Constructor and Description |
FldAttributeValueNP(MboValue mbv) |
FldAutoScript(MboValue mbv)
FldAutoScriptBinarySource(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the MboValue.
FldAutoScriptSource(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the MboValue.
FldCommonModified(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the MboValue.
FldESIfaceName(MboValue mbv)
FldICIfaceName(MboValue mbv)
FldIfaceName(MboValue mbv)
FldIfaceRQRSDir(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the MboValue.
FldIntObjectName(MboValue mbv)
FldIsOverridden(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the MboValue.
FldLaunchPntVarBindValue(MboValue mbv) |
FldLaunchPointAttrName(MboValue mbv) |
FldLaunchPointName(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the MboValue.
FldLiteralDataType(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the MboValue.
FldObjectName(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the MboValue.
FldScriptCreatedBy(MboValue mbv)
Construct without a criteria.
FldScriptCreatedByID(MboValue mbv)
Construct without a criteria.
FldScriptCreatedByName(MboValue mbv)
Construct without a criteria.
FldScriptEventType(MboValue mbv) |
FldScriptIfaceType(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the MboValue.
FldScriptIfaceTypeRefresh(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the MboValue.
FldScriptLang(MboValue mbv)
FldScriptOwner(MboValue mbv)
Construct without a criteria.
FldScriptOwnerID(MboValue mbv)
Construct without a criteria.
FldScriptOwnerName(MboValue mbv)
Construct without a criteria.
FldScrLaunchPointType(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the MboValue.
FldScrLPScriptOrigin(MboValue mbv) |
FldVarBindingType(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the MboValue.
FldVarBindValue(MboValue mbv) |
FldVarName(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the MboValue.
FldVarType(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the MboValue.
Constructor and Description |
FldAutoScriptChangeState(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the MboValue.
Constructor and Description |
FldAMCrew(MboValue mbv) |
FldAMCrewType(MboValue mbv) |
FldCommonCrewAvailDate(MboValue mbv) |
FldCrewWorkGroup(MboValue mbv) |
FldLaborCrewWorkGroup(MboValue mbv) |
Constructor and Description |
FldJobPlanAMCrew(MboValue mbv) |
FldJobPlanAMCrewType(MboValue mbv) |
Constructor and Description |
FldAMCrewWOLabPremiumPayCode(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified MboValue *
FldAMCrewWOLabTotalActHrs(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified MboValue
FldAMCrewWOLabTotalPremPayHrs(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified MboValue
FldAMCrewWOLabTotalRegularHrs(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified MboValue
FldTempAssetNum(MboValue mbv) |
FldTempLaborCode(MboValue mbv) |
FldTempPosition(MboValue mbv) |
FldTempToolSeq(MboValue mbv) |
FldWMAssignTmpActDur(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldWMAssignTmpEndTime(MboValue mbv) |
FldWMAssignTmpStartTime(MboValue mbv) |
FldWMAssignTmpTaskID(MboValue mbv) |
FldWMAssignTmpWoNum(MboValue mbv) |
Constructor and Description |
FldLabTransEnterByAMCrew(MboValue mbv) |
Constructor and Description |
FldAssignAMCrew(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the MboValue.
FldAssignAMCrewType(MboValue mbv) |
FldAssignCrewWorkGroup(MboValue mbv) |
FldWPLaborAMCrew(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the MboValue.
FldWPLaborAMCrewType(MboValue mbv) |
Constructor and Description |
FldAssignCrewFromDate(MboValue mbv) |
FldAssignCrewToDate(MboValue mbv) |
FldWMMatchCrwCrewType(MboValue mbv) |
FldWMMatchCrwVendor(MboValue mbv) |
FldWMMatchCrwWorkGroup(MboValue mbv) |
Constructor and Description |
FldSpecificationAlnValue(MboValue mbv) |
FldSpecificationNumValue(MboValue mbv) |
FldSpecificationTableValue(MboValue mbv) |
Constructor and Description |
FldLaborByCrewActualsTaskID(MboValue mbv)
FldLaborByCrewDates(MboValue mbv) |
FldLaborByCrewTransType(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified MboValue
FldSpecificationValue(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attatch to the specified mbo value.
Constructor and Description |
FldApplyResponse(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the MboValue.
FldAppName(MboValue mbv)
FldAppRelation(MboValue mbv)
FldBindValue(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the MboValue.
FldDefaultValue(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the MboValue.
FldDomainID(MboValue mbv)
FldEncryptValue(MboValue mbv)
FldInteractionName(MboValue mbv)
FldIntMainObject(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the MboValue.
FldIntMode(MboValue mbv) |
FldMapAttribute(MboValue mbv)
FldObjectName(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the MboValue.
FldProcessResponse(MboValue mbv)
FldSelected(MboValue mbv)
FldTitle(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the MboValue.
FldURL(MboValue mbv)
FldUseParent(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the MboValue.
Constructor and Description |
FldBindRelation(MboValue mbv)
FldBindValue(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the MboValue.
FldInteractionName(MboValue mbv)
FldMapAttribute(MboValue mbv)
FldResponseRelationName(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the MboValue.
FldUseParent(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the MboValue.
Constructor and Description |
FldWSIOAttribute(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the MboValue.
Constructor and Description |
FldMaxContextName(MboValue mbv)
Construct and set relationship.
FldMaxLogger(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value.
FldMaxPerson(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value.
Constructor and Description |
FldTargetFinishDate(MboValue mbv) |
FldTargetStartDate(MboValue mbv) |
FldUnassignedDate(MboValue mbv) |
Constructor and Description |
FldMapSitesLatitudeY(MboValue mbv) |
FldMapSitesLongitudeX(MboValue mbv) |
Constructor and Description |
FldMapTipObjectName(MboValue mbv) |
FldMapTipSigOption(MboValue mbv)
filters Map Managers sigoptions
FldMapTipTemplate(MboValue mbv) |
Constructor and Description |
FldAuditLBSLocationFilterMinusHours(MboValue mbv) |
FldUWOStatus(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value.
FldUWOWorkType(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value.
Constructor and Description |
FldAttributes(MboValue mbv)
Instantiates a new fld attributes.
FldConfigurationType(MboValue mv) |
FldMboName(MboValue mbv)
Instantiates a new MBONAME field validation.
FldSelectionValue(MboValue mbv) |
FldWFName(MboValue mbv)
Instantiates a new WFName field validation.
Constructor and Description |
FldCommTemplate(MboValue mbv)
Instantiates a new Communication Tempate field validator.
FldCommTemplateOrig(MboValue mbv) |
FldNextStatus(MboValue mbv)
Instantiates a new FldNextStatus.
FldSendTo(MboValue mbv)
Instantiates a new SENDTO field.
FldStatus(MboValue mbv) |
Constructor and Description |
FldDomainDesc(MboValue mbv)
Instantiates a new fld domain desc.
Constructor and Description |
FldAttribute(MboValue mbv)
Instantiates a new field attribute.
FldAttributeTitle(MboValue mbv)
Instantiates a new title.
FldOrder(MboValue mbv) |
Constructor and Description |
FldIsAccept(MboValue mbv) |
FldSelectionAttribute(MboValue mbv)
Instantiates a new WFName field validation.
FldSetValue(MboValue mbv)
Instantiates a new SETVALUE field validation.
FldWFNode(MboValue mbv)
Instantiates a new WFNODE field validation.
Constructor and Description |
FldMboName(MboValue mbv)
Instantiates a new MBONAME field validation.
FldWFNodeTitle(MboValue mbv)
Instantiates a new WFNODETITLE field validation.
Constructor and Description |
FldAllProviders(MboValue mbv)
FldAppAppName(MboValue mbv)
FldAppInteractionName(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the MboValue.
FldAppIntMainObject(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the MboValue.
FldAppName(MboValue mbv)
FldGeneratePresentataion(MboValue mbv)
FldGroupAppRelationName(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the MboValue.
FldIntegrationObject(MboValue mbv)
FldInteractionType(MboValue mbv)
FldIntGroupName(MboValue mbv)
FldIntMainObject(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the MboValue.
FldIntQueryType(MboValue mbv) |
FldLinkPropertyName(MboValue mbv) |
FldMapExpression(MboValue mbv)
FldPropertyName(MboValue mbv) |
FldQueryPropertyName(MboValue mbv) |
FldResourceTypes(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the MboValue.
FldServiceProvider(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the MboValue.
FldSupportCombineView(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the MboValue.
FldTabName(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the MboValue.
FldUsage(MboValue mbv) |
Constructor and Description |
FldOslcLinkProviderName(MboValue mbv) |
Constructor and Description |
FldEndPointName(MboValue mbv) |
FldUseRegistry(MboValue mbv)
Constructor and Description |
FldClausenameOslcQuery(MboValue mbv) |
FldDefaultNamespace(MboValue mbv) |
FldDomainName(MboValue mbv) |
FldErrorMessageGroup(MboValue mbv) |
FldErrorMessageKey(MboValue mbv) |
FldIntegrationObject(MboValue mbv)
FldKeyMap(MboValue mbv) |
FldLinkObjectStruture(MboValue mbv)
FldLinkRelation(MboValue mbv)
FldOslcAttributeName(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the MboValue.
FldPropertyName(MboValue mbv) |
FldPropertyNamespace(MboValue mbv)
FldScriptnameOslcQuery(MboValue mbv) |
FldUsageOslcQuery(MboValue mbv) |
Constructor and Description |
FldResourceContext(MboValue mbv) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static void |
ScriptUtil.setValueForMaxType(java.lang.Object value,
MboValue mboValue,
long flag) |
Constructor and Description |
ScriptMaxTableDomain(MboValue mboValue) |
ScriptMboValueAdapter(MboValue mboValue) |
Constructor and Description |
FldMXODMAppPort(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldOptimParameterAsync(MboValue mbv) |
FldOptimParameterOnceDateTime(MboValue mbv) |
FldOptimParameterSchedule(MboValue mbv) |
FldOptimParameterScheduleType(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldSKDCostCalDate(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldSKDLaborHrsCalDate(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldSKDModelSolnPrecision(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the MBO value.
FldSKDODMAppName(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified MboValue
FldSKDOptimParameterMaxWO(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldSKDOriginDestMatrixReverseUpdate(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldSKDOriginDestMatrixTravelTime(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldSKDProjectCalEndDate(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the MBO value.
FldSKDProjectCalNum(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the MBO value.
FldSKDProjectChangeBy(MboValue mbv)
FldSKDProjectComplianceEnd(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldSKDProjectComplianceStart(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldSKDProjectCreateBy(MboValue mbv)
FldSKDProjectFrequency(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldSKDProjectFreqUnit(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldSKDProjectIsAutoCompliance(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldSKDProjectName(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the MBO value.
FldSKDProjectOrgID(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified MboValue
FldSKDProjectPreserveDates(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldSKDProjectSchedule(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldSKDProjectShiftMargin(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldSKDProjectShiftNum(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the MboValue.
FldSKDProjectStartDate(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the MBO value.
FldSKDProjectStartWeekDay(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldSKDPropertyAlwaysVisible(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldSKDPropertyColumnWidth(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the MBO value.
FldSKDPropertyMapAppLinkApps(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the MBO value.
FldSKDPropertyMapAppLinkObject(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the MBO value.
FldSKDPropertyMapAttributeName(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the MBO value.
FldSKDPropertyMapObjectName(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the MBO value.
FldSKDPropertyMapSKDAttributeName(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the MBO value.
FldSKDPropertyPersistent(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the MBO value.
FldSKDPropertyPropertyName(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the MboValue.
FldSKDPropertyPropertyOrder(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the MBO value.
FldSKDPropertyShowTable(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the MBO value.
FldSKDQueryObjectName(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the MBO value.
FldSKDQueryWhereClause(MboValue mbv)
FldSKDScenarioInputName(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified MboValue
FldSKDScenarioInputObjId(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified MboValue
FldSKDScenarioUseTemplate(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldSKDViewScenarioProject(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified MboValue
Constructor and Description |
FldSLREndDate(MboValue mbv) |
FldSLRLocation(MboValue mbv) |
FldSLROrgID(MboValue mbv) |
FldSLRStartDate(MboValue mbv) |
Constructor and Description |
FldServiceAddressLatitudeY(MboValue mbv) |
FldServiceAddressLongitudeX(MboValue mbv) |
FldServiceAddressOrgID(MboValue mbv) |
FldServiceAddressPrefix(MboValue mbv) |
FldServiceAddressSiteID(MboValue mbv)
Constructor sets the relationship to the Site table.
FldServiceAddressSuffix(MboValue mbv) |
FldServiceAddressUnitNumber(MboValue mbv) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
WOTKTCommonFld.confirmAsset(MboValue mboValue)
Prompts the user to confirm if he wants to replace the current SA with the Asset's SA
void |
WOTKTCommonFld.confirmAsset(MboValue mboValue,
MboRemote assetRetrievedWithoutSiteId)
Used when the Asset cannot be retrieved directly using the relationship.
void |
WOTKTCommonFld.confirmLocation(MboValue mboValue)
Prompts the user to confirm if he wants to replace the current SA with the Locations SA
void |
WOTKTCommonFld.confirmLocation(MboValue mboValue,
MboRemote locWithNoSiteid)
Used when the location cannot be retrieved directly using the relationship.
int |
WOTKTCommonFld.confirmReplacementByAssetOrDelete(MboValue assetMboValue) |
int |
WOTKTCommonFld.confirmReplacementByLocationsOrDelete(MboValue locationMboValue) |
void |
WOTKTCommonFld.executeAction(MboValue mboValue)
After all actions are defined it just executes what ever is needed with the SA selected by the user
void |
WOTKTCommonFld.executeNonInteractiveFlow(MboValue mboValue) |
Constructor and Description |
FldServiceAddress(MboValue mbv) |
FldServiceAddressAddressCode(MboValue mbv) |
FldWOSRServiceAddress(MboValue mbv) |
FldWOSRSrvadAddressPrefix(MboValue mbv) |
FldWOSRSrvadFields(MboValue mbv) |
FldWOSRSrvadLatitudeY(MboValue mbv) |
FldWOSRSrvadLongitudeX(MboValue mbv) |
FldWOSRSrvadSuffix(MboValue mbv) |
FldWOSRSrvadUnitNumber(MboValue mbv) |
Constructor and Description |
FldAMCrewWorkZoneAMCrew(MboValue mbv) |
FldAMCrewWorkZoneDefault(MboValue mbv) |
FldAMCrewWorkZoneWorkZone(MboValue mbv) |
FldAssetWorkZoneAssetNum(MboValue mbv) |
FldAssetWorkZoneDefault(MboValue mbv) |
FldAssetWorkZoneWorkZone(MboValue mbv) |
FldLaborWorkZoneDefault(MboValue mbv) |
FldLaborWorkZoneLaborCode(MboValue mbv) |
FldLaborWorkZoneWorkZone(MboValue mbv) |
FldLocationWorkZoneDefault(MboValue mbv) |
FldLocationWorkZoneLocation(MboValue mbv) |
FldLocationWorkZoneWorkZone(MboValue mbv) |
FldNWorkZone(MboValue mbv) |
FldWorkZone(MboValue mbv) |
Constructor and Description |
FldActionsCfgTemplate(MboValue mbv)
A lookup is added to the templateid field.
Constructor and Description |
FldActCICINum(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldActCIClassId(MboValue mbv) |
FldActCINum(MboValue mbv)
Construct without a criteria.
FldActCINum(MboValue mbv,
java.lang.String criteriaName)
Construct and attach to the mbo value.
FldCIClassId(MboValue mbv) |
FldCITemplateID(MboValue mbv)
Construct the FldCITemplateID object
FldTopActCIClassId(MboValue mbv) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
MboValue |
MaxApps.getMboValue(java.lang.String nameInput)
Delay retrieval of maxmenu mbo (used for attribute ("module").
Constructor and Description |
FldSigOptFlagCode(MboValue mbv) |
FldSigOptFlagValue(MboValue mbv) |
Constructor and Description |
FldAssetAsOfDate(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value.
FldAssetAssetID(MboValue mbv)
FldAssetAssetType(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attatch to the specified mbo value
FldAssetBinNum(MboValue mbv)
construct the field
FldAssetChild(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the MboValue.
FldAssetCINum(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldAssetClassStructureid(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldAssetEndMeasure(MboValue mbv)
constructs and attaches to the MboValue.
FldAssetFailureCode(MboValue mbv)
Construct for the specified MboValue
FldAssetFeatureCreatedByRelationship(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldAssetFeatureEndFeatureLabel(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attatch to the specified mbo value
FldAssetFeatureFeature(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attatch to the specified mbo value
FldAssetFeatureHistAsOfDate(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value.
FldAssetFeatureHistFromMeasure(MboValue mbv)
constructs and attaches to the MboValue.
FldAssetFeatureHistToMeasure(MboValue mbv)
constructs and attaches to the MboValue.
FldAssetFeatureLRM(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attatch to the specified mbo value
FldAssetFeatureMeasure(MboValue mbv) |
FldAssetFeatureRangeFeature(MboValue mbv) |
FldAssetFeatureSpecAlnValue(MboValue mbv) |
FldAssetFeatureSpecMeasure(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldAssetFeatureSpecNumValue(MboValue mbv) |
FldAssetFeatureSpecTableValue(MboValue mbv) |
FldAssetFeatureStartFeatureLabel(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attatch to the specified mbo value
FldAssetFromMeasure(MboValue mbv)
constructs and attaches to the MboValue.
FldAssetIsCalibration(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified MboValue
FldAssetIsLinear(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified MboValue
FldAssetItemnum(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldAssetLocation(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldAssetLocRelationAssetRelationNum(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldAssetLocRelationIsLinearRef(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldAssetLocRelationLRM(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attatch to the specified mbo value
FldAssetLocRelationMeasure(MboValue mbv)
constructs and attaches to the MboValue.
FldAssetLocRelationSourceAssetNum(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldAssetLocRelationSourceEndFeatureLabel(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attatch to the specified mbo value
FldAssetLocRelationSourceLocation(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldAssetLocRelationSourceLRM(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attatch to the specified mbo value
FldAssetLocRelationSourceStartFeatureLabel(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attatch to the specified mbo value
FldAssetLocRelationTargetAssetNum(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldAssetLocRelationTargetEndFeatureLabel(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attatch to the specified mbo value
FldAssetLocRelationTargetLocation(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldAssetLocRelationTargetLRM(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attatch to the specified mbo value
FldAssetLocRelationTargetStartFeatureLabel(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attatch to the specified mbo value
FldAssetLocUserCustCustodian(MboValue mbv)
Construct with a criteria.
FldAssetLocUserCustPersonID(MboValue mbv)
Construct with a criteria.
FldAssetLocUserCustPrimary(MboValue mbv)
Construct with a criteria.
FldAssetLocUserCustUser(MboValue mbv)
Construct with a criteria.
FldAssetLRM(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attatch to the specified mbo value
FldAssetLRMIsBase(MboValue mbv)
Construct with a criteria.
FldAssetLRMIsDefault(MboValue mbv)
Construct with a criteria.
FldAssetLRMLRM(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attatch to the specified mbo value
FldAssetMaintHierchy(MboValue mbv)
Construct with a criteria.
FldAssetManufacturer(MboValue mbv) |
FldAssetMeterAssetID(MboValue mbv)
Construct without a criteria.
FldAssetMeterEndFeatureLabel(MboValue mbv) |
FldAssetMeterFeature(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attatch to the specified mbo value
FldAssetMeterFeature(MboValue mbv,
java.lang.String criteriaName) |
FldAssetMeterMeterName(MboValue mbv)
Construct without a criteria.
