
Automatically calculate Job Plan duration from Tasks

A small customization I have been recently asked for is to automatically calculate Job Plan duration from Tasks. This can be easily achieved with an automation script on the JOBTASK object. Open the Automation Scripts application and create the following Script with Object Launch Point Launch Point: MXDJPDURATION – Automatically calculates Job Plan Duration from […]

MxLoader NextGen Beta available now!

MxLoader NextGen Beta is now over and starting from MxLoader 7.1 all the NextGen features are now available in the official version. Refer to MxLoader main web page for download. MxLoader NextGen advantages are: Support for Maximo NextGen REST APIs Improved performance File download/upload capabilities Detailed results dialog Individual response codes for bulk updates There […]

The importance of ‘sameas’ in Database Configuration

An often misused feature of Maximo Database Configuration is the ‘Same as Object’ and ‘Same as Attribute’ fields when defining custom database attributes. To understand how this works lets consider the ASSET.LOCATION attribute. As you can see from the screenshot below, the LOCATION column of the ASSET table is defined ‘same as’ LOCATIONS.LOCATION’ field. The […]

Attribute validation not triggered immediately

Have you ever experienced a delay when entering data on a field and validation is triggered after several seconds? The asyncronous data validation has been introduced in Maximo 7.5 to improve responsiveness of the user interface. However there are some situations where this is really annoying. For example, if you have developed your own scripts […]

Route Workflow error in cloned applications

Maximo Everyplace is the quick way-to-go to provide access to mobile devices for IBM Maximo. It is basically a slightly changed look and feel of the standard web interface with a dedicated start center that is automatically displayed when logging from a mobile web browser. Obviously it works only in online mode but is straightforward […]

Reset all meter readings

On a development/test environment today I had to reset all meter readings. Maximo is storing the last readings in a set of fields of the ASSETMETER table and the reading history in the METERREADING table. Here are the SQL statements I have used. delete from meterreading; update assetmeter set lastreading=0, lastreadingdate=null, sincelastrepair=0, sincelastoverhaul=0, sincelastinspect=0, sinceinstall=0, […]

Ensure Asset’s serial number uniqueness

Sometimes you need to ensure the uniqueness of a certain database column in the Maximo database. A common example of this scenario is to ensure that asset’s serial numbers are not duplicated. This can prevent the creation of duplicate assets. In this post I describe two techniques to achieve this using a unique database index […]

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