
Is your Maximo database in good health?

We all know Maximo is a complex product. It has plenty of features and is very flexible but sometimes complex to manage especially when system performances are poor.A lot of things may affect the perceived performances of Maximo and it may be hard to have an overview of the entire system configuration. What are the […]

Remove legacy (Actuate) reports from Maximo

If you are upgrading from Maximo 5 or 6, to Maximo 7.1 or 7.5, you may want to remove legacy (Actuate) Maximo 5 or 6 reports.The following SQL script deletes those obsolete report entries from the database. delete from reportlookupwhere reportlookup.reportnum in(select reportnum from reportwhere runtype in (‘ESPREADSHEET’, ‘QUERY’, ‘REPORT’))or reportlookup.reportnum is nullor reportlookup.reportname is […]

ClassCast exception when launching BIRT reports

Recently I went through a problem running BIRT reports from Maximo. Every time I launch a BIRT report I got a java.lang.ClassCastException exception like this. java.lang.ClassCastException: org.apache.xerces.parsers.XIncludeAwareParserConfiguration incompatible with org.apache.xerces.xni.parser.XMLParserConfiguration My colleague Daniel Hlawatsch found the solution based on two similar IBM TechNotes: New Xerces library was introduced in CCMDB connecting to WebServices To […]

How to extract failure codes, problems, causes and remedies

Today a customer asked me to extract the full listing of failure codes, problems, causes and remedies. He wants to be able to create an Excel spreadsheet to analyze the failure codes tree in order to improve and reorganize such structure.Here is the SQL query that can extract this information from Maximo database. select f.failurecode […]

Analyze BIRT report performances and execution time

Some days ago I came across this interesting post from Pam Denny that describes the 80/20 rule. Based on this empirical rule 80% of the report processing is done by only 20% of used reports.That’s why I developed a simple SQL query that uses the LASTRUNDURATION field of the REPORT table to list the report […]

Enable lookup in report parameters selection page

In this post I will show how to enable the lookup functionality for selecting one or multiple values in a report parameter.Instead of creating a new lookup I will show all the necessary configurations looking at the built-in report ‘Inventory Balance’ (inventory_balance_tbl.rptdesign). Enabling lookup in report Open the ‘Report Administration’ application and search for ‘Inventory […]

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