FldAssetMeterStartFeatureLabel(MboValue mbv) |
FldAssetMoveModifyBinnum(MboValue mbv)
FldAssetMoveModifyGL(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldAssetMoveModifyNewAssetNum(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the MboValue.
FldAssetMoveModifyNewLocation(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldAssetMoveModifyNewParent(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldAssetMoveModifyNewSite(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldAssetMoveModifyNewStatus(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldAssetMoveModifyTaskID(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldAssetMoveModifyWoNum(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldAssetnum(MboValue mbv)
Construct without a criteria or attribute.
FldAssetnum(MboValue mbv,
java.lang.String criteriaName)
Construct with a criteria, but no attribute name.
FldAssetnum(MboValue mbv,
java.lang.String criteriaName,
java.lang.String siteAttrib)
Construct and attach to the mbo value.
FldAssetOpSKDOpHrs(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified MboValue
FldAssetOpSKDStartDateTime(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified MboValue
FldAssetParent(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldAssetParent(MboValue mbv,
java.lang.String relationship)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldAssetPersonGrpPrimary(MboValue mbv)
Construct with a criteria.
FldAssetRelFilterBy(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified MboValue
FldAssetRepairFacility(MboValue mbv) |
FldAssetShowFromDate(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified MboValue
FldAssetSpecEndFeatureLabel(MboValue mbv) |
FldAssetSpecLRM(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attatch to the specified mbo value
FldAssetSpecStartFeatureLabel(MboValue mbv) |
FldAssetStartMeasure(MboValue mbv)
constructs and attaches to the MboValue.
FldAssetStatusChangeDate(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldAssetSwapNewReplaceAssetNum(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the MboValue.
FldAssetSwapReplaceAssetNum(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the MboValue.
FldAssetSwapReplaceAssetSite(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldAssetToMeasure(MboValue mbv)
constructs and attaches to the MboValue.
FldAssetUsage(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attatch to the specified mbo value
FldAssetUserCustPersonID(MboValue mbv)
Construct with a criteria.
FldAssetVendor(MboValue mbv) |
FldCrossSiteAssetNum(MboValue mbv)
Construct without a criteria.
FldCrossSiteAssetNum(MboValue mbv,
java.lang.String criteriaName)
Construct and attach to the mbo value.
FldEndFeatureLabel(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attatch to the specified mbo value
FldEndFeatureLabel(MboValue mbv,
java.util.Hashtable<java.lang.String,java.lang.String> attrLRM_attrAsset,
java.util.Hashtable<java.lang.String,java.lang.String> attrsEnd) |
FldFeature(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attatch to the specified mbo value
FldFeature(MboValue mbv,
java.lang.String criteriaName) |
FldLinearRefMethodBaseMeasureUnitId(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldLinearRefMethodMeasureUnitId(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldLinearRefMethodOffsetMeasureUnitId(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldLRM(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attatch to the specified mbo value
FldLRM(MboValue mbv,
java.lang.String[] relativeAttrs,
java.lang.String[] absAttrs,
java.util.Hashtable<java.lang.String,java.lang.String> attrLRM_attrAsset) |
FldLRMLRMType(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attatch to the specified mbo value
FldMeasure(MboValue mbv)
constructs and attaches to the MboValue.
FldMeasure(MboValue mbv,
java.util.Hashtable<java.lang.String,java.lang.String> attrsStartEndMatch,
java.util.Hashtable<java.lang.String,java.lang.String> attrsMeasureAndOffsetMatch,
java.util.Hashtable<java.lang.String,java.lang.String> attrsMeasureAndOffsetLabels,
java.util.Hashtable<java.lang.String,java.lang.String> attrsMeasureAndFeatureId,
java.util.Hashtable<java.lang.String,java.lang.String> attrsMeasureAndMeasureUnitIdMatch,
java.util.Hashtable<java.lang.String,java.lang.String> attrsMeasureAndBaseMeasureMatch,
java.util.Hashtable<java.lang.String,java.lang.String> attrsMeasureAndBaseMeasureIdMatch)
constructs and attaches to the MboValue.
FldMeterReadingDelta(MboValue mbv)
Construct without a criteria.
FldMeterReadingIsModificationADelta(MboValue mbv)
Construct without a criteria.
FldMoveModifyAssetNewGLAccount(MboValue mbv) |
FldNodeName(MboValue mbv) |
FldPersonGroup(MboValue mbv) |
FldPointFeature(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attatch to the specified mbo value
FldPointFeature(MboValue mbv,
java.lang.String criteriaName) |
FldSparePartAssetnum(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the MboValue.
FldSparePartItemnum(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the MboValue.
FldStartFeatureLabel(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attatch to the specified mbo value
FldStartFeatureLabel(MboValue mbv,
java.util.Hashtable<java.lang.String,java.lang.String> attrLRM_attrAsset,
java.util.Hashtable<java.lang.String,java.lang.String> attrsStart) |
FldStartMeasure(MboValue mbv)
constructs and attaches to the MboValue.
FldWorkManagementEndFeatureLabel(MboValue mbv) |
FldWorkManagementStartFeatureLabel(MboValue mbv) |
FldYZOffsetMeasure(MboValue mbv) |
FldYZOffsetRef(MboValue mbv) |
Constructor and Description |
FldMOAssetAttrId(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the MBO value.
FldMOAttributeName(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the MBO value.
FldMOObjectName(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the MBO value.
Constructor and Description |
FldAssetChangeStatus(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the MboValue.
FldAssetIssueItemsSiteId(MboValue mbv) |
FldAssetIssueItemsStoreLoc(MboValue mbv) |
FldAssetModifyDfltAlnValue(MboValue mbv)
Cosntruct and attach to the mbo value
FldAssetModifyDfltAssetAttrId(MboValue mbv)
Cosntruct and attach to the mbo value
FldAssetModifyDfltNumValue(MboValue mbv)
Cosntruct and attach to the mbo value
FldAssetModifyDfltTableValue(MboValue mbv)
Cosntruct and attach to the mbo value
FldAssetMoveDfltNewLocation(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldAssetMoveDfltNewLocationChkBox(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldAssetMoveDfltNewParent(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldAssetMoveDfltNewSite(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldChangeItemnumConditionCode(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attatch to the specified mbo value
FldChangeItemnumNewItemnum(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attatch to the specified mbo value
FldDowntimeReportDate(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldDowntimeReportIsDownTimeReport(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldDowntimeReportStartDateSource(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldLocationSASrc(MboValue mbv) |
FldModDowntimeHistDowntime(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldModDowntimeHistEndDate(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldModDowntimeHistStartDate(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldModDowntimeHistWonum(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldMoveModifyLocation(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value.
FldPersonGroupDflt(MboValue mbv) |
FldViewContInputContractNum(MboValue mbv)
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
ClassStructure.canChangeOrgSite(MboValue orgSiteMbv)
08-25617: returns true if the orgid or siteid can be changed
void |
ClassSpec.canChangeOrgSite(MboValue orgSiteMbv)
08-25617: returns true if the orgid or siteid can be changed
void |
ClassStructure.canChangeOrgSite(java.lang.String relationship,
MboValue orgSiteMbv)
08-25617: returns true if the orgid or siteid can be changed
Constructor and Description |
FldAncestorClassID(MboValue mbv) |
FldAssetAttributeDataType(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldAssetAttrId(MboValue mbv)
Cosntruct and attach to the mbo value
FldClassificationDesc(MboValue mbv) |
FldClassificationId(MboValue mbv)
Common Validation Class for:classificationid
Construct and attach to the mbo value
Validate that classificationid has to be in the CLASSIFICATION table
FldClassificationOrgid(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the MboValue.
FldClassificationSiteid(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the MboValue.
FldClassSpecApplyDownHier(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldClassSpecAssetAttrId(MboValue mbv)
Cosntruct and attach to the mbo value
FldClassSpecDataType(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldClassSpecLinkedToAttribute(MboValue mbv) |
FldClassSpecLinkedToSection(MboValue mbv)
Cosntruct and attach to the mbo value
FldClassSpecLookupName(MboValue mbv) |
FldClassSpecMeasureUnitId(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldClassSpecOrgid(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the MboValue.
FldClassSpecSection(MboValue mbv)
Cosntruct and attach to the mbo value
FldClassSpecSequence(MboValue mbv)
Cosntruct and attach to the mbo value
FldClassSpecSiteid(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the MboValue.
FldClassSpecTableAttribute(MboValue mbv)
Cosntruct and attach to the mbo value
FldClassSpecUseWithDefaultAlnValue(MboValue mbv) |
FldClassSpecUseWithDefaultNumValue(MboValue mbv) |
FldClassSpecUseWithDefaultTableValue(MboValue mbv) |
FldClassStructureClassificationDesc(MboValue mbv) |
FldClassStructureClassificationId(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
Validate that classificationid has to be in the CLASSIFICATION table
FldClassStructureHasChildren(MboValue mbv)
FldClassStructureHierarchyPath(MboValue mbv) |
FldClassStructureId(MboValue mbv)
Common Validation Class for:classstructureid
Construct and attach to the mbo value
Validate that classstructureid has to be in the classstructure table
FldClassStructureOrgid(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the MboValue.
FldClassStructureParent(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
Validate that parent has to be in the classstructure table
FldClassStructureParentClassificationId(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
Validate that parent has to be in the classstructure table
FldClassStructureSiteid(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the MboValue.
FldClassStructureUseWithItems(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldClassStructureUseWiths(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldClassUseWithObjectValue(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldClassUseWithTopLevel(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldCommonClassStructureid(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldCommonSpecAssetAttrid(MboValue mbv) |
FldDomainId(MboValue mbv) |
FldLinkedToAttribute(MboValue mbv) |
FldLinkedToSection(MboValue mbv)
Cosntruct and attach to the mbo value
FldMeasureUnitId(MboValue mbv)
Common Validation Class for:Measureunitid
Construct and attach to the mbo value
Validate that measureunitid has to be in the MEASUREUNIT table
FldSpecificationAlnValue(MboValue mbv) |
FldSpecificationNumValue(MboValue mbv) |
FldSpecificationTableValue(MboValue mbv) |
FldSpecValue(MboValue mbv)
Cosntruct and attach to the mbo value
Constructor and Description |
FldLinkClassSpecClassStructureId(MboValue mbv)
FldSearchAttributeAlnValue(MboValue mbv) |
FldSearchAttributeAssetAttrid(MboValue mbv) |
FldSearchAttributeNumValue(MboValue mbv) |
FldSearchAttributeSpecValue(MboValue mbv) |
FldSearchAttributeTableAttribute(MboValue mbv)
Cosntruct and attach to the mbo value
FldSearchAttributeTableValue(MboValue mbv) |
Constructor and Description |
FldBBExpireDate(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified mbo value
FldBBMsgOrgID(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value.
FldBBMsgSiteID(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value.
FldBBPersonGroup(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified mbo value
FldBBPostDate(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified mbo value
FldDatePair(MboValue mbv,
java.lang.String validateDate,
java.lang.String validateAgainstDate)
Construct and attach to the specified mbo value
Constructor and Description |
FldCalendarBreakEndTime(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldCalendarBreakStartTime(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldCalendarBreakType(MboValue mbv) |
FldCalendarEndDate(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldCalendarStartDate(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldCalNum(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value.
FldEndTime(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldNonworktimeEndDate(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldNonworktimeStartDate(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldShiftDaysInPattern(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldShiftNum(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value.
FldShiftpatterndayDescription(MboValue mbv)
construct and attach to the MboValue
FldShiftpatterndaySeq(MboValue mbv)
construct and attach to the MboValue
FldStartTime(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldWorkHours(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldWorkperiodPatternDaySeq(MboValue mbv) |
FldWorkperiodShiftNum(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value.
FldWorkPeriodWorkDate(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
Constructor and Description |
FldCalcEndDate(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldCalcStartDate(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
Constructor and Description |
FldCIActCINum(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldCIAsOfDate(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldCIAssetLocSiteId(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldCIAssetNum(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldCICalNum(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value.
FldCICILocation(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldCICINum(MboValue mbv)
Construct without a criteria.
FldCIClassStructureid(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldCIGuid(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldCIItemNum(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldCIItemSetId(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldCILocation(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldCINum(MboValue mbv)
Construct without a criteria.
FldCINum(MboValue mbv,
java.lang.String criteriaName)
Construct and attach to the mbo value.
FldCIRelationRelationNum(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldCIRelationSourceCI(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldCIRelationTargetCI(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldCIService(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldCIServiceGroup(MboValue mbv)
Construct with a criteria.
FldCIShiftNum(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value.
Constructor and Description |
FldCITypeStatus(MboValue mv) |
Constructor and Description |
FldCollectDetailsAssetNum(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldCollectDetailsCINum(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldCollectDetailsLocation(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldCollectDetailsSiteID(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value.
FldCollectionCollectionNum(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value.
FldCollectionNum(MboValue mbv)
Construct without a criteria.
FldCollectionNum(MboValue mbv,
java.lang.String criteriaName)
Construct and attach to the mbo value.
FldNPCollectionCollectionNum(MboValue mbv) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static double |
RoundToScale.round(MboValue mboValue,
double value) |
Constructor and Description |
FldAssignedOwnerGroup(MboValue mbv)
Construct without a criteria.
FldChangeStatus(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the MboValue.
FldCommonActualDate(MboValue mbv)
This constructor assumes the name of the financial period
attribute is FinancialPeriod.
FldCommonActualDate(MboValue mbv,
java.lang.String fpName)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldCommonAssetnum(MboValue mbv,
java.lang.String criteriaName)
FldCommonAssetnum(MboValue mbv,
java.lang.String criteriaName,
java.lang.String siteid)
added this to pass the site attribute to the base class FldAssetNum
FldCommonCategory(MboValue mbv) |
FldCommonCraftRate(MboValue mbv) |
FldCommonCraftRate(MboValue mbv,
boolean statusCriteria) |
FldCommonCrossSiteLocation(MboValue mbv,
java.lang.String criteriaName)
FldCommonFile(MboValue mbv)
FldCommonIncludeTax(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldCommonItemOrgInfoCategory(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attatch to the specified mbo value
FldCommonItemSetId(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value.
FldCommonLaborCraftRate(MboValue mbv) |
FldCommonLaborCraftRate(MboValue mbv,
boolean statusCriteria) |
FldCommonLineType(MboValue mbv)
Set the list name to line type after calling the super constructor.
FldCommonLocation(MboValue mbv,
java.lang.String criteriaName)
FldCommonPersonAvailDate(MboValue mbv) |
FldCommonPersonAvailWorkHours(MboValue mbv) |
FldCommonRepairFacility(MboValue mbv) |
FldCommonRepairFacility(MboValue mbv,
java.lang.String siteid)
Construct and attach to the mbo value.
FldCommonRepairFacilitySiteID(MboValue mbv) |
FldCommonStartApp(MboValue mbv) |
FldCommonTax(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldCommonTaxCode(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
Validate that taxcode has to be in the tax table
tax1code implicitly suggests that it is a taxcode of typecode '1'
tax2code implimitly suggests that it is a taxcode of typecode '2'
FldCommonUseType(MboValue mbv)
Set the list name to line type after calling the super constructor.
FldCommonWonum(MboValue mbv)
Constructor defaults the relationship to the Work Order table with a relationship of
"siteid = :siteid and wonum = :
FldCommonWorkDate(MboValue mbv)
construct and attach to the MboValue.
FldCustomClassName(MboValue mbv)
FldDynamicApplink(MboValue mbv) |
FldFilterDate(MboValue mbv)
Construct without a criteria.
FldGroupStartApp(MboValue mbv) |
FldHasChildren(MboValue mbv)
FldHasParent(MboValue mbv)
FldMainExternalObjectName(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldObjectName(MboValue mbv)
FldPriority(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified MboValue
FldStartEndAssetFeatureID(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to mbo value
FldStatusChangeDate(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the MboValue.
FldTableDuplicate(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value.
FldTableDuplicateLookup(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value.
Constructor and Description |
FldCommonCurrencyCode(MboValue mbv)
Construct for the specified MboValue
FldPurAssetnum(MboValue mbv) |
FldPurBillTo(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldPurChargeStore(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldPurClassStructureId(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value.
FldPurCommodityCode(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the MBO value
Sets up the valdation information.
FldPurCommodityGroup(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the MBO value
Sets up the valdation information.
FldPurConditionCode(MboValue mbv)
construct and attach to the MboValue.
FldPurContact(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the MboValue.
FldPurContractRefNum(MboValue mbv) |
FldPurDeliveryDate(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldPurGLCreditAcct(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldPurGLDebitAcct(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldPurInclusive(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldPurInternal(MboValue mbv) |
FldPurIssue(MboValue mbv) |
FldPurItemNum(MboValue mbv) |
FldPurLineContractNum(MboValue mbv)
FldPurLineContractRefNum(MboValue mbv) |
FldPurLineContRefLineID(MboValue mbv)
FldPurLineCost(MboValue mbv) |
FldPurLineResType(MboValue mbv) |
FldPurLineType(MboValue mbv) |
FldPurLoadedCost(MboValue mbv) |
FldPurLocation(MboValue mbv) |
FldPurOrderQty(MboValue mbv) |
FldPurOrderUnit(MboValue mbv) |
FldPurPreTaxTotal(MboValue mbv) |
FldPurRefWO(MboValue mbv) |
FldPurRequestedBy(MboValue mbv) |
FldPurShipTo(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldPurStoreloc(MboValue mbv) |
FldPurStoreLocSiteID(MboValue mbv) |
FldPurSupervisor(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldPurTaxExempt(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldPurTermId(MboValue mbv) |
FldPurTotalBaseCost(MboValue mbv) |
FldPurTotalCost(MboValue mbv)
Call this constructor if the name of the field is not "totalbasecost" or "basetotalcost"
FldPurTotalCost(MboValue mbv,
java.lang.String attribName) |
FldPurTotalTax(MboValue mbv) |
FldPurUnitCost(MboValue mbv) |
FldPurVendor(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldPurWonum(MboValue mbv) |
Constructor and Description |
FldMatServCurrencyCode(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldMatServCurrencyLineCost(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldMatServCurrencyLoadedCost(MboValue mbv) |
FldMatServCurrencyTax1(MboValue mbv) |
FldMatServCurrencyUnitCost(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldMatServLineCost(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldMatServQuantity(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldMatServToleranceQuantityCost(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static boolean |
DataSetGroupFieldUtils.checkIfRootClassIsSet(MboValue mbvObjName,
java.lang.String fldDataSetOwner)
Check if Root Class is set.
static java.lang.String |
DataSetGroupFieldUtils.getRootSpecID(MboValue mbvObjName,
java.lang.String fldDataSetOwner)
Returns the root specification variable or
null if there
are not specs for this data set type. |
static java.lang.String |
DataSetGroupFieldUtils.getSpecs(MboValue mbvObjName,
java.lang.String fldDataSetOwner)
Returns the specifications for this data set type or
if there aren't any. |
static boolean |
DataSetGroupFieldUtils.hasSpecs(MboValue mbvObjName,
java.lang.String fldDataSetOwner)
Checks whether or not there are specifications defined for the type of
data set used.
static void |
DataSetGroupFieldUtils.resetField(MboValue mbv,
java.lang.String fldName)
Resets the field, by clearing it and setting it to "Read-only" and "Required".
static void |
DataSetGroupFieldUtils.resetField(MboValue mbv,
java.lang.String fldName,
boolean isReadOnly,
boolean isRequired)
Clears a field with the specified name.
Constructor and Description |
FldDataSet1AttributeDesc(MboValue mbv)
Creates a new field validator for the "Data Set 1 Attribute Description" field.
