
System as-built documentation with MxLoader

Many large clients require to deliver an as-built document as part of the deliverables to be produced before the go-live. This is typically a Word document where all the Maximo configurations must be listed and described. I think this document has little real value for several reasons: In this article I will propose a better […]

Migrate Maximo configurations with MxLoader

Have you ever struggled migrating configurations from Development to Test environment and then to Production?If the answer is yes, you are not alone. I think this is the one of the most common issues when managing multiple environments in medium-large Maximo projects. Keeping several Maximo environments in synch while ensuring a fast release cycle required […]

Attachments (DOCLINKS) Configuration

This procedure describes how to set up attached documents in Maximo 7.1 and above with IBM WebSphere Application Server. In this procedure I will use [IHSDIR] and [DOCLINKSDIR] tags to identify IBM HTTP Server and attachments home directory respectively. Replace those tags according to your environment. Here are the default values. Windows [IHSDIR] – C:\Program Files\IBM\HTTPServer […]

SCCD 7.5 and Maximo 7.6 user interface System Properties

SmartCloud Control Desk 7.5 and Maximo 7.6 have introduced new UI skins and navigation behavior. There are four new System Properties which control the left navigation pane and other related visual attributes. mxe.webclient.homeButtonHeaders – Moves Goto menu to left of the screen and adds Start Center button to the header mxe.webclient.systemNavBar – Enables the lefthand […]

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