle user input in a custom dialog box. This is because the scripting engine runs in the businessobjects layer which is below the maximouiweb layer that can handle DataBeans and user interface […]

Logging in automation scripts

I have to admit, I’m a big fan of automation scripts.Recent updates released with Maximo have almost covered all the possible customization needs including library scripts, REST APIs, MIF processing, before/after save event. All the new features are well documented in this somewhat secret document. However whatever nice feature will be added in the […]

Avoiding FetchResultStopLimit errors in Java or scripts

Today I had to face an issue deleting a large set of records from a Maximo table using an automation script. My script was something like this. mboSet = MXServer.getMXServer().getMboSet(“MYTABLE”, mbo.getUserInfo())mboSet.deleteAll() Unfortunately the table I had to purge (MYTABLE in the example) was having more than 5000 rows so when I launched the script I […]

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