FldDataSet1ClassStructureId(MboValue mbv)
Creates a new "Data Set 1 Class Structure" field validator.
FldDataSet2AttributeDesc(MboValue mbv)
Creates a new field validator for the "Data Set 2 Attribute Description" field.
FldDataSet2ClassStructureId(MboValue mbv)
Creates a new "Data Set 2 Class Structure" field validator.
FldDataSetAttributeDesc(MboValue mbv,
java.lang.String ds,
java.lang.String obj,
java.lang.String classId,
java.lang.String attr)
Creates a new field validator class for the "Data Set X Attribute Description".
FldDataSetAttributeName(MboValue mbv,
java.lang.String dsOwner,
java.lang.String dsObject,
java.lang.String dsClassStruct,
java.lang.String dsTitle,
java.lang.String fldOp,
java.lang.String fldVal)
Creates a field validator class for the "Data Set N Object Name".
FldDataSetClassStructureId(MboValue mbv,
java.lang.String dsOwner,
java.lang.String dsObj,
java.lang.String dsAttr)
Creates a new
FldDataSetClassStructureId field validator. |
FldDataSetObjectName(MboValue mbv,
java.lang.String dsOwner,
java.lang.String dsClassStruct,
java.lang.String dsAttrib,
java.lang.String dsTitle,
java.lang.String op,
java.lang.String val)
Creates a field validator class for the "Data Set N Object Name".
FldReconDataSet1(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldReconDataSet2(MboValue mbv)
Creates a new field validation class.
Constructor and Description |
FldCommonWorkdayofweek(MboValue mbv)
FldDrillDownAssetUid(MboValue mbv)
Constructor for FldDrillDownAssetId.
FldDrillDownAssetValue(MboValue mbv)
Construct FldDrillDownAssetValue.
FldDrillDownLocationsId(MboValue mbv)
Constructor for FldDrillDownLocLocationsId.
FldDrillDownLocValue(MboValue mbv)
Constructor for FldDrillDownLocValue.
FldDrillDownSiteId(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attatch to the specified mbo value.
FldDrillDownSystemId(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attatch to the specified mbo value.
FldSpellCheckSuggestions(MboValue mbv)
Constructor and Description |
FldCommonFCProjectId(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attatch to the specified mbo value.
FldCommonFCTaskId(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attatch to the specified mbo value.
Constructor and Description |
FldSKDDateSelectorPreview(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldSKDDateSelectorRepeat(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
Constructor and Description |
FldCompany(MboValue mbv) |
FldCompany(MboValue mbv,
java.lang.String orgAttr)
Construct and attach to the MboValue.
FldCompanyCatalogName(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the MboValue.
FldCompanyCompany(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the MboValue.
FldCompanyContact(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the MboValue.
FldCompanyCurrency(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the MboValue.
FldCompanyDisabled(MboValue mv)
Construct and attach to the MboValue.
FldCompanyLoc(MboValue mbv)
Cosntruct and attach to the MBoValue.
FldCompanyParentCompany(MboValue mv)
Construct and attach to the MboValue.
FldCompanyPayOnReceipt(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldCompanyTax(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the MboValue.
FldCompanyTax1Code(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the MboValue.
FldCompanyType(MboValue mv)
Construct and attach to the MboValue, and set the valuelist name.
FldCompCommodityCode(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the MBO value
Sets up the valdation information.
FldCompCommodityGrp(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the MBO value
Sets up the valdation information.
FldContact(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the MboValue.
FldContact(MboValue mbv,
java.lang.String companyFldName)
Construct and attach to the MboValue.
FldContactCompany(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the MboValue.
FldContactContact(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the MboValue.
FldManufacturer(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the MboValue.
FldManufacturer(MboValue mbv,
java.lang.String orgAttr) |
Constructor and Description |
FldCompMasterCatalogName(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the MboValue.
FldCompMasterCompanySetId(MboValue mbv) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
MboValue |
MaxSysIndexes.getMboValue(java.lang.String nameInput)
Delay retrieval of maxsyskeys (used for attribute ("uniqueidindex").
Constructor and Description |
FldChangeStatus(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the MboValue.
FldCommonContractContractType(MboValue mbv) |
FldCommonContractLineStatus(MboValue mbv) |
FldCommonContractPreTaxTotal(MboValue mbv) |
FldCommonContractTotalCost(MboValue mbv) |
FldCommonContractVendor(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
Constructor and Description |
FldLaborViewContractType(MboValue mbv) |
Constructor and Description |
FldLeaseViewContractNum(MboValue mbv) |
FldLeaseViewContractType(MboValue mbv) |
FldLeaseViewLeaseRateFactor(MboValue mbv) |
FldLeaseViewLineItemNum(MboValue mbv) |
FldLeaseViewLineLineCost(MboValue mbv) |
FldLeaseViewNumOfPayments(MboValue mbv) |
FldLeaseViewPeriodicPaymnt(MboValue mbv) |
FldLeaseViewTerm(MboValue mbv) |
FldLeaseViewTotalCost(MboValue mbv) |
Constructor and Description |
FldContractLeaseEndLeaseEndAct(MboValue mbv)
Set the list name to line type after calling the super constructor.
FldContractLeaseEndPOInvNum(MboValue mbv) |
FldContractLeaseEndTargetStatus(MboValue mbv)
Set the list name to line type after calling the super constructor.
Constructor and Description |
FldMasterViewContractType(MboValue mbv) |
FldMasterViewVendor(MboValue mbv) |
Constructor and Description |
FldContCommodityCode(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the MBO value
Sets up the valdation information.
FldContCommodityGrp(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the MBO value
Sets up the valdation information.
FldPurchViewContractType(MboValue mbv) |
FldPurchViewCreateRel(MboValue mbv) |
FldPurchViewLineStatus(MboValue mbv) |
FldPurchViewMaxRelVol(MboValue mbv) |
FldPurchViewPaymentSched(MboValue mbv) |
FldPurchViewPORequired(MboValue mbv) |
Constructor and Description |
FldLeaseViewStartDate(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value.
FldScheduleLineInterimCharge(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value.
FldScheduleLineLineCost(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value.
FldScheduleLinePaymentPercent(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value.
FldScheduleLinePeriodicPayment(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value.
FldScheduleTargInvStatus(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value.
FldSchLeaseViewDueDateNext(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value.
FldSchLeaseViewLeaseRateFactor(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value.
FldSchLeaseViewLineCost(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value.
FldSchLeaseViewPeriodicPayment(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value.
FldSchLeaseViewTotalCostDue(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value.
FldSchLeaseViewTotalCostDueNext(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value.
FldSchLeaseViewTotalCostPaid(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value.
FldSchWarrantyViewLineCost(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value.
FldSchWarrantyViewTotalLineCosts(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value.
Constructor and Description |
FldCommonCurrencyCode(MboValue mbv)
Construct for the specified MboValue
FldNamedUsersAssetNum(MboValue mbv) |
FldNamedUsersLocation(MboValue mbv) |
FldNamedUsersPersonID(MboValue mbv) |
FldSFWViewContractNum(MboValue mbv) |
FldSFWViewContractType(MboValue mbv) |
FldSFWViewCreateRel(MboValue mbv) |
Constructor and Description |
FldAssocContInputContractNum(MboValue mbv) |
FldAssocContInputContractType(MboValue mbv) |
FldCreateRelInputAssetNum(MboValue mbv) |
FldCreateRelInputLocation(MboValue mbv) |
FldCreateRelInputRFQNum(MboValue mbv) |
FldCreateRelInputSiteID(MboValue mbv) |
FldCreateRelInputStoreloc(MboValue mbv) |
FldCreateRelInputVendor(MboValue mbv) |
FldCreateRelInputWONum(MboValue mbv) |
FldPropertyInputDefaultValue(MboValue mbv) |
FldPropertyInputSelected(MboValue mbv) |
Constructor and Description |
FldContAssetMeterDuration(MboValue mbv)
FldContLineAssetAssetNum(MboValue mbv) |
FldContLineAssetDuration(MboValue mbv)
FldContLineAssetTimeUnit(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldContLineMeterMeasureUnit(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
Validate that measureunitid has to be in the MEASUREUNIT table
FldWarrantyAssetAssetNum(MboValue mbv) |
FldWarrantyAssetAssetType(MboValue mbv) |
FldWarrantyAssetLocation(MboValue mbv) |
FldWarrantyViewContractType(MboValue mbv) |
FldWarrantyViewLineItemNum(MboValue mbv) |
FldWarrantyViewLineLineCost(MboValue mbv) |
FldWarrantyViewLineLineType(MboValue mbv) |
FldWarrantyViewLinePctLaborCover(MboValue mbv) |
Constructor and Description |
FldCraftDescription(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified MboValue
FldCraftRate(MboValue mbv) |
FldCraftRateContract(MboValue mbv) |
FldCraftRateCraft(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the MboValue.
FldCraftRateDescription(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified MboValue
FldCraftRateSkillLevel(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified MboValue
FldCraftRateVendor(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the MboValue.
FldCraftSkill(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified MboValue
FldCraftSkillDescription(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified MboValue
FldCraftSkillLevel(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified MboValue
FldCraftSkillStandardRate(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified MboValue
FldCraftStandardRate(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified MboValue
FldPPCraftRateDelimiter(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified MboValue
FldPPCraftRateDisplayLabor(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified MboValue
FldPPCraftRateDisplayRate(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified MboValue
FldPPCraftRateDisplayRateType(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified MboValue
FldPPCraftRateInherit(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified MboValue
FldPPCraftRateLaborInherit(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified MboValue
FldPPCraftRatePremiumPayCode(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified MboValue
Constructor and Description |
FldActive(MboValue mbv) |
FldActiveDate(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to MboValue.
Fldbasecost(MboValue mbv) |
FldCurrencyActive(MboValue mbv) |
FldCurrencyCode(MboValue mbv)
Construct for the specified MboValue
FldCurrencyCodeTo(MboValue mbv)
Construct for the specified MboValue
FldCurrencyEquivalent(MboValue mbv) |
FldExchangeActiveDate(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to MboValue.
FldExchangeCurrencyCodeTo(MboValue mbv)
Construct for the specified MboValue
FldExchangeExpireDate(MboValue mbv) |
FldExchangeRate(MboValue mbv) |
FldExpireDate(MboValue mbv) |
Constructor and Description |
FldDBInfoAttributeViewAutokeyName(MboValue mbv) |
FldDBInfoAttributeViewDefaultValue(MboValue mbv) |
FldDBInfoAttributeViewDomainid(MboValue mbv) |
FldDBInfoAttributeViewEAuditEnabled(MboValue mbv) |
FldDBInfoAttributeViewESigEnabled(MboValue mbv) |
FldDBInfoAttributeViewLength(MboValue mbv) |
FldDBInfoAttributeViewMaxType(MboValue mbv) |
FldDBInfoAttributeViewRequired(MboValue mbv) |
FldDBInfoAttributeViewSameAsAttribute(MboValue mbv) |
FldDBInfoAttributeViewSearchType(MboValue mbv) |
Constructor and Description |
FldProperty(MboValue mbv) |
Constructor and Description |
FldKeyAttribute(MboValue mbv)
Constructor and Description |
FldAppDoctypeApp(MboValue mbv) |
FldAppDoctypeDoctype(MboValue mbv) |
FldDocinfoDmsname(MboValue mbv) |
FldDocinfoDoctype(MboValue mbv) |
FldDocinfoStatus(MboValue mbv) |
FldDocinfoUrltype(MboValue mbv) |
FldDoclinksAddInfo(MboValue mbv) |
FldDoclinksApp(MboValue mbv) |
FldDoclinksAttachments(MboValue mbv) |
FldDoclinksDocinfoID(MboValue mbv) |
FldDoclinksDoctype(MboValue mbv) |
FldDoclinksDocument(MboValue mbv) |
FldDoclinksGetLatestVersion(MboValue mbv) |
FldDoclinksKeycolumn(MboValue mbv) |
FldDoclinksKeyvalue(MboValue mbv) |
FldDoclinksOwnerTable(MboValue mbv) |
FldDoclinksPrintThruLink(MboValue mbv) |
FldDoctypesDefaultFilePath(MboValue mbv) |
Constructor and Description |
FldAssociatedFolderDoctype(MboValue mbv) |
Constructor and Description |
FldAdapterName(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldAdapterVariant(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
Constructor and Description |
FldTargetName(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value; set the relationship needed for the
Constructor and Description |
FldManufacturerName(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldManufacturerVariant(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
Constructor and Description |
FldTargetName(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value; set the relationship needed for the
Constructor and Description |
FldOSName(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldOSVariant(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
Constructor and Description |
FldOsName(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value; set the relationship needed for the
Constructor and Description |
FldProcessorName(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldProcessorVariant(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
Constructor and Description |
FldTargetName(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value; set the relationship needed for the
Constructor and Description |
FldComplianceSetting(MboValue mv)
Construct and attach to the MboValue, and set the valuelist name.
FldSoftwareName(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldSoftwareVariant(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
Constructor and Description |
FldSoftwareName(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value; set the relationship needed for the
Constructor and Description |
FldSoftwareName(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldSuiteName(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldSuiteSoftwareName(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldVersion(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
Constructor and Description |
FldDisplayText(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldRangeFromUsageCount(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldSchemaName(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
Constructor and Description |
FldAdapterNameCMakeModel(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldComputerSystemNodeName(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldHWDetectionTool(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldManufacturerNameCManufacturer(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldManufacturerNameMoboManufacturer(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldNodeId(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the MboValue.
FldOSNameCName(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldProcessorNameCMakeModel(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldPromoteDefaultClassstructureID(MboValue mbv)
FldPromoteDefaultItemnum(MboValue mbv)
FldPromoteDefaultLocation(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldPromoteDefaultSiteID(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value.
FldSoftwarNameCSoftwareName(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldSWDetectionTool(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldValueAndUnit(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldVAvailableSize(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldVBandwidth(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldVCurrentRAMSize(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldVCurrentSpeed(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldVFileSize(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldVMAXLength(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldVMAXRAMSize(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldVMAXSpeed(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldVMAXWidth(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldVRAMSize(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldVTotalSize(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldVTotalSpace(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldVUnusedSpace(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldVUsageDisplayText(MboValue mbv) |
Constructor and Description |
FldParentName(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldParentName(MboValue mbv,
java.lang.String relationship)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
Constructor and Description |
FldCondition(MboValue mbv) |
FldEscalationAction(MboValue mbv) |
FldEscalationCondition(MboValue mbv) |
FldEscalationEventAttr(MboValue mbv) |
FldEscalationLastRun(MboValue mbv) |
FldEscalationObject(MboValue mbv) |
FldEscalationOrgId(MboValue mbv) |
FldEscalationSchedule(MboValue mbv) |
FldEscalationSiteId(MboValue mbv) |
FldEscalationZombie(MboValue mbv) |
FldESCCalendar(MboValue mbv)
FldEscNotificatRole(MboValue mbv) |
FldEscNotificatTemplId(MboValue mbv) |
FldESCOrgId(MboValue mbv)
FldESCRefCalendar(MboValue mbv)
FldESCRefOrgId(MboValue mbv)
FldESCRefShift(MboValue mbv)
FldESCShift(MboValue mbv)
FldExpObject(MboValue mbv) |
FldOwnerTable(MboValue mbv) |
Constructor and Description |
FldFailureList(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified MboValue
FldFailureListFailureClass(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified MboValue
FldFailureListFailureCode(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified MboValue
FldFailureListFLCDescription(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified MboValue
Constructor and Description |
FldFeature(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attatch to the specified mbo value
FldFeature(MboValue mbv,
java.lang.String criteriaName) |
FldFeatureStatus(MboValue mv) |
FldFeatureType(MboValue mbv)
Default constructor.
Constructor and Description |
FldAccountDefaultsGLDefault(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value.
FldAccountDefaultsGroupValue(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value.
FldChartOfAcctActive(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value.
FldChartOfAcctActiveDate(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the Mbo value.
FldChartOfAcctDate(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the Mbo value.
FldChartOfAcctExpireDate(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the Mbo value.
FldChartOfAcctGLAcct(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified mbovalue.
FldFinControlEndDate(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value.
FldFinControlParentFCID(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value.
FldFinControlParentProjectID(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value.
FldFinControlParentTaskID(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value.
FldFinControlProjectID(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value.
FldFinControlStartDate(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value.
FldFinControlWonum(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value.
FldFinPerCloseDate(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified mbovalue.
FldFinPerPeriodCloseDate(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified mbovalue.
FldFinPerPeriodEnd(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified mbovalue.
FldFinPerPeriodStart(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified mbovalue.
FldFullGLAccount(MboValue mbv)
Construct the validation domain and link to the specified MboValue.
FldGLCompCompValue(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified mbovalue.
FldGLCompSegmentName(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value.
FldGLConfigureDelimiter(MboValue mbv) |
FldGLConfigureGLLength(MboValue mbv) |
FldGLConfigureGLType(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldGLConfigureMandatory(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldPartialGLAccount(MboValue mbv)
Construct the validation domain and link to the specified MboValue.
FldTaxCode(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbovalue.
FldTaxEffective(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified mbovalue.
FldTaxOrderTaxOrder(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified mbovalue
FldTaxTaxCode(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified mbovalue
FldTaxTypeCode(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified mbovalue
Constructor and Description |
FldGLNavTempOrgID(MboValue mbv)
Constructor sets the relationship to the Organization table.
FldGLNavTempSiteID(MboValue mbv)
Constructor sets the relationship to the Site table.
Constructor and Description |
FldMXCollabOwner1sysid(MboValue mbv) |
FldMXCollabOwner2sysid(MboValue mbv) |
FldMXCollabPCID(MboValue mbv) |
Constructor and Description |
FldInvoiceBaseTotalCostForUI(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value.
FldInvoiceContractRefNum(MboValue mbv) |
FldInvoiceCostAssetNum(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldInvoiceCostAssetNumNonPer(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value.
FldInvoiceCostChargeStore(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldInvoiceCostGLCreditAcct(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value.
FldInvoiceCostGLCreditAcctNonPer(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value.
FldInvoiceCostGLDebitAcct(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value.
FldInvoiceCostGLDebitAcctNonPer(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value.
FldInvoiceCostLineCost(MboValue mbv) |
FldInvoiceCostLineCostForUI(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value.
FldInvoiceCostLocation(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldInvoiceCostLocationNonPer(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value.
FldInvoiceCostPercentage(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldInvoiceCostQty(MboValue mbv) |
FldInvoiceCostQtyForUI(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value.
FldInvoiceCostRefWO(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldInvoiceCostTaskID(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldInvoiceCostTaskIDNonPer(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value.
FldInvoiceCostToSiteID(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value.
FldInvoiceCostToSiteIDNonPer(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value.
FldInvoiceCostUnitCost(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldInvoiceCostWONum(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value.
FldInvoiceCostWONumNonPer(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value.
FldInvoiceCurrencyCode(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldInvoiceDocType(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldInvoiceExchangeRate(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value.
FldInvoiceInclusive(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldInvoiceInvoiceDate(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value.
FldInvoiceLineContractRefNum(MboValue mbv) |
FldInvoiceLineIsDistributed(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value.
FldInvoiceLineItemNum(MboValue mbv) |
FldInvoiceLineLeaseAsset(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value.
FldInvoiceLineLineCost(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldInvoiceLineLineCostForUI(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value.
FldInvoiceLineLineType(MboValue mbv) |
FldInvoiceLineLoadedCost(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value.
FldInvoiceLineLoadedCostForUI(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value.
