
Improving Assets and Locations drilldown dialog

The Assets/Locations drilldown dialog is one of the most longstanding and criticized features of Maximo. This dialog is almost unchanged from release 6.1 and definitely lacks some important capabilities to provide a unified view of assets and location hierarchy. However, we can make few minor improvements to the standard dialog to make it slightly better. Increase […]

MxLoader now supports Web Services

By default MxLoader uses plain Object Services through HTTP calls. These services are automatically exposed when an Object Structure is created in Maximo. Using Web Services is possible to have more control over data defining processing classes, user exit classes, XSL maps, and processing rules. MxLoader 5.1 now allows to use Web Services as well. […]

Display bullettin board messages opened by default

A common requirement is to display the bulletin board messages in a more visible way.A simple solution is to display the formatted message opened by default. To achieve this you can edit the following JSP file: [SMP]\applications\maximo\maximouiweb\webmodule\webclient\components\bulletinboard.jsp On my Maximo i have this line of code at row 335: style=”display:none;overflow:visible” If you change the […]

Remove the 200 record limit in Anywhere simulator

The mobile app simulator is a great tool when developing mobile applications with Maximo Anywhere. Obviously it does not replace a good test on the real device but it is essential during development especially when the browser development tools are used to inspect and debug the app.One limitation of the simulator is the 200 records […]

Maximo Anywhere Simulator issues with Google Chrome

You know that Google Chrome is the preferred browser for previewing mobile apps when developing with Maximo Anywhere. However, it seems that Google Chrome automatic updates are a big pain because sometime the simulator stops working correctly. I know there were at least 3 problems caused by a Chrome update: Menu is not displayed correctly […]

Overview of Maximo Industry Solutions and Extensions

This page has been published in 2015 and contains obsolete info. After 2 years of blogging on MaximoDev and more than 100 posts to explain how to configure and customize Maximo I want to spend few minutes to explain how to NOT customize Maximo. Customizing Maximo may be challenging and fun but should always taken […]

Avoiding Java classes conflicts using a_customer.xml file

Consider this scenario (which I came across). You have extended out of the box MBO class with your own class to implement you own business logic for work orders. After a while you install the Maximo Scheduler extension and you soon discover that all your custom logic has gone because the WORKORDER object […]

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