
Reset the value of a field when another field is modified

This entry is part of the Maximo Java Development series. Today I want to share with you some Java sample code to reset the value of a field when another field is modified.In the example below I have implemented a little piece of logic to reset the WORKORDER.SUPEVISOR field when the WORKORDER.OWNERGROUP is modified. Here […]

Custom condition Java class

Sometimes standard Conditional Expressions are not enough. Sometimes the logic to implement is too complex to be implemented using an SQL expression. In such cases Maximo allows to implement the condition logic in a custom condition class using Java. To implement a condition class you must extend psdi.common.condition.CustomCondition and override evaluateCondition and toWhereClause methods. Here is a […]

Navigating object relationship in MBO code

This entry is part of the Maximo Java Development series. When you are in an Mbo class or you already have a reference to an Mbo object is it possible to retrieve the related records using Maximo object relationships as defined in the Database Configuration application.For example the ASSET object has a relationship called ACTIVEASSETMETER to the […]

What Mbo/MboSet/MboValueAdapter method should I override?

This entry is part of the Maximo Java Development series. One of the biggest issues when implementing Java customizations in the Maximo Business Objects layer is to know what is the best method to override to achieve a specific goal.Here I have listed the most common usages of the the main methods in Mbo, MboSet and […]

How to debug Maximo/TPAE

This entry is part of the Maximo Java Development series. Debugging is a great aid in developing Maximo/TPAE customizations in Java. This powerful technique, albeit simple, is too often ignored or neglected by less experienced developers. In this tutorial I will show how to connect Eclipse to a remote Maximo server in debug mode.Here we go. Enable debug […]

MBO Performance Tip N.8 – If there is no other way… use JDBC

This entry is part of the Java MBO performance optimization golden rules series. Sometimes you have to perform some complex logic or you have to join several tables to retrieve a piece of data. In other cases there is a piece of code where performance is critical. In such cases it may be hard to […]

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