FldInvoiceLinePOLineNum(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldInvoiceLinePONum(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldInvoiceLineProrateCost(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldInvoiceLineQty(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldInvoiceLineQtyForUI(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value.
FldInvoiceLineTax(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value.
FldInvoiceLineTaxExempt(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldInvoiceLineTaxForUI(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value.
FldInvoiceLineTotal(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value.
FldInvoiceLineUnitCost(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value.
FldInvoiceMatchPOLineNum(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value.
FldInvoiceNum(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value.
FldInvoiceOrigInvoice(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value.
FldInvoicePersonID(MboValue mbv)
FldInvoicePONum(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value.
FldInvoicePreTaxTotal(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value.
FldInvoicePreTaxTotalForUI(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value.
FldInvoiceScheduleNum(MboValue mbv) |
FldInvoiceTotalCost(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value.
FldInvoiceTotalCostForUI(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value.
FldInvoiceTotalTax(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value.
FldInvoiceTotalTaxForUI(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value.
FldInvoiceTransCurrLineCost(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value.
FldInvoiceTransInvoiceNum(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value.
FldInvoiceTransTransDate(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value.
FldInvoiceTransTransType(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value.
FldInvoiceUnInvoicedTotal(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value.
FldInvoiceVariance(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value.
FldInvoiceVendor(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value.
Constructor and Description |
FldRevInputStatus(MboValue mbv) |
FldRevInvInputInvoiceNum(MboValue mbv) |
Constructor and Description |
FldAltItemAltItemNum(MboValue mbv) |
FldAssetAssetType(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attatch to the specified mbo value
FldAssetLocCommAssetNum(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldAssetLocCommLocation(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldCommodityCode(MboValue mbv)
Field Validation for CommodityCode
FldCommodityOwner(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the MBO value
Sets up the valdation information.
FldCommodityOwnerGroup(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the MBO value
Sets up the valdation information.
FldCommodityServiceType(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified MboValue
FldInvHazardHazardId(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the MBO value
Sets up the valdation information.
FldInvHazardItemNum(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the MBO value
Sets up the valdation information.
FldInvHazardOrgId(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the MBO value
Sets up the valdation information.
FldInvTaxCodeOrgId(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the MBO value
Sets up the valdation information.
FldInvVendorAvgDeliveryTime(MboValue mbv) |
FldInvVendorContractNum(MboValue mbv) |
FldInvVendorIsDefault(MboValue mbv) |
FldInvVendorLastDeliveryTime(MboValue mbv) |
FldInvVendorManufacturer(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldInvVendorNoOfCompletePOs(MboValue mbv) |
FldInvVendorOrgId(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the MboValue.
FldInvVendorPercentOnTime(MboValue mbv) |
FldInvVendorPercentRejected(MboValue mbv) |
FldInvVendorPercentRejectedYTD(MboValue mbv) |
FldInvVendorQtyReceived(MboValue mbv) |
FldInvVendorQtyReceivedYTD(MboValue mbv) |
FldInvVendorQtyRejected(MboValue mbv) |
FldInvVendorQtyRejectedYTD(MboValue mbv) |
FldInvVendorSiteId(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the MboValue.
FldInvVendorVendor(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldItemAttachOnIssue(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldItemClassStructureid(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldItemCommodityCode(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the MBO value
Sets up the valdation information.
FldItemCommodityGrp(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the MBO value
Sets up the valdation information.
FldItemConditionCommodity(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the MBO value
Sets up the valdation information.
FldItemConditionCommodityGroup(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the MBO value
Sets up the valdation information.
FldItemConditionConditionCode(MboValue mbv) |
FldItemConditionCondRate(MboValue mbv) |
FldItemConditionEnabled(MboValue mbv) |
FldItemHasIAS(MboValue mbv)
Common non-persistent class for hasIAS to indicate if this Item has an IAS associated.
FldItemHazardid(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldItemInstance(MboValue mbv)
Common non-persistent class for l1description,l2description,
Construct and attach to the mbo value
Validate that l1classificationid thru l5classificationid has to be in the ASSETCLASS table
FldItemIsKit(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified MboValue
FldItemItemStructItemnum(MboValue mbv) |
FldItemLotType(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified MboValue
FldItemMeterName(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value.
FldItemnum(MboValue mbv) |
FldItemnum(MboValue mbv,
java.lang.String criteriaName) |
FldItemOrgInfoHazardId(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the MBO value
Sets up the valdation information.
FldItemOrgInfoItemNum(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the MBO value
Sets up the valdation information.
FldItemOrgInfoTaxCode(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the MBO value.
FldItemOrgInfoVendor(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldItemOrgOrgID(MboValue mbv) |
FldItemRotating(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldItemStructAssetnum(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attatch to the specified mbo value,
ItemStruct.assetnum is the new asset to be created when IAS
is being applied on the parentAsset or AssetInput.
FldItemStructIASDescription(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attatch to the specified mbo value,
ItemStruct.IASDescription is to hold the description entered for
the new location/asset generated thru apply IAS process
FldItemStructItemNum(MboValue mbv) |
FldItemStructLocation(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attatch to the specified mbo value,
ItemStruct.location is the new location to be created when IAS
is being applied on the parentLocation
FldItemStructOrgID(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attatch to the specified mbo value,
ItemStruct.orgid is the orgid of the top asset when IAS
is being applied on the parentAsset or AssetInput
FldItemStructParent(MboValue mbv) |
FldItemTaxcodes(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldItemTaxExempt(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldStatus(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
Constructor and Description |
FldItemChangeStatus(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the MboValue.
Constructor and Description |
FldFlowAction(MboValue mbv)
FldFlowActionAssist(MboValue mbv)
FldFlowControlled(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value.
FldJobLaborCraftRate(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach this object to the specified MboValue
FldJobLaborJPTask(MboValue mbv)
construct and attach to the MboValue
FldJobLaborLaborCode(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldJobLaborLaborHrs(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldJobLaborLineCost(MboValue mbv) |
FldJobLaborPayRate(MboValue mbv) |
FldJobLaborQty(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldJobMatCondCode(MboValue mbv)
construct and attach to the MboValue.
FldJobMaterialDirectReq(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldJobMaterialItemNum(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldJobMaterialItemQty(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldJobMaterialLineCost(MboValue mbv) |
FldJobMaterialLocation(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldJobMaterialUnitCost(MboValue mbv) |
FldJobMaterialVendor(MboValue mbv)
construct and attach to the MboValue
FldJobMatStoreLocSite(MboValue mbv)
Constructor sets the relationship to the Site table.
FldJobPlanClassIsDefault(MboValue mbv)
Construct with a criteria.
FldJobPlanClassWOClass(MboValue mbv)
Construct with a criteria.
FldJobPlanDefaultWOClass(MboValue mbv)
constructs the field class.
FldJobPlanIncTasksInSched(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified mbovalue.
FldJobPlanLaborcode(MboValue mbv) |
FldJobPlanOrgId(MboValue mbv)
Constructor sets the relationship to the Organization table.
FldJobPlanOwner(MboValue mbv) |
FldJobPlanOwnerGroup(MboValue mbv) |
FldJobPlanSiteId(MboValue mbv)
Constructor sets the relationship to the Site table.
FldJobPlanTask(MboValue mbv)
FldJobPlanWorkGroup(MboValue mbv) |
FldJobServicesItemnum(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldJobTaskConditionNum(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value.
FldJobTaskJPTask(MboValue mbv)
FldJobTaskMeterName(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value.
FldJobTaskMoveToLoc(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value.
FldJobTaskMoveToParent(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified MboValue.
FldJobTaskMoveToSite(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldJobTaskNestedJPNum(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the MboValue.
FldJobTaskOrgId(MboValue mbv)
Constructor sets the relationship to the Organization table.
FldJobTaskOwner(MboValue mbv) |
FldJobTaskOwnerGroup(MboValue mbv) |
FldJobTaskSequence(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldJobTaskSiteId(MboValue mbv)
Constructor sets the relationship to the Site table.
FldJobTaskSpecJPTask(MboValue mbv) |
FldJobToolJPTask(MboValue mbv)
construct and attach to the MboValue
FldJobToolLineCost(MboValue mbv) |
FldJobToolLocation(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldJobToolOrgId(MboValue mbv)
Constructor sets the relationship to the Organization table.
FldJobToolReserveReq(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldJobToolSetId(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldJobToolSiteId(MboValue mbv)
Constructor sets the relationship to the Site table.
FldJobToolStoreLocSite(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldJobToolToolHrs(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldJobToolToolNum(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value.
FldJobToolToolQty(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldJobToolToolRate(MboValue mbv)
FldJpAssetSpLinkAssetnum(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldJpAssetSpLinkItemnum(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldJpAssetSpLinkLocation(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldJpAssetSpLinkOrgId(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldJpAssetSpLinkSafetyPlanId(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldJpAssetSpLinkSiteId(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldJpAssetSpLinkWOReqWhenPurch(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value.
FldJpAssetSpLinkWOTypeWhenPurch(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value.
FldJpnum(MboValue mbv)
Construct without a criteria.
FldJpnum(MboValue mbv,
java.lang.String criteriaName)
Construct and attach to the mbo value.
FldJpTask(MboValue mbv)
Constructor with subclass assuming the name of the jpnum column is "jpnum".
FldJpTask(MboValue mbv,
java.lang.String jpnumAttr)
Constructor with subclass specifying the name of the wonum column.
FldLaunchEntryName(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attatch to the specified mbo value.
FldSuspendFlow(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value.
FldTaskRelJPTask(MboValue mbv) |
FldTaskRelPredJPTask(MboValue mbv) |
Constructor and Description |
FldJPTotalSiteId(MboValue mbv)
Constructor sets the relationship to the Site table.
FldPredecessorTasks(MboValue mbv) |
Constructor and Description |
FldKBEndDate(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified mbo value
FldKBLinkedArticlesLinkedArticleId(MboValue mbv)
Construct with a criteria.
FldKBStartDate(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified mbo value
Constructor and Description |
FldAppName(MboValue mbv) |
FldKPIAuthGroupName(MboValue mbv) |
FldKPIClause(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldKPIHistoryRange(MboValue mbv)
Initialiizes the new FldKPIHistoryRange
FldKPILinkTo(MboValue mbv)
Class Constructor
Specifies properties for the lookup to show.
FldKPIReportName(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldKPIScheduleInstance(MboValue mbv) |
FldKPISelectStmt(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldKPITemplateQuery(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldKPITemplateVariableValue(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldKPIVariableMaxType(MboValue mbv) |
FldKPIVariableVarName(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldMboObjectAttrName(MboValue mbv) |
FldObjectName(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the MboValue.
FldTrendCustDateRange(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldTrendCustEndDate(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldTrendCustStartDate(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldTrendDateRange(MboValue mv)
Initialiizes the new FldTrendDateRange
Constructor and Description |
FldAssignLaborAvailability(MboValue mbv) |
FldAssignLaborAvailable(MboValue mbv) |
FldAssignLaborStartTime(MboValue mbv) |
FldAttendanceFinishDate(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldAttendanceFinishTime(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldAttendanceHrs(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified MboValue
FldAttendanceLaborcode(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified MboValue
FldAttendanceStartDate(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldAttendanceStartTime(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldLaborAssigned(MboValue mbv) |
FldLaborAvailability(MboValue mbv) |
FldLaborAvailFactor(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified MboValue
FldLaborBirthDate(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified MboValue
FldLaborCalNum(MboValue mbv) |
FldLaborCertHistCertificateNum(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldLaborCertHistEffDate(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldLaborCertHistValidationDate(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldLaborcode(MboValue mbv)
Construct without a criteria.
FldLaborcode(MboValue mbv,
java.lang.String criteriaName)
Construct and attach to the mbo value.
FldLaborCraft(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified MboValue
FldLaborCraftRate(MboValue mbv) |
FldLaborCraftRateContractNum(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified MboValue
FldLaborCraftRateCraft(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified MboValue
FldLaborCraftRateDefaultCraft(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified MboValue
FldLaborCraftRateDisplayRate(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified MboValue
FldLaborCraftRateInherit(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified MboValue
FldLaborCraftRateIsActive(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified MboValue
FldLaborCraftRateLaborcode(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified MboValue
FldLaborCraftRateRate(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified MboValue
FldLaborCraftRateSkillLevel(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified MboValue
FldLaborCraftRateStandardRate(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified MboValue
FldLaborCraftRateVendor(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified MboValue
FldLaborCrewAssignment(MboValue mbv)
Construct the mbovalue.
FldLaborDay2(MboValue mbv) |
FldLaborDay3(MboValue mbv) |
FldLaborDay4(MboValue mbv) |
FldLaborDay5(MboValue mbv) |
FldLaborDay6(MboValue mbv) |
FldLaborDay7(MboValue mbv) |
FldLaborHireDate(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified MboValue
FldLaborIsCraft(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified MboValue
FldLaborLabInventoryLoc(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified MboValue
FldLaborLabInventorySite(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldLaborLaborcode(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified MboValue
FldLaborOrgID(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified MboValue
FldLaborOTScale(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified MboValue
FldLaborOutside(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified MboValue
FldLaborPayRate(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified MboValue
FldLaborPercentAlloc(MboValue mbv) |
FldLaborPersonID(MboValue mbv) |
FldLaborQualCertificateNum(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified MboValue
FldLaborQualCurrent(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldLaborQualEffDate(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldLaborQualLaborcode(MboValue mbv) |
FldLaborQualOriginalYear(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldLaborQualQualificationID(MboValue mbv) |
FldLaborQualValidationDate(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldLaborQuantity(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified MboValue
FldLaborShiftNum(MboValue mbv) |
FldLaborStartLocation(MboValue mbv) |
FldLaborStartTime(MboValue mbv) |
FldLaborStoreLocation(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified MboValue
FldLaborTotalAttendance(MboValue mbv) |
FldLaborTotalDailyTime(MboValue mbv) |
FldLaborWOPriority(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified MboValue
FldLaborWorkDate(MboValue mbv) |
FldLaborWorkLocation(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified MboValue
FldLaborWorkSite(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldLaborYtdHrsRefused(MboValue mbv) |
FldLabTransActivity(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified MboValue.
FldLabTransAssetnum(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified MboValue
FldLabTransContract(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified MboValue
FldLabTransCraft(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified MboValue
FldLabTransCraftRate(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified MboValue
If a Zombie MBO, no data so just return after super(mbv) call.
FldLabTransEnterDate(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified MboValue
FldLabTransFinishDate(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified MboValue
FldLabTransFinishTime(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified MboValue
FldLabTransGenApprServReceipt(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified MboValue
Work order status should not be wappr or completed or closed or cancel
and it should not be in a history
FldLabTransInvoiceNum(MboValue mbv)
Call this constructor for the most basic ponum validation
All this does is check the presence of the passed ponum parameter in the PO table
FldLabTransLaborcode(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified MboValue
FldLabTransLineCost(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified MboValue
FldLabTransLocation(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified MboValue
FldLabTransOutside(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified MboValue
FldLabTransPayRate(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified MboValue
FldLabTransPOLineNum(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified MboValue
FldLabTransPonum(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified MboValue
FldLabTransPremiumPayCode(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified MboValue
FldLabTransPremiumPayHours(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified MboValue
FldLabTransPremiumPayRate(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified MboValue
FldLabTransRefWO(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified MboValue
Work order status should not be wappr or completed or closed or cancel
and it should not be in a history
FldLabTransRegularHrs(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified MboValue
FldLabTransSkillLevel(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified MboValue
FldLabTransStartDate(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified MboValue
FldLabTransStartTime(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified MboValue
FldLabTransTicketClass(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldLabTransTicketID(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified MboValue
FldLabTransType(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified MboValue
FldLabTransVendor(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified MboValue
FldLabTransWonum(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified MboValue.
FldServRecTransAcceptedQty(MboValue mbv) |
FldServRecTransAmtToReceive(MboValue mbv) |
FldServRecTransInspectedQty(MboValue mbv) |
FldServRecTransPercentage(MboValue mbv) |
FldServRecTransPoLinenum(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldServRecTransPonum(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified MboValue.
FldServRecTransQtyToReceive(MboValue mbv) |
FldServRecTransRefWO(MboValue mbv) |
FldServRecTransRejectQty(MboValue mbv) |
FldServRecTransUnInvoicedCost(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value.
FldServRecTransUnInvoicedQuantity(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value.
FldServRecTransWonum(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
Constructor and Description |
FldConfirmLabTransFinishDate(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified MboValue
FldConfirmLabTransFinishTime(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified MboValue.
FldConfirmLabTransHours(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified MboValue
FldConfirmLabTransStartDate(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified MboValue.
FldConfirmLabTransStartTime(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified MboValue.
FldCreateInvoiceInvoiceNum(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value.
FldLabInvLocLocation(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldLabInvLocSite(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldLabTransEnterByClass(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldLabTransEnterByContractNum(MboValue mbv) |
FldLabTransEnterByLaborcode(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified MboValue
FldLabTransEnterByTaskID(MboValue mbv)
Constructor using default values.
FldLabTransEnterByTicketID(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified MboValue
FldLabTransEnterByVendor(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified MboValue
FldLabTransEnterByWoNum(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldLabTransFinishDateNP(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified MboValue
FldLabTransFinishTimeNP(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified MboValue
FldLabTransStartDateNP(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified MboValue
FldLabTransStartTimeNP(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified MboValue
FldServRecEndDate(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldServRecStartDate(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
Constructor and Description |
FldAddressSystem(MboValue mbv) |
FldAssetLocCommCommodityCode(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the MBO value
Sets up the valdation information.
FldAssetLocCommCommodityGrp(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the MBO value
Sets up the valdation information.
FldCrossSiteLocation(MboValue mbv)
Construct without a criteria.
FldCrossSiteLocation(MboValue mbv,
java.lang.String criteriaName)
Construct and attach to the mbo value.
FldLocAncestorLocation(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attatch to the specified mbo value,
Location.parent can take only OPERATING type of locations
FldLocation(MboValue mbv)
Construct without a criteria.
FldLocation(MboValue mbv,
java.lang.String criteriaName)
Construct and attach to the mbo value.
FldLocationAddressCode(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified mbo value
FldLocationAddToStoreLoc(MboValue mbv) |
FldLocationAddToStoreSiteId(MboValue mbv) |
FldLocationBillToAddressCode(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified mbo value
FldLocationCalNum(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified mbo value
FldLocationChildren(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attatch to the specified mbo value
FldLocationCINum(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldLocationClassStructureid(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldLocationFailureCode(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified mbo value
FldLocationIsDefault(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attatch to the specified mbo value
FldLocationIsRepairFacility(MboValue mbv) |
FldLocationItemNum(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attatch to the specified mbo value
FldLocationLocPriority(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified mbo value
FldLocationNewPercent(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified mbo value
FldLocationParent(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attatch to the specified mbo value,
Location.parent can take only OPERATING type of locations
FldLocationServiceAddressCode(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified mbo value
FldLocationShiftNum(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value.
FldLocationSiteID(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value.
FldLocationStatus(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified mbo value
FldLocationUserCustPersonID(MboValue mbv)
Construct with a criteria.
