
Improved record change tracking using Audit feature

In a previous post, I demonstrated how the Maximo audit tracking can be used to display the updates made on a record enabling the audit and adding a “history” tab in the application. This technique is quite common but has a major drawback; it displays all the audited field in a row even if only […]

How to improve View Workflow History dialog

One of the frequent complaints from Maximo clients is the scarce user-friendliness of the View Workflow History dialog. Here is the same dialog after few changes. Clutter information is removed and is now clear the sequence of actions taken by the user. Before you start you have to open the Application Designer and click on […]

Attribute validation not triggered immediately

Have you ever experienced a delay when entering data on a field and validation is triggered after several seconds? The asyncronous data validation has been introduced in Maximo 7.5 to improve responsiveness of the user interface. However there are some situations where this is really annoying. For example, if you have developed your own scripts […]

Handling a Custom Dialog using Automation Scripts

Automation scripts are undoubtedly a powerful feature but we all know there are some limitations. For example automation scripts cannot be used to handle user input in a custom dialog box. This is because the scripting engine runs in the businessobjects layer which is below the maximouiweb layer that can handle DataBeans and user interface […]

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