
Retrieve multiple attribute values from an Mbo

This entry is part of the Maximo Java Development series. Maximo MBOs are not exactly lightweight, however there are some little tricks to improve performances and reduce system resources consumption. One of the most common mistakes that I have seen is the redundant use of getters methods of the psdi.mbo.Mbo class.In the following example three calls to getString/getInt […]

Analyze BIRT report performances and execution time

Some days ago I came across this interesting post from Pam Denny that describes the 80/20 rule. Based on this empirical rule 80% of the report processing is done by only 20% of used reports.That’s why I developed a simple SQL query that uses the LASTRUNDURATION field of the REPORT table to list the report […]

Maximo Performance Best Practices White Papers

IBM has just released updated versions of Maximo Performance Best Practices White Papers. This papers provide useful information to improve the performance of all Maximo/TPAE based products wether they are deployed in small, medium, or large scale customer environments.They can be downloaded from IBM developerWorks: Best Practices for System Performance 7.5.x Best Practices for System […]

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