FldLocationWarrantyExpDate(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified mbo value
FldLocGroupName(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attatch to the specified mbo value
FldLocHierarchyLocation(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attatch to the specified mbo value,
LocHierarchy can take only OPERATING type of locations
FldLocHierarchyNewParent(MboValue mbv)
LocHierarchy can take only OPERATING type of locations
FldLocHierarchyParent(MboValue mbv)
LocHierarchy can take only OPERATING type of locations
FldLocHierarchySystemId(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attatch to the specified mbo value
FldLocLocation(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attatch to the specified mbo value
FldLocMeterReadingDelta(MboValue mbv)
Construct without a criteria.
FldLocMeterReadingIsModificationADelta(MboValue mbv)
Construct without a criteria.
FldLocOperFailureCode(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attatch to the specified mbo value
FldLocOperItemNum(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attatch to the specified mbo value
FldLocSystemId(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attatch to the specified mbo value
FldLocSystemLocation(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attatch to the specified mbo value
FldLocSystemNetwork(MboValue mbv) |
FldLocSystemPrimarySystem(MboValue mbv) |
FldLocType(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attatch to the specified mbo value
Constructor and Description |
FldLocationChangeStatus(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the MboValue.
FldLocationHierarchyAncestor(MboValue mbv) |
Constructor and Description |
FldItemSetId(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the MBO value.
FldMasterPMAdjNextDue(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldMasterPMAlertLead(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldMasterPMExtdate(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldMasterPMFrequency(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldMasterPMFreqUnit(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldMasterPMItemnum(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldMasterPMJpnum(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldMasterPMLeadTimeActive(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldMasterPMMeterAlertLead(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldMasterPMMeterFreq(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldMasterPMMeterName(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldMasterPMMeterTolerance(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldMasterPMNextdate(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldMasterPMSeasonEndDay(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldMasterPMSeasonEndMonth(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldMasterPMSeasonStrDay(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldMasterPMSeasonStrMonth(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldMasterPMSeqJpnum(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldMasterPMUseTargetDate(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldPMWoStatus(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldUpdMeterBasedFreq(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldWorkType(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value.
Constructor and Description |
FldJPNum(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value.
FldMeasurementMeterName(MboValue mbv)
Construct without a criteria.
FldMeasurementObservationValue(MboValue mbv)
Construct without a criteria.
FldMeasurePointAssetnum(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value.
FldMeasurePointJPNum(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value.
FldMeasurePointLocation(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value.
FldMeasurePointLowerAction(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value.
FldMeasurePointLowerWarning(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value.
FldMeasurePointMeasureUnitId(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value.
FldMeasurePointMeterName(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value.
FldMeasurePointPMNum(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value.
FldMeasurePointUpperAction(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value.
FldMeasurePointUpperWarning(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value.
FldMeterName(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value.
FldObservation(MboValue mbv)
Construct without a criteria.
FldPMNum(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value.
FldPointNum(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value.
Constructor and Description |
FldGenerateWOJPNum(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value.
FldGenerateWOPMNum(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value.
FldGenerateWOUseActionLimit(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value.
Constructor and Description |
FldDelta(MboValue mbv)
Construct without a criteria.
FldDeployedMeterActive(MboValue mbv)
Construct without a criteria.
FldDeployedMeterAverage(MboValue mbv)
Construct without a criteria.
FldDeployedMeterAvgCalcInfo(MboValue mbv)
Construct without a criteria.
FldDeployedMeterAvgCalcMethod(MboValue mbv)
Construct without a criteria.
FldDeployedMeterInspector(MboValue mbv)
construct and attach to the MboValue without any criteria
FldDeployedMeterIsDelta(MboValue mbv)
Construct without a criteria.
FldDeployedMeterLastReading(MboValue mbv)
Construct without a criteria.
FldDeployedMeterLastReadingDate(MboValue mbv)
Construct without a criteria.
FldDeployedMeterLastReadingInspctr(MboValue mbv)
construct and attach to the MboValue without any criteria
FldDeployedMeterLastReadingNew(MboValue mbv)
Construct without a criteria.
FldDeployedMeterMeterName(MboValue mbv)
Construct without a criteria.
FldDeployedMeterNewReading(MboValue mbv)
Construct without a criteria.
FldDeployedMeterNewReadingDate(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified mbo value
FldDeployedMeterPointNum(MboValue mbv)
Construct without a criteria.
FldDeployedMeterPreviousReading(MboValue mbv)
Construct without a criteria.
FldDeployedMeterPreviousReadingDate(MboValue mbv)
Construct without a criteria.
FldDeployedMeterPreviousReadingInspector(MboValue mbv)
construct and attach to the MboValue
FldDeployedMeterReadingType(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value.
FldDeployedMeterRollover(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value.
FldDeployedMeterSlidingWindowSize(MboValue mbv)
Construct without a criteria.
FldGroupName(MboValue mbv)
Construct without a criteria.
FldIsModificationADelta(MboValue mbv)
Construct without a criteria.
FldMeterDomainId(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value.
FldMeterInGroupAvgCalcMethod(MboValue mbv)
Construct without a criteria.
FldMeterInGroupMeterName(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value.
FldMeterInGroupRollover(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value.
FldMeterInGroupSequence(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value.
FldMeterMeterName(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attatch to the specified mbo value,
Location.parent can take only OPERATING type of locations
FldMeterMeterType(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value.
FldMeterName(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value.
FldMeterReadingType(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value.
FldModification(MboValue mbv)
Construct without a criteria.
FldReadingMeterReading(MboValue mbv)
Construct without a criteria.
Constructor and Description |
FldMRAssetnum(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldMRChangeBy(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value.
FldMRContractRefNum(MboValue mbv) |
FldMRCostLineCost(MboValue mbv) |
FldMRCostPercentage(MboValue mbv) |
FldMRCostQuantity(MboValue mbv) |
FldMRCurrencyCode(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value.
FldMREnterBy(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value.
FldMRGlDebitAcct(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldMRLineAssetnum(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldMRLineAvailDate(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldMRLineCatalogcode(MboValue mbv) |
FldMRLineCategory(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value.
FldMRLineClassificationId(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value.
FldMRLineComplete(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldMRLineCurrencyCode(MboValue mbv)
Construct for the specified MboValue.
FldMRLineDirectReq(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldMRLineGlDebitAcct(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldMRLineItemnum(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldMRLineLineCost(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldMRLineLineType(MboValue mbv) |
FldMRLineLocation(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldMRLineManufacturer(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldMRLineOrderUnit(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldMRLineQty(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldMRLineRefWO(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldMRLineRequiredDate(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldMRLineResType(MboValue mbv) |
FldMRLineStoreloc(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldMRLineUnitcost(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldMRLineVendor(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldMRLineWonum(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldMRLineWPOperation(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldMRLocation(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldMRMrnum(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldMRMRTemplateNum(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldMRNum(MboValue mbv) |
FldMRPcardType(MboValue mbv) |
FldMRRequestedBy(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value.
FldMRRequestedFor(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value.
FldMRRequiredDate(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldMRShipTo(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value.
FldMRStatus(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value.
FldMRTotalCost(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldMRTransType(MboValue mbv) |
FldMRType(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldMRWonum(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldSearchDRItemnum(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldSearchDRRequestedBy(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value.
FldSearchDRRequestedFor(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value.
FldSearchDRVendor(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
Constructor and Description |
FldNetDeviceNodeName(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
Constructor and Description |
FldNetPrinterNodeName(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
Constructor and Description |
FldPersChangeStatusStatus(MboValue mbv) |
FldPersonAvailReasoncode(MboValue mbv) |
Constructor and Description |
FldAQSeq(MboValue mbv) |
FldGroupDefault(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldOrgDefault(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldPersonGroup(MboValue mbv) |
FldPersonGroupTeamCalnum(MboValue mbv) |
FldRespParty(MboValue mbv) |
FldRespPartyGroup(MboValue mbv) |
FldSiteDefault(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldUseForOrg(MboValue mbv) |
FldUseForSite(MboValue mbv) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
boolean |
PM.canDeleteForecast(java.lang.String message,
MboValue fieldValue) |
void |
PM.editPMDeleteForecast(MboValue fieldValue) |
Constructor and Description |
FldErlstWoGenDate(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldMasterPM(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldOverrideMasterUpd(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldPMActMeter(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldPMAdjNextDue(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldPMAlertLead(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldPMAssetFeatureId(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldPMAssetnum(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldPMAssetWogen(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldPMAsync(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldPMChild(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the MboValue.
FldPMCount(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldPMCounter(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldPMDayOfWeek(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldPMExtdate(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldPMFeature(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldPMFirstdate(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldPMForecastExists(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified MboValue
FldPMForecastJPNum(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified MboValue
FldPMForecastLTDPMCounter(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified MboValue
FldPMForecastNewDate(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldPMFrequency(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldPMFreqUnit(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldPMGLAccount(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldPMGroupOwner(MboValue mbv) |
FldPMInclForecast(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified MboValue
FldPMJpnum(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldPMJpSeqInUse(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldPMLastForecastDate(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldPMLead(MboValue mbv) |
FldPMLeadTimeActive(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldPMLocation(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldPMLockForecast(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified MboValue
FldPMLRM(MboValue mbv)
Default constructor
FldPMLTDPMCounter(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified MboValue
FldPMMeterAlertLead(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldPMMeterAverage(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldPMMeterDateOfNextWo(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldPMMeterFreq(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldPMMeterLastPmWogenRead(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldPMMeterLastPmWogenReadDt(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldPMMeterMeterName(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldPMMeterRollOver(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldPMMeterTolerance(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldPMMeterUnitsToGo(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldPMNextdate(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldPMNum(MboValue mbv)
Construct without a criteria.
FldPMNum(MboValue mbv,
java.lang.String criteriaName)
Construct and attach to the mbo value.
FldPMOwner(MboValue mbv) |
FldPMParent(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldPMPersonGroup(MboValue mbv) |
FldPMRepairFacility(MboValue mbv) |
FldPMRoute(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldPMSchedEarly(MboValue mbovalue) |
FldPMSeasonEndDay(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldPMSeasonsEndMonth(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldPMSeasonsStartMonth(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldPMSeasonStrDay(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldPMSeqInterval(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldPMSeqJpnum(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldPMStoreloc(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldPMStoreLocSite(MboValue mbv)
Construct without a criteria.
FldPMUseAssetDefRepFac(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value.
FldPMUseFrequency(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldPMUseTargetDate(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldPMWoSequence(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldPMWoStatus(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldWorkType(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value.
Constructor and Description |
FldPMChangeStatus(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the MboValue.
FldPMForecastCronParamForecastForDays(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified MboValue
FldPMForecastGenAsync(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldPMForecastGenDuration(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified MboValue
FldPMForecastGenUntilDate(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldWogenAssetLocPriority(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldWogenCalcPriority(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldWogenEstDur(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldWogenEstLabHrs(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldWogenHasChildren(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldWogenIsTask(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldWogenTargCompDate(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
Constructor and Description |
FldContractFromPOContractNum(MboValue mbv) |
FldContractFromPOContractType(MboValue mbv) |
FldReceiptInputCostRequested(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldReceiptInputFindStoreloc(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value.
Constructor and Description |
FldPRCostLineCost(MboValue mbv) |
FldPRCostPercentage(MboValue mbv) |
FldPRCostQuantity(MboValue mbv) |
FldPRLineNum(MboValue mbv)
Call this constructor if the column name that corresponds to the Purchase req num
in your object is "prnum"
FldPRLineNum(MboValue mbv,
java.lang.String columnName)
Call this constructor with the column name that PRNum corresponds to in your constructor
FldPRLinePONum(MboValue mbv) |
FldPRLinePRLineNum(MboValue mbv) |
FldPRLinePRNum(MboValue mbv) |
FldPRNoVendor(MboValue mbv) |
FldPRNum(MboValue mbv) |
FldPRPayOnReceipt(MboValue mbv) |
FldPRPONum(MboValue mbv) |
FldPRShipTo(MboValue mbv) |
Constructor and Description |
FldQualCraftSkillCraft(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified MboValue
FldQualCraftSkillSkillLevel(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified MboValue
FldQualDuration(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified MboValue
FldQualRequiredUse(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified MboValue
FldQualRequiredUseLength(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified MboValue
FldToolQualItemNum(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified MboValue
FldToolQualQualificationID(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified MboValue
Constructor and Description |
FldALNValue(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldAssetAttributeDesc(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldAssetObjectName(MboValue mbv)
Creates a new "Data Set 1 Object Name" field validator.
FldAssignAssetAttribVal(MboValue mbv)
FldAttrAssetObjectName(MboValue mbv)
Creates a new "Data Set 1 Object Name" field validator.
FldAttrAssignAssetAttribVal(MboValue mbv)
Default constructor
FldAttrDPAAttributeName(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldAttrDPAObjectName(MboValue mbv)
Creates a new "Data Set 2 Object Name" field validator.
FldDPAAttributeDesc(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldDPAAttributeName(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldDPAObjectName(MboValue mbv)
Creates a new "Data Set 2 Object Name" field validator.
FldFilterOperator(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldFullCICompare(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldLeftParenthesis(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldParenthesis(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldRCDAssetObjectName(MboValue mbv)
Creates a new "Data Set 1 Object Name" field validator.
FldRCDDPAObjectName(MboValue mbv)
Creates a new "Data Set 2 Object Name" field validator.
FldReconcmpruleDataSet1(MboValue mbv)
Creates a new "Data Set 1 Object Name" field validator.
FldRightParenthesis(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldSequenceNum(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the MboValue
Constructor and Description |
FldAssetAttributeDesc(MboValue mbv) |
FldAssetObjectName(MboValue mbv)
Creates a new "Data Set 1 Object Name" field validator.
FldAssignAssetAttribVal(MboValue mbv)
FldDPAAttributeDesc(MboValue mbv) |
FldDPAAttributeName(MboValue mbv)
Creates a new "Data Set 2 Attribute" field validator.
FldDPAObjectName(MboValue mbv)
Creates a new "Data Set 2 Object Name" field validator.
FldLeftParenthesis(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldRightParenthesis(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldSequenceNum(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the MboValue
FldVCurrentExpression(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
Constructor and Description |
FldAncestorAssetnum(MboValue mbv)
FldReconMultiNodeID(MboValue mbv) |
FldRuleName(MboValue mbv)
Constructor and Description |
FldAttribute(MboValue mbv)
Creates a new 'ATTRIBUTE' field validator.
FldFilterType(MboValue mbv)
Creates a new 'FILTERTYPE' field validator.
FldValue(MboValue mbv)
Default Constructor
Constructor and Description |
FldLinkRuleAssetAttributeName(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the MboValue, and set the valuelist name.
FldValue(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the MboValue, and set the valuelist name.
Constructor and Description |
FldAssetLinkNodeID(MboValue mbv) |
FldRuleName(MboValue mbv)
Creates a new field validator.
Constructor and Description |
FldCascadePosition(MboValue mbv)
Default Constructor
FldReconTaskCompRuleName(MboValue mbv)
Creates a new field validator for the "comprulename" attribute.
FldReconTaskFilterName(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldReconTaskLinkRuleName(MboValue mbv)
Creates a new field validator for the "linkrulename" attribute.
FldReconTaskRuleName(MboValue mbv)
Creates a new field validator for either a Link Rule or Comparison Rule name field.
Constructor and Description |
FldReconTaskSchedule(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
Constructor and Description |
FldChildBName(MboValue mbv) |
FldGetList(MboValue mbv) |
FldGetListNotInSubclass(MboValue mbv) |
FldPasswordLength(MboValue mbv) |
FldWarnDoesntStartWithA(MboValue mbv) |
FldYNCErrorDoesntStartWithA(MboValue mbv) |
FldYNCErrorDoesntStartWithAWarnOnOtherEmpty(MboValue mbv) |
FldYornErrorOnYes(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldYornWarnOnYes(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldYornYNCOnYes(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
Constructor and Description |
FldContainment(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldRelationClassstructureid(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified MboValue
FldRelationCompRelation(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldRelationContainment(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldRelationLinear(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldRelationNum(MboValue mbv)
Construct without a criteria.
FldRelationNum(MboValue mbv,
java.lang.String criteriaName)
Construct and attach to the mbo value.
FldRelationRulesCardinality(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified MboValue
FldRelationRulesExtAttrCond(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldRelationRulesExtAttribute(MboValue mbv) |
FldRelationRulesExtSourceClass(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified MboValue
FldRelationRulesExtTargetClass(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified MboValue
FldRelationRulesSourceClass(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified MboValue
FldRelationRulesTargetClass(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified MboValue
FldRelationType(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified MboValue
FldRelationUseWith(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified MboValue
FldRevrelationship(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
Constructor and Description |
FldEmailTo(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldParamValue(MboValue mbv)
FldReportDesignHasResource(MboValue mbv) |
FldReportDialogDetBirt(MboValue mbv) |
FldReportDialogDetCognos(MboValue mbv) |
FldReportDialogDetCustom(MboValue mbv) |
FldReportDialogDetGroupName(MboValue mbv) |
FldReportDialogDetSelectAll(MboValue mbv) |
FldReportName(MboValue mbv) |
FldReportParameterOnceDateTime(MboValue mbv) |
FldReportParameterSchedule(MboValue mbv) |
FldReportParameterScheduleType(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldViewSecurityGrGroupName(MboValue mbv) |
Constructor and Description |
FldQuotationLineBaseUnitCost(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldQuotationLineCurrencyCode(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldQuotationLineIsAwarded(MboValue mbv) |
FldQuotationLineTaxAmount(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldRFQLineItemNum(MboValue mbv) |
FldRFQLineOrderUnit(MboValue mbv) |
FldRFQLinePRNum(MboValue mbv) |
FldRFQLineRFQLineNum(MboValue mbv) |
FldRFQNum(MboValue mbv) |
FldRFQReplyToAttn(MboValue mbv)
construct and attach to the MboValue
FldRFQShipToAttn(MboValue mbv)
construct and attach to the MboValue
FldRFQVendorCurrencyCode(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldRFQVendorPONum(MboValue mbv) |
FldRFQVendorVendor(MboValue mbv) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
FldRouteStopJPNum.JpnumCfg(MboValue thisMboValue,
java.lang.String status) |
Constructor and Description |
FldAssetFeature(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to mbo value
FldPathAssetNum(MboValue mbv)
just sets a relationship to show all the asset objects in the lookup
FldRoute(MboValue mbv)
Construct without a criteria.
FldRoute(MboValue mbv,
java.lang.String criteriaName)
Construct and attach to the mbo value.
FldRouteStopAssetNum(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified MboValue
FldRouteStopEndFeatureLabel(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attatch to the specified mbo value
FldRouteStopJPAssets(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified MboValue
FldRouteStopJPNum(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified MboValue
FldRouteStopLocation(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified MboValue
FldRouteStopRoute(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified MboValue
FldRouteStopsBecome(MboValue mbv)
Constructor sets.
FldRouteStopStartFeatureLabel(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attatch to the specified mbo value
FldRouteSummary(MboValue mbv)
Construct without a criteria.
FldRouteSummary(MboValue mbv,
java.lang.String criteriaName)
Construct and attach to the mbo value.
Constructor and Description |
RSConfigFldIntObjectDesc(MboValue mbv) |
RSConfigFldQueryApp(MboValue mbv) |
RSConfigFldQueryClauseName(MboValue mbv) |
Constructor and Description |
RSConfigFldCommonModified(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the MboValue.
