
Find inactive users in Maximo

Here is a quick SQL query you can use to find inactive users that haven’t logged into Maximo in the last 2 months. DB2 select * from maxuserwhere status=’ACTIVE’and sysuser=0and not exists (select userid from logintracking where logintracking.userid=maxuser.userid and attemptresult=’LOGIN’ and attemptdate>(current date-60 DAYS))order by userid; Oracle select * from maxuserwhere status=’ACTIVE’and sysuser=0and not exists […]

Improving Assets and Locations drilldown dialog

The Assets/Locations drilldown dialog is one of the most longstanding and criticized features of Maximo. This dialog is almost unchanged from release 6.1 and definitely lacks some important capabilities to provide a unified view of assets and location hierarchy. However, we can make few minor improvements to the standard dialog to make it slightly better. Increase […]

MxLoader now supports Web Services

By default MxLoader uses plain Object Services through HTTP calls. These services are automatically exposed when an Object Structure is created in Maximo. Using Web Services is possible to have more control over data defining processing classes, user exit classes, XSL maps, and processing rules. MxLoader 5.1 now allows to use Web Services as well. […]

Differentiate Maximo production, test, development environments

A common need is to differentiate Maximo production, test, development environments.The easiest technique I know is to customize the login and header messages.Open Database Administration application and select the Messages action. Search for ‘welcome’ and change the messages in the ‘login’ group as you wish. The welcome message is displayed on the login page, the […]

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