
Inbound Web Service processing using XSL transformation

The title of this article is quite scaring right? Let’s describe the scenario… You have an external application that needs to query or update data in Maximo using a Web Service call. In the real world the outbound XML schema of the caller is different from the Maximo inbound interface. How can you transform the […]

Remove legacy (Actuate) reports from Maximo

If you are upgrading from Maximo 5 or 6, to Maximo 7.1 or 7.5, you may want to remove legacy (Actuate) Maximo 5 or 6 reports.The following SQL script deletes those obsolete report entries from the database. delete from reportlookupwhere reportlookup.reportnum in(select reportnum from reportwhere runtype in (‘ESPREADSHEET’, ‘QUERY’, ‘REPORT’))or reportlookup.reportnum is nullor reportlookup.reportname is […]

Attachments (DOCLINKS) Configuration

This procedure describes how to set up attached documents in Maximo 7.1 and above with IBM WebSphere Application Server. In this procedure I will use [IHSDIR] and [DOCLINKSDIR] tags to identify IBM HTTP Server and attachments home directory respectively. Replace those tags according to your environment. Here are the default values. Windows [IHSDIR] – C:\Program Files\IBM\HTTPServer […]

Automatically rotate and clean HTTP Server log files

By default IBM HTTP Server log files always grow. This may be a problem especially on production servers where there is a large amount of HTTP requests that can quickly generate a very big access.log file. This file cannot be deleted without stopping the HTTP Server and can be practically impossible to open with a […]

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