Constructor and Description |
FldAssetnumOrLocationOnly(MboValue mbv) |
FldHazardHazMatEnabled(MboValue mbv) |
FldHazardHazMatOnly(MboValue mbv) |
FldHazardId(MboValue mbv) |
FldHazardPrecautionEnabled(MboValue mbv) |
FldHazardTagOutEnabled(MboValue mbv) |
FldLockOutDeviceDescription(MboValue mbv) |
FldLockOutId(MboValue mbv) |
FldPrecautionId(MboValue mbv) |
FldRelatedAssetLoc(MboValue mbv) |
FldSafetyLexiconHazardID(MboValue mbv) |
FldSafetyLexiconId(MboValue mbv) |
FldSafetyPlanId(MboValue mbv) |
FldSPLexiconLinkNonPer(MboValue mbv) |
FldSPSiteId(MboValue mbv)
Construct without a criteria.
FldTagLockLockOutId(MboValue mbv) |
FldTagOutId(MboValue mbv) |
Constructor and Description |
FldLayoutRowsToDisplay(MboValue mbv)
FldLayoutShowChart(MboValue mbv)
FldSCDisplay(MboValue mbv)
FldSCIsDefault(MboValue mbv)
FldSCIsMobile(MboValue mbv)
FldSCTemplateID(MboValue mbv) |
Constructor and Description |
FldRSConditionAttr(MboValue mbv)
Class Constructor
Specifies properties for the lookup to show.
FldRSGraphAttr(MboValue mbv)
Class Constructor
Specifies properties for the lookup to show.
Constructor and Description |
FldTaxCode(MboValue mbv) |
Constructor and Description |
FldSetId(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the MBO value.
FldSetsSetId(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the MBO value.
FldSetsSetType(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attatch to the specified mbo value
Constructor and Description |
FldSfwlicenseid(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
Extends MboValue for caching hidden values.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
MboValue |
MAXSession.getMboValue(java.lang.String nameInput)
Calculate systemidletime, if requested.
MboValue |
HiddenValueSet.getMboValue(java.lang.String attrName)
Get mbo value from
values . |
Constructor and Description |
FldAddUserBirthDate(MboValue mbv) |
FldAddUserDefaultStoreLoc(MboValue mbv) |
FldAddUserPasswordCheck(MboValue mbv) |
FldAddUserShipToLocation(MboValue mbv) |
FldAddUserSiteID(MboValue mbv) |
FldAddUserSupervisor(MboValue mbv) |
FldAddUserUserName(MboValue mbv) |
FldDatabaseAccessObjectName(MboValue mbv) |
FldMyProfilePasswordCheck(MboValue mbv) |
FldMyProfilePasswordOld(MboValue mbv) |
FldUserSecControlLoginTracking(MboValue mbv) |
FldUserSecControlPasswordTemplate(MboValue mbv) |
FldUserSecControlRegStatus(MboValue mbv) |
FldUserSecurEdit(MboValue mbv) |
FldUserSecurGroupGroupName(MboValue mbv) |
FldUserSessionLogout(MboValue mbv) |
FldUserStatusChangeStatus(MboValue mbv) |
FldUserWFProcessName(MboValue mbv) |
Constructor and Description |
FldAddressCode(MboValue mbv) |
FldBilltoAddressCode(MboValue mbv) |
FldCrewAvailabilityFactor(MboValue mbv) |
FldOrganizationClearingAcct(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the MboValue.
FldOrganizationCompanySetId(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the MBO value.
FldOrganizationID(MboValue mbv)
Constructor sets the relationship to the Organization table.
FldOrganizationItemSetId(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the MBO value.
FldPrimarySystem(MboValue mbv) |
FldShiptoAddressCode(MboValue mbv) |
FldSiteActive(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the MboValue.
FldSiteAddressCode(MboValue mbv) |
FldSiteBillToShipTo(MboValue mbv) |
FldSiteBillToShipToDefaults(MboValue mbv) |
FldSiteContact(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the MboValue.
FldSiteContactGroup(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the MboValue.
FldSiteEComMktplcId(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the MboValue.
FldSiteEComVendor(MboValue mbv) |
FldSiteID(MboValue mbv)
Constructor sets the relationship to the Site table.
FldSiteLaborcode(MboValue mbv) |
FldSiteOrgid(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the MboValue.
FldSiteSiteid(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the MboValue.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static void |
SLAUtil.throwValidationException(MboValue mboValue)
Throws the generic validation exception
Constructor and Description |
FldDatePair(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified mbo value
FldRelatedSLAChildSLANum(MboValue mbv)
Construct with a criteria.
FldRelatedSLAParentSLANum(MboValue mbv)
Construct with a criteria.
FldSLAAssetLocDescription(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldSLAAssetnum(MboValue mbv)
FldSLAAssetType(MboValue mbv)
FldSLACalendar(MboValue mbv)
FldSLAClassStructureId(MboValue mbv)
Common Validation Class for:classstructureid
Construct and attach to the mbo value
Validate that classstructureid has to be in the classstructure table
FldSLACommitmentsType(MboValue mbv)
FldSLACommitmentsUOM(MboValue mbv)
FldSLACommitmentsValue(MboValue mbv)
FldSLACommodityGrpId(MboValue mbv)
Construct with a criteria.
FldSLACommodityId(MboValue mbv)
Construct with a criteria.
FldSLAContractNum(MboValue mbv)
FldSLAContractSLANum(MboValue mbv) |
FldSLAEndDate(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified mbo value
FldSLAExpObject(MboValue mbv)
FldSLAKPIName(MboValue mbv)
FldSLALocation(MboValue mbv)
FldSLAObjectName(MboValue mbv)
FldSLAOrgId(MboValue mbv)
Construct without a criteria.
FldSLARanking(MboValue mbv)
FldSLARecordsSlanum(MboValue mbv)
FldSLAResolutionTime(MboValue mbv)
FldSLAResponseTime(MboValue mbv)
FldSLAShift(MboValue mbv)
FldSLASiteId(MboValue mbv)
Construct without a criteria.
FldSLASLAType(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attatch to the specified mbo value
FldSLAStartDate(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified mbo value
FldSLAStatus(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attatch to the specified mbo value
FldSLAVendor(MboValue mbv)
Construct with a criteria.
Constructor and Description |
FldSolutionFailureCode(MboValue mbv)
Construct for the specified MboValue.
FldSolutionFR1Code(MboValue mbv)
Construct passing the field to which you are listening.
FldSolutionFR2Code(MboValue mbv)
Construct passing the field to which you are listening.
FldSolutionProblemCode(MboValue mbv)
Construct passing the field to which you are listening.
Constructor and Description |
FldSearchSolutionClassification(MboValue mbv)
Construct passing the field to which you are listening.
Constructor and Description |
FldChildSoftware(MboValue mbv) |
FldManufacturerName(MboValue mbv)
Set the lookup mapping for the Deployed Software app
FldParentSoftware(MboValue mbv) |
FldSWName(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified mbo value
FldSWPartNumber(MboValue mbv)
FldTAMITSWPoints(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
Constructor and Description |
FldActiveSessions(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified mbovalue.
FldApplySingleSla(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified mbovalue.
FldAssetHistOnWOStatus(MboValue mbv)
Constructor sets.
FldAuthCIClass(MboValue mbv) |
FldAutoPOCreation(MboValue mbv)
Constructor sets.
FldBreakPoints(MboValue mbv)
Constructor sets.
FldByPassSiteWarning(MboValue mbv)
Constructor sets.
FldCIClass(MboValue mbv) |
FldDefIssueCost(MboValue mbv)
Constructor sets.
FldDefOrderCost(MboValue mbv)
Constructor sets.
FldDisableGLSwitch(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified mbovalue.
FldDowntimeDflts(MboValue mbv)
Constructor sets.
FldInactiveSessions(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified mbovalue.
FldITAsset(MboValue mbv) |
FldITSFW(MboValue mbv) |
FldMaxVarApprOutLab(MboValue mbv)
Constructor sets.
FldMaxVarInputGLQuestion(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified mbovalue.
FldMaxVarInputOrgID(MboValue mbv) |
FldMaxVarInputSiteID(MboValue mbv) |
FldMaxVarInputSystemLevAssetDocs(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified mbovalue.
FldMaxVarPOReqdForOutLab(MboValue mbv)
Constructor sets.
FldNameSeq(MboValue mbv)
Constructor sets.
FldNegativeInventory(MboValue mbv)
Constructor sets.
FldNonNegative(MboValue mbv)
Constructor sets.
FldPrimarySystem(MboValue mbv)
Constructor sets.
FldTaskInterval(MboValue mbv)
Constructor sets.
FldTaskSeed(MboValue mbv)
Constructor sets.
FldUseCalForSLARefPoint(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified mbovalue.
FldUseSlaRanking(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified mbovalue.
FldWoEnableRepFac(MboValue mbv)
Constructor sets.
FldWOGenerationDays(MboValue mbv)
Constructor sets.
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
MboValue |
Define the MboValue mbv to be utilized by the getHierarchyPath method.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
MboValue |
TKTemplateRemote.getHierarchyPath() |
MboValue |
Fetches the Classstructure mbovalue set in the setHierarchyPath
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static MboRemote |
FldTKAssetnum.getAssetWithoutSiteId(MboRemote ticket,
MboValue assetMbv,
Translate xlator)
Because SR is a system level mbo there are states where no site id information can be found.
So if user uses smart fill for the asset/location field, we must define what is the site id of that asset/location Legacy code of TPAE had the logic of iterating over all locations/assets that had the same LOCATION/ASSETNUM value. |
static MboRemote |
FldTKLoc.getLocationWithoutSiteId(MboRemote ticket,
MboValue locaMbv)
Because SR is a system level mbo there are states where no site id information can be found.
So if user uses smart fill for the asset/location field, we must define what is the site id of that asset/location Legacy code of TPAE had the logic of iterating over all locations/assets that had the same LOCATION/ASSETNUM value. |
void |
TKTemplate.setHierarchyPath(MboValue val)
This methods sets the MboValue from the Classstructure Hierarchy Path Field Class validation.
Constructor and Description |
FldRecKey(MboValue mbv)
Construct without a criteria.
FldRelatedRecClass(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldRelatedRecKey(MboValue mbv)
Construct without a criteria.
FldRelatedRecWoclass(MboValue mbv)
Construct without a criteria.
FldRelatedRecWonum(MboValue mbv)
Construct without a criteria.
FldTicketId(MboValue mbv)
Construct without a criteria.
FldTicketId(MboValue mbv,
java.lang.String criteriaName)
Construct and attach to the mbo value.
FldTicketWorkLogType(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified mbo value
FldTkAffectedUser(MboValue mbv)
Construct without a criteria.
FldTkAffectedUserID(MboValue mbv)
Construct without a criteria.
FldTkAffectedUserName(MboValue mbv)
Construct without a criteria.
FldTkAssetAssetNum(MboValue mbv) |
FldTkAssetCust(MboValue mbv)
Construct without a criteria.
FldTKAssetFilterBy(MboValue mbv)
Construct without a criteria.
FldTkAssetLocation(MboValue mbv) |
FldTKAssetnum(MboValue mbv)
Construct without a criteria.
FldTkAssetSiteId(MboValue mbv)
Construct without a criteria.
FldTkAssetUser(MboValue mbv)
Construct without a criteria.
FldTKCINum(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value.
FldTkCommodity(MboValue mbv)
Construct with a criteria.
FldTkCommodityGroup(MboValue mbv)
Construct with a criteria.
FldTkCreateWOMulti(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldTkDupFlag(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified mbovalue
FldTKFailureCode(MboValue mbv)
Construct for the specified MboValue.
FldTKFRLevelCode(MboValue mbv)
Construct passing the field to which you are listening.
FldTkGlobalTicketId(MboValue mbv)
Construct without a criteria.
FldTkGlobalTicketType(MboValue mbv)
Construct without a criteria.
FldTkIsGlobal(MboValue mbv)
Construct without a criteria.
FldTkIsKnowError(MboValue mbv)
Construct without a criteria.
FldTKLoc(MboValue mbv)
Construct without a criteria.
FldTkOrigRecordClass(MboValue mbv)
Construct without a criteria.
FldTkOrigRecordId(MboValue mbv)
Construct without a criteria.
FldTkOwner(MboValue mbv)
Construct without a criteria.
FldTkOwnerGroup(MboValue mbv)
Construct without a criteria.
FldTKProblemCode(MboValue mbv)
Construct passing the field to which you are listening.
FldTkRelatedGlobalTickets(MboValue mbv)
Construct without a criteria.
FldTkRelatedToGlobal(MboValue mbv)
Construct without a criteria.
FldTKRemarkField(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the MboValue.
FldTkReportedBy(MboValue mbv)
Construct without a criteria.
FldTkReportedByID(MboValue mbv)
Construct without a criteria.
FldTkReportedByName(MboValue mbv)
Construct without a criteria.
FldTkReportedEmail(MboValue mbv)
Construct without a criteria.
FldTkReportedPhone(MboValue mbv)
Construct without a criteria.
FldTkSiteId(MboValue mbv)
Construct without a criteria.
FldTkSLAApplied(MboValue mbv)
FldTkSolution(MboValue mbv)
Construct without a criteria.
FldTkStartDate(MboValue mbv)
Construct without a criteria.
FldTkTemplate(MboValue mbv)
Construct without a criteria.
FldTkTemplateClass(MboValue mbv)
Construct without a criteria.
FldTkTemplateJpnum(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldTkTemplateOrgID(MboValue mbv)
Construct without a criteria.
FldTkTemplateOwner(MboValue mbv)
Construct without a criteria.
FldTkTemplateOwnerGroup(MboValue mbv)
Construct without a criteria.
FldTkTemplateSiteId(MboValue mbv)
Construct without a criteria.
FldTkTemplateVendor(MboValue mbv)
Construct without a criteria.
FldTkTempltActOrgId(MboValue mbv)
Construct without a criteria.
FldTkTicketId(MboValue mbv)
Construct without a criteria.
FldTkVendor(MboValue mbv)
Construct without a criteria.
FldWorkViewAffectedUser(MboValue mbv)
Construct without a criteria.
FldWorkViewRecKey(MboValue mbv)
Construct without a criteria.
FldWorkViewReportedBy(MboValue mbv)
Construct without a criteria.
FldWorkViewStatus(MboValue mbv)
Construct without a criteria.
Constructor and Description |
FldTimeZone(MboValue mbv)
FldTimeZoneRuleObjectName(MboValue mbv)
FldTimeZoneRuleOrgId(MboValue mbv)
Construct without a criteria.
FldTimeZoneRuleProcess(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value.
FldTimeZoneRuleRule(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value.
FldTimeZoneRuleSiteId(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value.
Constructor and Description |
FldToolTransAssetnum(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value.
FldToolTransItemnum(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value.
FldToolTransLineCost(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value.
FldToolTransLocation(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value.
FldToolTransOutside(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value.
FldToolTransParam(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value.
FldToolTransRefWO(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value.
FldToolTransRotAssetnum(MboValue mbv) |
FldToolTransRotAssetSite(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value.
FldToolTransWonum(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
WO.calculateConstaintDates(MboValue startOffset,
MboValue finishOffset,
MboValue woDur)
Uses the passed Start and Finish Constraint Offsets, if any, and the workorder's target dates, if any, to
calculate the constaint dates, if possible.
void |
WPLabor.deleteAssociatedTool(MboValue value) |
Constructor and Description |
FldActualsTaskID(MboValue mbv)
FldActualTaskID(MboValue mbv)
Constructor using default values.
FldActualTaskID(MboValue mbv,
java.lang.String wonumName,
java.lang.String refwoName,
java.lang.String criteriaName)
Constructor taking values.
FldAssignCraft(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified mbovalue
FldAssignCraftRate(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified mbovalue
FldAssignCraftRateContractNum(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified mbovalue
FldAssignCraftRateSkillLevel(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified mbovalue
FldAssignCraftRateVendor(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified mbovalue
FldAssignFinishDate(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified mbovalue.
FldAssignLabor(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified mbovalue
FldAssignLaborCode(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified mbovalue
FldAssignLaborHrs(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified mbovalue.
FldAssignName(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified mbovalue
FldAssignRate(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified mbovalue
FldAssignScheduleDate(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified mbovalue.
FldAssignStatus(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified mbovalue
FldAssignTaskId(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified mbovalue
FldAssignWonum(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the MboValue.
FldAssignWpOperation(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified mbovalue
FldEnteredAsTask(MboValue mbv)
FldFlowAction(MboValue mbv)
FldFlowActionAssist(MboValue mbv)
FldFlowControlled(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value.
FldFRCode(MboValue mbv)
Construct the field an attach to the specified MboValue.
FldInterfaceWonum(MboValue mbv)
Default parameters constructor.
FldInterfaceWonum(MboValue mbv,
java.lang.String taskidName,
java.lang.String refwoName,
java.lang.String criteriaName)
FldLaunchEntryName(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attatch to the specified mbo value.
FldMultiAssetNum(MboValue mbv) |
FldMultiCINum(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value.
FldMultiFeature(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldMultiLocation(MboValue mbv) |
FldMultiLRM(MboValue mbv)
Default constructor
FldMultiMoveToBin(MboValue mbv)
FldMultiMoveToLocation(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value.
FldMultiMoveToParent(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified MboValue.
FldMultiMoveToSite(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified MboValue.
FldMultiNewAssetNum(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified MboValue.
FldMultiNewReplaceAssetNum(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified MboValue.
FldMultiPrAssetNum(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldMultiPrFeature(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldMultiReplaceAssetNum(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified MboValue.
FldMultiReplacementSite(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified MboValue.
FldNewSpecValue(MboValue mbv)
Cosntruct and attach to the mbo value
FldOldSpecValue(MboValue mbv)
Cosntruct and attach to the mbo value
FldPriCalcSelected(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified mbo value.
FldSpecificationAlnValue(MboValue mbv) |
FldSpecificationNumValue(MboValue mbv) |
FldSpecificationTableValue(MboValue mbv) |
FldSuspendFlow(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value.
FldTaskID(MboValue mbv)
Default parameters constructor.
FldTaskID(MboValue mbv,
java.lang.String wonumName,
java.lang.String refwoName,
java.lang.String criteriaName)
FldTaskRelPredWONum(MboValue mbv) |
FldTaskRelPredWOTask(MboValue mbv) |
FldTaskRelWOTask(MboValue mbv) |
FldWMFollowUpFrom(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the MboValue.
FldWMProblemCode(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified mbovalue
FldWMTaskID(MboValue mbv)
Default parameters constructor.
FldWMWonum(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the MboValue.
FldWOAcceptsCharges(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the MboValue.
FldWOActivityParentProcess(MboValue mbv) |
FldWOActTotalCost(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified mbovalue.
FldWOActualDate(MboValue mbv)
construct and attach to the MboValue.
FldWOAncestor(MboValue mbv)
Construct without a criteria.
FldWOAreasAffectedAssetnum(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified mbo value.
FldWOAreasAffectedCommodity(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified mbo value.
FldWOAreasAffectedContact(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified mbo value.
FldWOAreasAffectedContactGroup(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified mbo value.
FldWOAreasAffectedDescription(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified mbo value.
FldWOAreasAffectedLocation(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified mbo value.
FldWOAreasAffectedLongDescription(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified mbo value.
FldWOAreasAffectedSiteID(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified mbo value.
FldWOAssetCust(MboValue mbv)
Construct without a criteria.
FldWOAssetFilterBy(MboValue mbv)
Construct without a criteria.
FldWOAssetnum(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified MboValue.
FldWOAssetsToMoveAssetnum(MboValue mbv)
FldWOAssetsToMoveMoveToLoc(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value.
