
Automatically rotate and clean HTTP Server log files

By default IBM HTTP Server log files always grow. This may be a problem especially on production servers where there is a large amount of HTTP requests that can quickly generate a very big access.log file. This file cannot be deleted without stopping the HTTP Server and can be practically impossible to open with a […]

Securing Maximo with SSL/HTTPS

Maximo installation configures by default HTTP unencrypted communication. This basic configuration may represent a security exposure especially when the server is reachable from the public internet. This article describes all the steps needed to enable HTTPS (SSL) communications for Maximo. It comprises the following main steps. Creation of a self-signed certificate IBM HTTP Server configuration […]

ClassCast exception when launching BIRT reports

Recently I went through a problem running BIRT reports from Maximo. Every time I launch a BIRT report I got a java.lang.ClassCastException exception like this. java.lang.ClassCastException: org.apache.xerces.parsers.XIncludeAwareParserConfiguration incompatible with org.apache.xerces.xni.parser.XMLParserConfiguration My colleague Daniel Hlawatsch found the solution based on two similar IBM TechNotes: New Xerces library was introduced in CCMDB connecting to WebServices To […]

Multiple Maximo 7.1 installations on the same administrative workstation

As you may already know IBM Maximo 7.1 does not fully support the installation of multiple environments on a single Administrative Workstation. This is partially true since IBM has developed a procedure based on the use of non-administrative system users (see TechNote 21421640). However, I find this as an overly complex technique so I have […]

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