
Handling a Custom Dialog using Automation Scripts

Automation scripts are undoubtedly a powerful feature but we all know there are some limitations. For example automation scripts cannot be used to handle user input in a custom dialog box. This is because the scripting engine runs in the businessobjects layer which is below the maximouiweb layer that can handle DataBeans and user interface […]

Logging in automation scripts

I have to admit, I’m a big fan of automation scripts.Recent updates released with Maximo have almost covered all the possible customization needs including library scripts, REST APIs, MIF processing, before/after save event. All the new features are well documented in this somewhat secret document. However whatever nice feature will be added in the […]

Avoiding FetchResultStopLimit errors in Java or scripts

Today I had to face an issue deleting a large set of records from a Maximo table using an automation script. My script was something like this. mboSet = MXServer.getMXServer().getMboSet(“MYTABLE”, mbo.getUserInfo())mboSet.deleteAll() Unfortunately the table I had to purge (MYTABLE in the example) was having more than 5000 rows so when I launched the script I […]

Automation Script to reset user’s Start Centers

In a previous post I have explained how to force the reload of a the start center for a specific group of users.I have now developed a useful automation script that can be invoked from the Security Group application to automatically perform this task with just one click.Register the script as a Script with an […]

How to correctly handle synonym domains in automation script

We all know that Maximo allows the definition of new internal values for synonym domains. A common example is the LOCTYPE domain that defines the allowed values for the LOCATIONS.TYPE field.If we want to implement a special business logic for the OPERATING type of locations we can write something like this in our automation script. loctype […]

Sending SMS from Maximo calling an external Web service

In my last project I had to implement a customization to send SMS messages using Skebby. The service APIs are obviously based on REST and JSON so I ended up writing an automation script to integrate Maximo with the Skebby service.In the process of writing the code I have faced (and solved) some interesting issues […]

Disable automatic asset/location population in Work Order and Ticket applications

Maximo has a feature that automatically populates the asset when a user enters a location and viceversa. This is a feature may be useful for most clients but some other clients don’t like this behavior. Unfortunately Maximo does not have a built in switch to disable this. The best solution to solve the problem is […]

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