FldWOAssetsToMoveMoveToParent(MboValue mbv)
FldWOAssetsToMoveMoveToSite(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldWOAssetUser(MboValue mbv)
Construct without a criteria.
FldWOCalcPriority(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified mbovalue.
FldWOChangePlanner(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified mbo value.
FldWOChargeStore(MboValue mbv)
construct and attach to the MboValue
FldWOChargeStoreListener(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the MboValue
FldWOCINum(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value.
FldWOCombinedTotal(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified mbovalue.
FldWOConstraintDate(MboValue mbv)
construct and attach to the MboValue.
FldWOContract(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the MboValue.
FldWOContractAsset(MboValue mbv)
FldWOContractAssetDesc(MboValue mbv)
FldWODirectIssueMTLStatus(MboValue mbv) |
FldWODupFlag(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified mbovalue
FldWOEstAtApprTotalCost(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified mbovalue.
FldWOEstLabCost(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified mbovalue.
FldWOEstLabHrs(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified mbovalue
FldWOEstMatCost(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified mbovalue.
FldWOEstServCost(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified mbovalue.
FldWOEstToolCost(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified mbovalue
FldWOEstTotalCost(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified mbovalue.
FldWOFailureCode(MboValue mbv)
Construct for the specified MboValue.
FldWOFinControlID(MboValue mbv)
Constructor using default values.
FldWOFinControlProjectID(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified mbovalue.
FldWOFinControlTaskID(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified mbovalue.
FldWOFRLevelCode(MboValue mbv)
Construct passing the field to which you are listening.
FldWOGeneratedForPO(MboValue mbv) |
FldWOHasLinear(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified mbovalue.
FldWoHazardHazardId(MboValue mbv) |
FldWoHazardNonPer(MboValue mbv) |
FldWoHazardPrecHazardId(MboValue mbv) |
FldWoHazardPrecPrecautionId(MboValue mbv) |
FldWOIncTasksInSched(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified mbovalue.
FldWOInspector(MboValue mbv)
construct and attach to the MboValue
FldWOIsTask(MboValue mbv)
Constructor using default values.
FldWOJobPlan(MboValue mbv) |
FldWOJPClass(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value.
FldWOJPNum(MboValue mbv) |
FldWOLead(MboValue mbv)
construct and attach to the MboValue
FldWOLoc(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value.
FldWoLockOutLockOutId(MboValue mbv) |
FldWOLocUserCustCustodian(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldWOLocUserCustModifyPerson(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldWOLocUserCustPersonID(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldWOLocUserCustPrimary(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldWOLocUserCustRemovePerson(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldWOLocUserCustUser(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldWOMeasureDate(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified MboValue.
FldWOMeasurementValue(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified MboValue.
FldWonum(MboValue mbv)
Construct without a criteria.
FldWonum(MboValue mbv,
java.lang.String criteriaName)
Construct and attach to the mbo value.
FldWOObservation(MboValue mbv) |
FldWOOnBehalfOf(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified mbo value.
FldWOOnBehalfOfID(MboValue mbv)
Construct without a criteria.
FldWOOnBehalfOfName(MboValue mbv)
Construct without a criteria.
FldWOOrigRecordClass(MboValue mbv)
Construct without a criteria.
FldWOOrigRecordId(MboValue mbv)
Construct without a criteria.
FldWOOwner(MboValue mbv)
Construct without a criteria.
FldWOOwnerGroup(MboValue mbv)
Construct without a criteria.
FldWOParent(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the MboValue.
FldWOPersonGroup(MboValue mbv)
Construct for the specified MboValue.
FldWOPMNum(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified MboValue.
FldWOPointNum(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified MboValue.
FldWoPrecautionPrecautionId(MboValue mbv) |
FldWOPriority(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attatch to the specified mbo value.
FldWOPriorityPrio(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attatch to the specified mbo value.
FldWOPriorityResponseTime(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attatch to the specified mbo value.
FldWOProblemCode(MboValue mbv)
Construct passing the field to which you are listening.
FldWORemarkField(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the MboValue.
FldWORepairFacility(MboValue mbv) |
FldWOReportDate(MboValue mbv)
construct and attach to the MboValue.
FldWOReportedBy(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attatch to the specified mbo value.
FldWOReportedByID(MboValue mbv)
Construct without a criteria.
FldWOReportedByName(MboValue mbv)
Construct without a criteria.
FldWOReviewedBy(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified mbo value.
FldWorkType(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value.
FldWorkTypeCompleteStatus(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value.
FldWorkTypeStartStatus(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value.
FldWOSafetyPlanID(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attatch to the specified mbo value
FldWoSafetyPlanSafetyPlanId(MboValue mbv) |
FldWOSchedDate(MboValue mbv)
construct and attach to the MboValue.
FldWOSequence(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified mbovalue.
FldWOSiteId(MboValue mbv)
Construct without a criteria.
FldWOSLAApplied(MboValue mbv)
FldWoSLHazardId(MboValue mbv) |
FldWoSLTagoutId(MboValue mbv) |
FldWOStoreroomMTLStatus(MboValue mbv) |
FldWoTagLockLockOutId(MboValue mbv) |
FldWoTagLockTagOutId(MboValue mbv) |
FldWoTagOutTagOutId(MboValue mbv) |
FldWOTargetDate(MboValue mbv)
construct and attach to the MboValue.
FldWOTaskID(MboValue mbv)
Constructor using default values.
FldWOTotal(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified mbovalue.
FldWOTotalCombinedTotal(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified mbovalue.
FldWOUserCustAssetnum(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified MboValue.
FldWOUserCustLoc(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified MboValue.
FldWOVendor(MboValue mbv) |
FldWOWarrantyDate(MboValue mbv)
FldWOWarrantyExist(MboValue mbv)
FldWOWarrNotice(MboValue mbv)
FldWOWOIsSwap(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldWOWONum(MboValue mbv)
Construct without a criteria.
FldWOWorkLocation(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the MboValue.
FldWpItemReserveReq(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldWPLabor(MboValue mbv) |
FldWPLaborApptRequired(MboValue mbv) |
FldWpLaborCode(MboValue mbv)
construct and attach to the MboValue.
FldWPLaborContract(MboValue mbv) |
FldWPLaborCraft(MboValue mbv) |
FldWpLaborDisplayRate(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified mbovalue
FldWpLaborHrs(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified mbovalue.
FldWpLaborLineCost(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified mbovalue
FldWpLaborOutside(MboValue mbv)
construct and attach to the MboValue.
FldWpLaborQty(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified mbovalue
FldWpLaborRate(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified mbovalue
FldWpLaborRateHasChanged(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified mbovalue
FldWPLaborSkillLevel(MboValue mbv) |
FldWpLaborVendor(MboValue mbv)
construct and attach to the MboValue.
FldWpLaborWonum(MboValue mbv)
construct and attach to the MboValue.
FldWpMatCondCode(MboValue mbv)
construct and attach to the MboValue.
FldWpMatCost(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified mbovalue.
FldWpMatDirectReq(MboValue mbv)
construct and attach to the MboValue.
FldWpMatIssueTo(MboValue mbv)
construct and attach to the MboValue
FldWpMatItemNum(MboValue mbv)
construct and attach to the MboValue.
FldWpMatLineCost(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified mbovalue
FldWpMatLineType(MboValue mbv) |
FldWpMatLocation(MboValue mbv)
construct and attach to the MboValue.
FldWpMatOrderUnit(MboValue mbv) |
FldWpMatPRLineNum(MboValue mbv)
construct and attach to the MboValue
FldWpMatPRNum(MboValue mbv)
construct and attach to the MboValue
FldWpMatQty(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified mbovalue.
FldWpMatRequestBy(MboValue mbv)
construct and attach to the MboValue
FldWpMatRequireDate(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value.
FldWPMatStoreLocSite(MboValue mbv)
Construct without a criteria.
FldWpMatVendor(MboValue mbv)
construct and attach to the MboValue
FldWpMatVendorUnitCost(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified mbovalue.
FldWPResType(MboValue mbv) |
FldWpSerDirectReq(MboValue mbv)
construct and attach to the MboValue.
FldWpSerItemNum(MboValue mbv)
construct and attach to the MboValue.
FldWpSerLineCost(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified mbovalue
FldWpSerLineType(MboValue mbv) |
FldWpSerQty(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified mbovalue.
FldWpSerVendor(MboValue mbv)
construct and attach to the MboValue
FldWpSerVendorUnitCost(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified mbovalue.
FldWPTaskID(MboValue mbv)
FldWpToolHrs(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified mbovalue.
FldWpToolLineCost(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified mbovalue.
FldWpToolLocation(MboValue mbv)
construct and attach to the MboValue.
FldWpToolNum(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified mbovalue.
FldWpToolQty(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified mbovalue.
FldWpToolRate(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified mbovalue.
FldWpToolReserveReq(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldWpToolStoreLocSite(MboValue mbv)
Construct without a criteria.
Constructor and Description |
FldAssignLaborContractnum(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldAssignLaborCraft(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldAssignLaborFromDate(MboValue mbv)
construct and attach to the MboValue.
FldAssignLaborLocation(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldAssignLaborShiftNum(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldAssignLaborSupervisor(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldAssignLaborToDate(MboValue mbv)
construct and attach to the MboValue.
FldAssignLaborVendor(MboValue mbv) |
FldAssignLaborWorkType(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldDisplayTaskID(MboValue mbv)
FldDisplayWonum(MboValue mbv)
FldLASAssetFeature(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to mbo value
FldLASAssetNum(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified MboValue
FldLASEndFeatureLabel(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attatch to the specified mbo value
FldLASFeature(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attatch to the specified mbo value
FldLASLRM(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attatch to the specified mbo value
FldLASMeasure(MboValue mbv)
constructs and attaches to the MboValue.
FldLASSiteID(MboValue mbv)
Constructor sets the relationship to the Site table.
FldLASStartFeatureLabel(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attatch to the specified mbo value
FldPredessorWOs(MboValue mbv) |
FldSHClass(MboValue mbv)
Construct without a criteria.
FldSHOrgId(MboValue mbv)
Construct without a criteria.
FldShowDownHierarchy(MboValue mbv)
Construct without a criteria.
FldShowRelRecords(MboValue mbv)
Construct without a criteria.
FldShowTopLevlRec(MboValue mbv)
Construct without a criteria.
FldShowUpHierarchy(MboValue mbv)
Construct without a criteria.
FldShowWPTaskID(MboValue mbv)
FldSHRecordkey(MboValue mbv)
Construct without a criteria.
FldSHSiteId(MboValue mbv)
Construct without a criteria.
FldViewWOPMsShowChildren(MboValue mbv)
Construct without a criteria.
FldWOChangeStatus(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the MboValue.
FldWODisplayWonum(MboValue mbv)
FldWOHazardPrecHazardType(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldWOSafetyPlan_Lookup_List_Type(MboValue mbv)
Constructor sets.
Constructor and Description |
FldAction(MboValue mbv)
Default constructor assumes the objectname column is named objectname.
FldAction(MboValue mbv,
java.lang.String objectNameAttr)
FldActionCondition(MboValue mbv) |
FldActionGroupAction(MboValue mbv) |
FldActionGrpSequence(MboValue mbv)
Constructor using default values.
FldActionObjectName(MboValue mbv) |
FldActionParameter(MboValue mbv) |
FldActionType(MboValue mbv)
FldActionValue(MboValue mbv)
Constructor and Description |
FldCommLogTmpltId(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldOrgApp(MboValue mbv) |
FldOrgName(MboValue mbv)
Constructor and Description |
FldCommTmpltBCCList(MboValue mbv) |
FldCommTmpltCCList(MboValue mbv) |
FldCommTmpltObjectName(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldCommTmpltSendToGroupID(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldCommTmpltSendToPersonID(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldCommTmpltSendToRecipientType(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldCommTmpltSendToRoleID(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldCommTmpltSendToValue(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldCommTmpltToList(MboValue mbv) |
FldCommTmpltTrackFailedMsgs(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldTemplateID(MboValue mbv)
This constructor assumes the ObjectName attribute is named ObjectName.
FldTemplateID(MboValue mbv,
java.lang.String objectNameAttr)
Constructor and Description |
FldChangeStatus(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the MboValue.
Constructor and Description |
FldObjectName(MboValue mbv) |
Constructor and Description |
FldDaysOfMonth(MboValue mbv) |
FldDaysOfWeek(MboValue mbv) |
FldFirstOrLast(MboValue mbv) |
FldMinutes(MboValue mbv) |
FldMonthsOfYear(MboValue mbv) |
FldPreview(MboValue mbv) |
FldRadioMonth(MboValue mbv) |
FldRadioYear(MboValue mbv) |
FldRepeat(MboValue mbv) |
Constructor and Description |
FldActive(MboValue mbv) |
FldAsynchronous(MboValue mbv) |
FldEmailAddress(MboValue mbv) |
FldEmailDeletion(MboValue mbv) |
FldInbCommSecurityMaxApp(MboValue mbv) |
FldInbCommSecurityMaxObject(MboValue mbv) |
FldLastRun(MboValue mbv) |
FldMailServer(MboValue mbv) |
FldPollFrequency(MboValue mbv) |
FldProtocol(MboValue mbv) |
FldWFProcess(MboValue mbv) |
Constructor and Description |
FldRoleID(MboValue mbv)
FldRoleObjectName(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value
FldRoleType(MboValue mbv)
FldRoleValue(MboValue mbv)
Constructor and Description |
FldActive(MboValue mbv) |
FldBatchSize(MboValue mbv)
Construct passing in the field to which it is listening
FldCfgGroupOrder(MboValue mbv) |
FldCfgObjectOrder(MboValue mbv) |
FldCfgObjGroup(MboValue mbv)
FldChangeBy(MboValue mbv)
FldCmpSrcFile(MboValue mbv)
FldCondition(MboValue mbv) |
FldDependentGroup(MboValue mbv) |
FldDMCompResultIntName(MboValue mbv)
FldDMCompResultObjectName(MboValue mbv)
FldDMPkgDefName(MboValue mbv)
FldDMRole(MboValue mbv)
FldFilterPkg(MboValue mbv) |
FldMOSObject(MboValue mbv) |
FldType(MboValue mbv) |
Constructor and Description |
FldDmCollEventApp(MboValue mbv)
Constructor of field validation class
FldDmCollEventIntObject(MboValue mbv)
Constructor of field validation class
FldDmCollIsPublic(MboValue mbv) |
FldDmCollLookUpRuleObj(MboValue mbv)
Constructor of field validation class
FldDmCollObjApp(MboValue mbv) |
FldDmCollObjIntObject(MboValue mbv) |
FldDmCollObjObjId(MboValue mbv) |
FldDmCollPkgObjIntObject(MboValue mbv) |
FldDmCollPkgPrimaryObject(MboValue mbv) |
FldDmCollPkgRelatedObject(MboValue mbv) |
FldDmCollRelRuleColsPrimary(MboValue mbv) |
FldDmCollRelRuleColsRelated(MboValue mbv) |
FldDMCollRole(MboValue mbv)
Constructor and Description |
FldImportLimit(MboValue mbv)
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
DMStagingHandler.setBindValue(java.sql.PreparedStatement pstmt,
MboRemote stageMbo,
int bindIndex,
MboValue mv,
java.lang.String columnName,
java.lang.String dbName)
Sets the bind value depending on type
Constructor and Description |
FldTargetName(MboValue mbv)
FldTargetType(MboValue mbv) |
FldTargetURL(MboValue mbv)
Constructor and Description |
FldDMLatestError(MboValue mbv)
Constructor and Description |
FldDMCollection(MboValue mbv)
FldErrorData(MboValue mbv)
FldIsPreview(MboValue mbv)
Constructor and Description |
FldBaseColumnName(MboValue mbv) |
FldBaseTableName(MboValue mbv) |
FldIfaceTbName(MboValue mbv) |
FldInstall(MboValue mbv) |
FldIsChosen(MboValue mbv) |
FldIsOverride(MboValue mbv) |
FldLoadFileName(MboValue mbv) |
FldLoadFileType(MboValue mbv) |
FldLoadIntObjectName(MboValue mbv)
FldLoadMessageType(MboValue mbv) |
FldMessageType(MboValue mbv) |
Constructor and Description |
FldControlValue(MboValue mbv)
FldDomainID(MboValue mbv)
FldIfaceControl(MboValue mbv) |
FldIfaceControlName(MboValue mbv)
FldIfaceControlType(MboValue mbv)
FldOrganizationID(MboValue mbv)
FldSiteID(MboValue mbv)
Constructor and Description |
FldHandlerName(MboValue mbv)
Constructor and Description |
FldContQueueIn(MboValue mbv)
FldEndPointName(MboValue mbv)
FldExtSysInIfacename(MboValue mbv)
FldExtSysOutIfacename(MboValue mbv)
FldIntTabEndPointName(MboValue mbv)
FldMaxQueueQueueName(MboValue mbv)
FldPubEndPointName(MboValue mbv)
FldQueueTenantCode(MboValue mbv)
FldSeqQueueIn(MboValue mbv)
FldSeqQueueOut(MboValue mbv)
Constructor and Description |
FldIM(MboValue mbv) |
FldIMChannel(MboValue mbv) |
FldIMClassname(MboValue mbv) |
FldIMHandler(MboValue mbv) |
FldImOmpProductname(MboValue mbv)
FldIsPrimary(MboValue mbv) |
FldLmo(MboValue mbv) |
FldOILLmo(MboValue mbv) |
FldOmpDisplayname(MboValue mbv) |
FldOmpGuid(MboValue mbv) |
FldOmpImEndpoint(MboValue mbv) |
FldOmpVersion(MboValue mbv)
FldVersion(MboValue mbv)
Constructor and Description |
FldErrorStatus(MboValue mbv)
FldIfaceName(MboValue mbv)
Constructor and Description |
FldTrkStatus(MboValue mbv)
Construct without a criteria.
Constructor and Description |
FldAuthAppName(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the MboValue.
FldAuthObjectName(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the MboValue.
FldCardinality(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified mbovalue.
FldEndPointName(MboValue mbv)
FldFileType(MboValue mbv)
FldHierarchyRelation(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the MboValue.
FldIntObjectCol(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the MboValue.
FldJoinRequired(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified mbovalue.
FldMosFlatSupported(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the MboValue.
FldMosHierarchyPath(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the MboValue.
FldMosIsDefault(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the MboValue.
FldMosMessageType(MboValue mbv) |
FldMosQueryOnly(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the MboValue.
FldMosUseWith(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the MboValue.
FldMosUseWithDesc(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the MboValue.
FldObjappAppName(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the MboValue.
FldObjectName(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the MboValue.
FldOSName(MboValue mbv)
FldParentObjName(MboValue mv)
Construct and attach to the MboValue.
FldRelationDesc(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified mbovalue.
FldRelationName(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the MboValue.
FldSelfReferencing(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the MboValue.
