
Set long description from automation script

Today I have discovered a strange behavior when setting long descriptions from an automation script. You know that almost every DESCRIPTION field in Maximo has a corresponding “Long Description” field that is a CLOB attribute that can hold big amounts of text. This is driven by the “Long Description Owner” checkbox in Database Configuration. When […]

Display custom message from automation script

There is a well known technique to display a custom error message from an automation script. It requires to create the custom message in the Messages dialog of Database Configuration application and then to trigger the display of it throwing an exception by setting errorgroup/errorkey or using the service.error method. This technique is well described […]

SQL skills

One of the first thing I always say to the new hires that are going to learn Maximo is how much important is to have a good knowledge of SQL language. It is really important to build application queries, Birt reports, database relationships, complex table domains, conditional expressions and many other Maximo configurations. The important […]

MxLoader wizard

Do you know there is a wizard into MxLoader? You can invoke him clicking on the MxSheet Wizard button on the toolbar. Joking apart, the MxSheet Wizard button can help you in creating your own MxLoader sheet choosing an available Object Structure and picking up all the attributes that you want to manage. This is […]

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