
Handling workflow from automation script

If you need to handle workflows (start, stop, route, etc.) from an automation script you can use the following two Maximo API classes: WorkFlowService and WFInstance. Here are few examples. The WorkFlowService.initiateWorkflow metod can be used to start a workflow: To stop an active workflow you can use WFInstance.stopWorkflow method: To route a workflow I […]

How to improve View Workflow History dialog

One of the frequent complaints from Maximo clients is the scarce user-friendliness of the View Workflow History dialog. Here is the same dialog after few changes. Clutter information is removed and is now clear the sequence of actions taken by the user. Before you start you have to open the Application Designer and click on […]

Route Workflow error in cloned applications

Maximo Everyplace is the quick way-to-go to provide access to mobile devices for IBM Maximo. It is basically a slightly changed look and feel of the standard web interface with a dedicated start center that is automatically displayed when logging from a mobile web browser. Obviously it works only in online mode but is straightforward […]

Automatically stop workflow on closed work orders

When using a workflow to drive the status changes of an object in Maximo you shouldn’t allow the users to change the status directly through the ‘Change Status’ action. This could be easily done removing the ‘Change Status’ sigoption from relevant users groups.When users have both options enabled, it may happen that a closed work […]

Translate workflow messages and labels

Translated messages and labels are not enabled by default on Maximo workflows. This means that if you have a multilanguage environment all the users will see the same task descriptions interaction messages when using workflows.To be able to insert translated labels and messages for workflows you have to enable the multi-language option for the following […]

Find Roles with assignments in a Workflow

Roles in Maximo are used to represent a specific person or a group of people that can be used in workflows, communication templates and escalations. If you need to find which roles are used in a specific workflow you can use an SQL query like this. SELECT wfnode.title, wfnode.description, wfa.roleid, r.descriptionFROM wfnodeJOIN wfassignment wfa ON […]

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