Constructor and Description |
FldIfaceName(MboValue mbv)
FldIntegrationObject(MboValue mbv)
FldReplyRequired(MboValue mbv)
FldUseExternalSchema(MboValue mbv)
Constructor and Description |
FldCheckPublishChannel(MboValue mbv) |
FldEndpointName(MboValue mbv) |
FldIntegrationObject(MboValue mbv) |
FldProcessResponse(MboValue mbv) |
Constructor and Description |
FldOMPProductname(MboValue mbv)
FldOMPVersion(MboValue mbv)
FldResourceClass(MboValue mbv)
FldResourceType(MboValue mbv)
Constructor and Description |
FldLmoInpAtt(MboValue mbv) |
FldLmoMbo(MboValue mbv)
FldLmoMxAtt(MboValue mbv)
FldLmoMxAtt constructor
Constructor and Description |
FldCheckInvokeChannel(MboValue mbv) |
FldIntegrationObject(MboValue mbv) |
Constructor and Description |
FldSwKbtCronPartialRun(MboValue mbv)
Constructor FldTempDir
FldSwKbtCronTempDir(MboValue mbv)
Constructor FldTempDir
FldSwKbtCronTempFile(MboValue mbv)
Constructor FldTempDir
FldTad4zCronPartialRun(MboValue mbv)
Constructor FldTempDir
Constructor and Description |
FldDeplType(MboValue mbv)
FldExtSystemName(MboValue mbv)
FldIsWSSync(MboValue mbv)
FldServiceName(MboValue mbv)
FldSoapVersion(MboValue mbv)
FldSourceName(MboValue mbv)
FldWSSource(MboValue mbv)
Constructor and Description |
FldJMSQConsumerCronParamQName(MboValue mbv) |
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
Mixed case string field
class |
Currency field
class |
Big Integer field type
class |
Character large object field (BLOB).
class |
Character large object field (CLOB).
class |
Encrypted data field
class |
Encrypted, undecryptable data field
class |
DateTime field
class |
Date field
class |
Decimal field
class |
Duration type field
class |
Floating point data field
class |
GL Field
class |
Integer field type
class |
Implementation of the Long Description field.
class |
Lower case string field
class |
Small integer data type
class |
Time data type
class |
Upper case string field
class |
Sort of boolean data type.
class |
MockedMboValue |
class |
Utility class for mocking MboValue objects with values.
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
MboValue |
Field we are listening to
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
<T extends Mbo> |
MboMocker.createMboValue(java.lang.Class<T> backingMboType) |
static MboValue |
MockMboValue.fromALN(java.lang.String data)
Creates a mocked mbo value for a DECIMAL type
static MboValue |
MockMboValue.fromDecimal(double d)
Creates a mocked mbo value for a DECIMAL type
static MboValue |
MockMboValue.fromInt(int d)
Creates a mocked mbo value for an INTEGER type
MboValue |
Mbo.getInstanciatedMboValue(java.lang.String name)
Return a MboValue object given the name, but only if it has been instanciated
Returns null if no MboValue has been create with that name.
MboValue |
Get the MboValue that this domain is attached to
MboValue |
MboValueAdapter.getMboValue(java.lang.String attribute)
Get the mbo value for the specified attribute
MboValue |
Mbo.getMboValue(java.lang.String nameInput)
Return a MboValue object given the name.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
boolean |
NewDomainInfo.canSignatureChangeAfterInit(MboValue value)
Can signature of the object be modified after the MBO value is initialized.
boolean |
DomainInfo.canSignatureChangeAfterInit(MboValue value)
Can signature of the object be modified after the MBO value is initialized.
<T extends MAXTableDomain> |
MboMocker.createMAXTableDomain(java.lang.Class<T> type,
MboValue mboValue) |
MboValueListener |
SYNONYMDomainInfo.getDomainObject(MboValue mbv)
Return an object that will actually perform the validation
MboValueListener |
NUMRANGEDomainInfoBase.getDomainObject(MboValue mbv)
Return an object that will actually perform the validation
MboValueListener |
NUMRANGEDomainInfo.getDomainObject(MboValue mbv)
Return an object that will actually perform the validation
MboValueListener |
NUMERICDomainInfo.getDomainObject(MboValue mbv)
Return an object that will actually perform the validation
abstract MboValueListener |
NewDomainInfo.getDomainObject(MboValue mbv)
Return an object that will actually perform the validation
MboValueListener |
MAXTABLEDomainInfo.getDomainObject(MboValue mbv)
Return an object that will actually perform the validation
abstract MboValueListener |
DomainInfo.getDomainObject(MboValue mbv)
Return an object that will actually perform the validation
MboValueListener |
CROSSOVERDomainInfo.getDomainObject(MboValue mbv)
Return an object that will actually perform the validation
MboValueListener |
ALNDomainInfo.getDomainObject(MboValue mbv)
Return an object that will actually perform the validation
java.lang.Object[] |
NewDomainInfo.getSignature(MboValue value)
Get the signature of the passed in MboValue.
java.lang.Object[] |
DomainInfo.getSignature(MboValue value)
Get the signature of the passed in MboValue.
void |
Mbo.moveFieldFlagsToMboValue(MboValue mv)
Internal method to move the flags set for the field on the Mbo to the mbovalue.
static void |
MockMboValue.verifyFieldAccess(MboValue mv,
long access,
java.lang.String accessStr)
Verify that a setValue() was called with a Field Access Bit
Constructor and Description |
ALNDomain(MboValue mbv)
Construct for the given Mbo Value
BasicDomain(MboValue mbv)
Construct passing the field to which you are listening
CrossOverDomain(MboValue mbv)
Construct specifying the MboValue, name of object to use, where clause, Error group and Error Key
FldBaseLangAttr(MboValue mv) |
FldChangeListener(MboValue mbv) |
FldContentAttr(MboValue mv)
Construct and attach to the MboValue
FldExtensionFld(MboValue mv) |
FldMboKey(MboValue mv)
Construct and attach to the MboValue
FldMboKeyAsMAXTableDomain(MboValue mv)
Construct and attach to the MboValue
MAXTableDomain(MboValue mbv)
Construct passing the field to which you are listening
MboValueAdapter(MboValue mbv)
Overridden classes must call super and pass the parameter.
MboValueData(MboValue mv)
Construct using a MboValue class as the basis !
MboValueData(MboValue mv,
boolean ignoreFieldFlags)
MboValueData object constructed by this constructor doesn't include the readonly
and required flag if ignoreFieldFlags is true.
NumericDomain(MboValue mbv)
Cosntruct the domain with for the specified Mbo Value
NumRangeDomain(MboValue mbv)
Construct passing in the field to which it is listening
SynonymDomain(MboValue mv)
Construct for the specified MboValue
ValueListDomain(MboValue mv)
Construct for the specified MboValue
Constructor and Description |
PlusCFldMobSupportDataDownload(MboValue mbv) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
MboValue |
PlusCAssetAliasField.getMboValue() |
Constructor and Description |
PlusCFldAssetLoopLocation(MboValue mbv) |
PlusCFldAssetMoveDfltNewLoopLocation(MboValue mbv) |
PlusCFldClass(MboValue mbv) |
PlusCFldDueDate(MboValue mbv) |
PlusCFldIsContam(MboValue mbv) |
PlusCFldIsMTe(MboValue mbv) |
PlusCFldOpRgeFrom(MboValue mbv) |
PlusCFldOpRgeTo(MboValue mbv) |
PlusCFldPluscVendor(MboValue mbv) |
PlusCFldPluscVendor(MboValue mbv,
java.lang.String orgAttr) |
PlusCFldSumDir(MboValue mbv) |
PlusCFldSumEu(MboValue mbv) |
PlusCFldSumRead(MboValue mbv) |
PlusCFldSumSpan(MboValue mbv) |
PlusCFldSumUrv(MboValue mbv) |
Constructor and Description |
PlusCFldAssetChangeStatus(MboValue mbv) |
Constructor and Description |
PlusCFldDateFilter(MboValue mbv) |
PlusCFldDSPlanNum(MboValue mbv) |
PlusCFldIsInHouseCal(MboValue mbv) |
PlusCFldIsMTe(MboValue mbv) |
PlusCFldToolNum(MboValue mbv) |
Constructor and Description |
PlusCFldJpDatasheetAssetnum(MboValue mbv)
Instantiates a new plus c fld jp datasheet assetnum.
PlusCFldJPDatasheetLocation(MboValue mbv)
Instantiates a new plus c fld jp datasheet location.
Constructor and Description |
PlusCFldDueDate(MboValue mbv) |
Constructor and Description |
PlusCFldMasPMExtCmts(MboValue mbv) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
PlusCDSPointManual.setFieldFlag(MboRemote mboRemote,
MboValue mboCurrent,
MboRemote myInstr)
Sets some Field Flags according to "Manual DS" business logic.
Constructor and Description |
FldDataSheetOrgId(MboValue mbv)
Instantiates a new fld data sheet org id.
FldDataSheetSiteId(MboValue mbv)
Instantiates a new fld data sheet site id.
PlusCDSPlanStatus(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value.
PlusCFldCdsInstrAssetFunction(MboValue mbv)
Instantiates a new plus c fld cds instr asset function.
PlusCFldConfidLevel(MboValue mv)
Instantiates a new plus c fld confid level.
PlusCFldDataSheetDSPlanNum(MboValue mbv)
Instantiates a new plus c fld data sheet ds plan num.
PlusCFldDSAssetsLinkAssetnum(MboValue mbovalue)
Instantiates a new plus c fld ds assets link assetnum.
PlusCFldDSAssetsLinkItemnum(MboValue mbovalue)
Instantiates a new plus c fld ds assets link itemnum.
PlusCFldDSAssetsLinkLocation(MboValue mbovalue)
Instantiates a new plus c fld ds assets link location.
PlusCFldDSInternationalization(MboValue mbovalue)
Instantiates a new plus c fld ds internationalization.
PlusCFldDSOrgId(MboValue mbv)
Instantiates a new plus c fld ds org id.
PlusCFldDSPlanNum(MboValue mbv)
Instantiates a new plus c fld ds plan num.
PlusCFldDSSetPointAdj(MboValue mbv)
Instantiates a new plus c fld ds set point adj.
PlusCFldDSUncertNumberFormatting(MboValue mbv)
Instantiates a new plus c fld ds uncert number formatting.
PlusCFldEnvironment(MboValue mbv)
Instantiates a new plus c fld environment.
PlusCFldFunctionCheckPass(MboValue mbv)
Instantiates a new plus c fld function check pass.
PlusCFldGbMethod(MboValue mv)
Instantiates a new plus c fld gb method.
PlusCFldGuardbandFromTo(MboValue mbv)
Instantiates a new plus c fld guardband from to.
PlusCFldInstrCalRangeEU(MboValue mbv)
Instantiates a new plus c fld instr cal range eu.
PlusCFldInstrOutRangeEU(MboValue mbv)
Instantiates a new plus c fld instr out range eu.
PlusCFldInstrumentDesc(MboValue mbv)
Instantiates a new plus c fld instrument desc.
PlusCFldJPDSPlanNum(MboValue mbovalue)
Instantiates a new plus c fld jpds plan num.
PlusCFldKFactor(MboValue mv)
Instantiates a new plus c fld k factor.
PlusCFldKFactorConfidLevel(MboValue mv)
Instantiates a new plus c fld k factor confid level.
PlusCFldMeasuredValues(MboValue mbv)
Instantiates a new plus c fld measured values.
PlusCFldNoAdjLimit(MboValue mbv)
Instantiates a new plus c fld no adj limit.
PlusCFldPointRon(MboValue mbv)
Instantiates a new plus c fld point ron.
PlusCFldPointTolerance(MboValue mbv)
Instantiates a new plus c fld point tolerance.
PlusCFldToleranceInputRange(MboValue mbv) |
PlusCFldToleranceOutputRange(MboValue mbv)
Default constructord.
PlusCFldToleranceUpdate(MboValue mbv)
Instantiates a new plus c fld tolerance update.
PlusCFldUpdateRequiredFlag(MboValue mbv)
Instantiates a new plus c fld update required flag.
PlusCFldValidateChangeMeasuredValue(MboValue mbv)
Instantiates a new plus c fld validate change measured value.
PlusCFldViewAsLoop(MboValue mbv)
Instantiates a new plus c fld view as loop.
PlusCFldWODSAssetNum(MboValue mbv)
Instantiates a new plus c fld wods asset num.
PlusCFldWODSLocation(MboValue mbovalue)
Instantiates a new plus c fld wods location.
PlusCFldWODSPlanNum(MboValue mbovalue)
Instantiates a new plus c fld wods plan num.
PlusCFldWODSTagLocation(MboValue mbv)
Instantiates a new plus c fld wods tag location.
PlusCFldWONoAdjMade(MboValue mbv)
Instantiates a new plus c fld wo no adj made.
PlusFldToSite(MboValue mbv)
Instantiates a new plus fld to site.
Constructor and Description |
PlusCFldAssetItemnum(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the mbo value.
PlusCFldATMeterCommodity(MboValue mbv) |
PlusCFldATMeterItemnum(MboValue mbv) |
PlusCFldAverage(MboValue mbv)
Instantiates a new plus c fld average.
PlusCFldAvgCalcMethod(MboValue mbv)
Instantiates a new plus c fld avg calc method.
PlusCFldClassStructureId(MboValue mbv)
Instantiates a new plus c fld class structure id.
PlusCFldCompany(MboValue mbv)
Instantiates a new plus c fld company.
PlusCFldDSTmpltPlanNum(MboValue mbv)
Instantiates a new plus c fld ds tmplt plan num.
PlusCFldGroupName(MboValue mbv)
Instantiates a new plus c fld group name.
PlusCFldMasterPMNum(MboValue mbv)
Instantiates a new plus c fld master pm num.
PlusCFldMeterName(MboValue mbv)
Instantiates a new plus c fld meter name.
PlusCFldMeterReadingType(MboValue mbv)
Instantiates a new plus c fld meter reading type.
PlusCFldRepairLimit(MboValue mbv)
Constructs and attach to the mbo value.
PlusCFldSiteID(MboValue mbv)
Instantiates a new plus c fld site id.
PlusCFldSlidingWindowSize(MboValue mbv) |
PlusCFldSparePartItemnum(MboValue mbv) |
PlusCFldSpecAlnValue(MboValue mbv) |
PlusCFldSpecNumValue(MboValue mbv) |
PlusCFldTemplateOpRgeFrom(MboValue mbv)
Instantiates a new plus c fld template op rge from.
PlusCFldTemplateOpRgeTo(MboValue mbv) |
PlusCFldTmpltAssetnum(MboValue mbovalue)
Instantiates a new plus c fld tmplt assetnum.
Constructor and Description |
PlusCFldAssetnum(MboValue mbv) |
PlusCFldAssetStatus(MboValue mv) |
PlusCFldExistingAssetnum(MboValue mbv) |
PlusCFldLocation(MboValue mbv) |
PlusCFldMeterStartDate(MboValue mbv) |
PlusCFldPMStartDate(MboValue mbv) |
PlusCFldPMStoreroom(MboValue mbv) |
PlusCFldQuantity(MboValue mbv) |
PlusCFldStartNum(MboValue mbv) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
PlusCFldPMJpnumCfg.PMJpnumCfg(MboValue thisMboValue,
java.lang.String status) |
Constructor and Description |
PlusCFldExtDate(MboValue mbv) |
PlusCFldPMNum(MboValue mbv) |
PlusCFldPMPrevExtDate(MboValue mbv) |
Constructor and Description |
PlusCFldToolItemnum(MboValue mbv) |
PlusCFldToolTransToolnum(MboValue mbv) |
Constructor and Description |
PlusCFldAssetItemNum(MboValue mbv) |
PlusCFldDSPlanNum(MboValue mbv) |
PlusCFldPlusCNextDate(MboValue mbv) |
PlusCFldPlusTechnician(MboValue mbv) |
PlusCFldReviewDate(MboValue mbovalue) |
PlusCFldReviewer(MboValue mbovalue) |
PlusCFldSpotCheckAssetNum(MboValue mbv) |
PlusCFldSpotCheckCheckBy(MboValue mbv) |
PlusCFldSpotCheckCheckDate(MboValue mbv) |
PlusCFldSpotCheckItemNum(MboValue mbv) |
PlusCFldSpotCheckStdAssetNum(MboValue mbv) |
PlusCFldSpotCheckStdItemNum(MboValue mbv) |
PlusCFldSpotCheckStdToolNum(MboValue mbv) |
PlusCFldSpotCheckToolNum(MboValue mbv) |
PlusCFldSpotCheckWONum(MboValue mbv) |
PlusCFldToolTransExpiryDate(MboValue mbv) |
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
UniqueIdProvider |
Constructor and Description |
FldLDAPSyncCronXML(MboValue mbv) |
Constructor and Description |
FldVMMSyncCronXML(MboValue mbv) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static MboValue |
Returns an empty, ALN, MboValue.
Constructor and Description |
FldAppenderImpl(MboValue mbv)
FldAppenders(MboValue mbv)
FldDefltFolder(MboValue mbv) |
FldDisplayDesc(MboValue mbv) |
FldFileName(MboValue mbv) |
FldLogger(MboValue mbv)
Constructor and Description |
FldActionAvailable(MboValue mbv)
FldActionCondition(MboValue mbv)
FldActionIsPositive(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified MboValue
FldActionMemberID(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified MboValue
FldActionOwnerID(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified MboValue
FldActionSeq(MboValue mbv)
FldActionValue(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified MboValue
FldApplicationId(MboValue mbv) |
FldAsgnGroupNum(MboValue mbv)
FldAssignmentRelationship(MboValue mbv)
FldAssignmentRoleID(MboValue mbv)
FldConditionAttribute(MboValue mbv)
FldEscRoleID(MboValue mbv)
FldInstanceActive(MboValue mbv)
FldInstanceOwnerDesc(MboValue mbv)
FldNodeTakeNegative(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified mbovalue
FldNodeTakePositive(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified mbovalue
FldNodeTitle(MboValue mbv)
FldNodeType(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified mbovalue
FldNotifySendTo(MboValue mbv)
FldNotifyText(MboValue mbv)
FldPOProcessName(MboValue mbv)
FldProcessName(MboValue mbv)
Constructor - default objectname attribute name to 'objectname'
FldProcessName(MboValue mbv,
java.lang.String objectName)
Constructor with objectname.
FldPRProcessName(MboValue mbv)
FldTempDesc(MboValue mbv)
FldTemplateID(MboValue mbv) |
FldWFAppToolbarIcon(MboValue mbv)
FldWFAppToolbarName(MboValue mbv)
FldWFAppToolbarSeq(MboValue mbv)
FldWFAsgnApp(MboValue mbv)
FldWFAsgnEmail(MboValue mbv)
FldWFAsgnLastMemo(MboValue mbv)
FldWFAsgnTemplateID(MboValue mbv)
FldWFInteractionAction(MboValue mbv)
FldWFInteractionApp(MboValue mbv)
FldWFInteractionObject(MboValue mbv)
FldWFInteractionProcess(MboValue mbv)
FldWFInteractionRelation(MboValue mbv)
FldWFInteractionTab(MboValue mbv)
FldWFObjectName(MboValue mbv)
FldWFProcessDesc(MboValue mbv)
FldWFProcessName(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified mbovalue
FldWFSubProcessName(MboValue mbv)
FldWFTemplateID(MboValue mbv)
FldWOProcessName(MboValue mbv)
FldXactActionTaken(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified mbovalue
FldXactDescription(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified mbovalue
FldXactReAssigned(MboValue mbv)
Construct and attach to the specified mbovalue
Constructor and Description |
FldAssignDisplayOne(MboValue mbv)
FldCompleteActionId(MboValue mbv) |
FldHostName(MboValue mbv)
FldInitWFProcessName(MboValue mbv)
FldInputActionId(MboValue mbv)
FldIsCustomClass(MboValue mbv)
FldMapProcess(MboValue mbv)
FldMapWFID(MboValue mbv)
FldMemberNodeTitle(MboValue mbv)
FldNodePointedTo(MboValue mbv)
FldShowDeletable(MboValue mbv)
FldSupportSigOption(MboValue mbv)
FldSupportToolbar(MboValue mbv)
FldTempTemplateID(MboValue mbv)
FldUserSql(MboValue mbv)
FldWFAction(MboValue mbv)
FldWFExternalMainApp(MboValue mbv)
FldWFToolBarActive(MboValue mbv)
FldWFZoom(MboValue mbv)