
Improving Assets and Locations drilldown dialog

The Assets/Locations drilldown dialog is one of the most longstanding and criticized features of Maximo. This dialog is almost unchanged from release 6.1 and definitely lacks some important capabilities to provide a unified view of assets and location hierarchy. However, we can make few minor improvements to the standard dialog to make it slightly better. Increase […]

How to display a domain description in an application

Some fields in Maximo are linked to a domain that allows to set its value from a predefined set of values. In some cases however, when the value does not provide enough information, you may wish to also display the description of the domain value that you have chosen. For example lets consider the STATUS […]

Implementing a Smart Search feature

Using Maximo search functionality can be sometimes complex or even frustrating. Several customers have asked me if there is a simple Google-like functionality to search for all the objects that contains a specific set of words. This article describes how to implement such feature in the Work Order Tracking application. The solution described in this […]

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