
MBOs attribute current, previous, initial values

When implementing business logic in Java code it may be useful to compare the value of an attribute to it’s previous or initial value.This is particularly useful when overriding MboValueAdapter.action() method to validate the new value of an attribute as soon as it changes. Look at how the three values are retrieved in the following […]

System requirements for IBM Maximo and SmartCloud Control Desk

Sometimes is a bit hard to find an exact list of system requirements and prerequisites for IBM Maximo and SmartCloud Control Desk (SCCD) products. If you want to know what are the supported operating systems and middleware versions here are the most important sources of information: IBM SmartCloud Control Desk system requirements IBM Maximo system […]

Translate workflow messages and labels

Translated messages and labels are not enabled by default on Maximo workflows. This means that if you have a multilanguage environment all the users will see the same task descriptions interaction messages when using workflows.To be able to insert translated labels and messages for workflows you have to enable the multi-language option for the following […]

Automatically start Maximo or SCCD server

To automatically start Maximo or SmartCloud Control Desk (SCCD) when the hosting server starts you need to configure the WebSphere Node Agent to start automatically start at server boot. Automatically start WebSphere Node Agent This can be achieved on Windows setting up the WebSphere Node Agent as a Windows service using the WASService command located […]

Custom Java Action Class Example

This entry is part of the Maximo Java Development series. In a previous post I have described how create a custom action class using Java. Here is a full example that can help to understand how to navigate objects and set values. package;import java.rmi.RemoteException;import psdi.common.action.ActionCustomClass;import psdi.mbo.MboConstants;import psdi.mbo.MboRemote;import psdi.mbo.MboSetRemote;import psdi.util.MXException;/** * Sets the Workorder description […]

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